LifeACT International

LifeACT International
"What's your quest?" (Click on the LifeACT logo to be redirected to the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group!)

Monday, March 7, 2011

DAYS 21/22: Getting By With a Little Help From My Friends

DAYS 21/22: Getting By With a Little Help From My Friends

March 7, 2011
8:18 am

Got back from a nice, relaxing stay at my parents this weekend and attended the Action Circles! joint meetup last night. This was our first meeting at the Sanktuary Spa in Lansdale, PA. In attendance were Kellylore’n, Michael, Mike W., Lynne, Karen, Ruth, Joshua and some new faces - Delia and Jamie.

For those of you who aren’t aware, Action Circles! is our “sister” meetup group where we all sit together in a relaxed atmosphere and identify the critical gap between where we are and where we’d like to be within the process of our 60 Day Quests. I expressed my gap in confidence last night after the Sarasota episode and these supportive people really came through for me. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep perspective of your true value when someone who barely knows you is saying you have little or no value. I’m grateful that our Action Circles! meetup helped mirror back my true value since almost everyone in the room HAD experienced what I have to offer. I needed to hear this and was a true case of “getting by with a little help from my friends.”

I also received some of the best advice to date which may help me finish my Quest even sooner than anticipated. It truly is amazing the power of having an open space to ask for what you want in a room full of very intelligent, nurturing people. I feel so blessed and appreciate every one of you so much. I’m able to go into this week more confident than ever and solid in my reasons for taking this Quest!

I hope you’ll join us for the next Action Circles! meetup: whether your intention is for a new home, new career or just to make sense of things - there are answers waiting for you here.

Next Sunday please join us for my joint meetup with Joshua Duncan. Joshua and I will be combining our specialties for the evening. This week represents Phase 4 of the Hero’s Journey which I call The Desert. This is the first of three “emotional” challenges during the 60 Day Quest. In the Desert we may feel mal-nourished, dehydrated, prone to the misleading mirages, but somehow we move forward even if we’re not seeing clearly. Joshua will focus his Aharata teachings on the emotional heart chakra and how to generate energy. My work will be placing you in “Desert-like” situations where your focus becomes sharpened and you own the full power of what we call “negative” emotions.

We’ll be playing the game Voices and working with the EMC: Emotional Calibration Ladder.

The emotions we’ll be navigating include: Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, Pride, Courage, Trust/Faith, Willingness, Acceptance/Forgiveness, Clarity, Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment. By navigating a full spectrum of emotions we’ll be developing the skills in how to tap into any emotional state at will.

With gratitude,

Mike Shoeman
The Life Artist

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