LifeACT International

LifeACT International
"What's your quest?" (Click on the LifeACT logo to be redirected to the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group!)

Friday, March 4, 2011

DAY 19: A Long, Boring List of What I'm Grateful For...

DAY 19: A Long, Boring List of What I'm Grateful For...

March 4, 2011

I’ve done a lot of soul searching in the past 24 hours. My Helping Hands have been coming through and whispering a very strong message: Mike, you’re being WAY too hard on yourself!

And it’s true. It's been a very emotional experience transitioning from the Helping Hands (the final phase dealing with the mental world) into the Desert phase (the first phase addressing the emotional world.) After a restful night’s sleep I can see how obsessive I’ve become about my Quest. I want to take the time to appreciate what I have. After yesterday’s blog I couldn’t shake my feelings of anger, guilt, shame, fear and the “stuck feeling”. It felt like the Desert so I did some emotional probing on myself. Anyway, I want to apologize for the frame of mind I was in when I wrote yesterday’s post. It indicatesd a feeling of being alone, but I know I’m far from being alone.

Back to appreciating what I have:
I appreciate that I’m able to see my shortcomings.
I appreciate that I’m willing to ask for help.
I’m grateful that I am moving forward in my Quest regardless of whether or not I have a bad day.
I’m grateful for my friends who do come to my aid when I need them.
I’m grateful for the friends who serve me for allowing me to serve them.
I’m grateful for my girlfriend and family for always providing a loving space for me to express myself.
I’m grateful for the Desert coming up because the emotional activities are exactly what I need.
I’m appreciative that the weather’s nice out.
I’m appreciative that the church yesterday truly did want to help me out.
I’m appreciative that I have a weekly group to go to for finding mutual support on our Quests.
I’m grateful for being able to identify what I’m grateful for!
I’m grateful for having this time and space to identify what I’m grateful for.
I’m grateful for this blog to journal my feelings on; it really is making the difference between going crazy and having clarity of thought.
I’m grateful that things truly are easier than I sometimes make them.
I appreciate you reading this.
I appreciate the connections I do have.
I appreciate that I have many moments, both past and present, to reflect on which have provided epiphanies.
I’m grateful for being able to express myself and not have to be perfect doing it.
I’m grateful for my passion and my ability to take action.
I’m grateful for my ability to take criticism.
I’m grateful for the opening I’m feeling in my heart right now.
I’m grateful that the Helping Hands are there for me to reveal truth, offer guidance and ease the burden on my heart.
Finally, I’m grateful for this gift.

Sincerely grateful,
Mike Shoeman
A Different Kind of Life Artist for Today

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