DAY 15: The Helping Hands
February 28, 2011
7:46 am
We’re at the point in the story where “Act 1” has almost concluded. We’re about to make a huge leap: out of the mental and into the emotional world of “Act 2”. This is the point where our “unconscious incompetence” becomes “conscious incompetence” and that’s a hard pill to swallow.
Last night we had 10 participants experience the “Helping Hands” phase of the 60 Day Quest. I want to thank Melody, Lynne, Mike, Laurie, Zach, Margo, Martiena, Lyle, Holly and Ruth for coming out and experiencing this phase. We began the night with a game called “Chain of Events” where the group composed a story about Sam the Dragon, Atlas the price check clerk and Isis’s housewarming party! Later in the night we used the “Chain of Events” game to find answers to 3 of the 11 questions posted by the members in attendance. The questions we addressed were “What is my next step?” “How do I balance career and relationship?” and “How do I use my uniqueness to pursue a career serving humanity?”
As our fist hour concluded we broke and shared in the pineapple rice Melody had brought for the group. In the second hour we built a “Human Bridge”. In this activity each participant built a Three-Sectioned bridge, identifying the building blocks which closed the critical gap between where you are and where you’d like to be. Each “Link” in the bridge held an intention for the builder. (For example: my quest is to raise an annual income in 60 Days. Each link in my chain held an intention - “I hold the intention of the Joint Venture partnerships you’ve established this week.” “I hold the intention of your outreach to UU churches.” “I hold the intention for your Meetup outreach.” “I hold the intention of your completing the 60 Day Quest of raising an annual income.") After you design your “Own” bridge, the bridge speaks back and offers possible additional or alternate courses of action.
We wrapped up by identifying three “symbolic talismans” to draw upon this week to help us leave the Shadow and continue on our quest. These talismans, once identified, will aid us through the emotional Act 2 - like Dorothy’s ruby slippers, Frodo’s light star which protected him from the giant spider, or Ariadne’s string.
My symbols to be used this week include the following:
The Lotus Blossom: Reminds me to contact an old friend who continues to be brought to my attention. This friend has experience in booking workshops.
The Candle: Reminds me to honor and nurture my partners in their intentions and respective quests.
A Chain of Hands: Reminds me reach out to my non-profit partner to establish the charitable and non-profit side of my business.
This is truly starting to feel like an epic quest. These three talismans, though symbolic in nature, represent three very real amulets to use along the way.
In profound curiosity of the day,
Michael Shoeman
“The Life Artist”
Author of The Destiny 5 Experience
My Public Journal on How to Raise an Annual Income in 60 Days or Less! This is a Quest spanning from February to April, 2011 proving to my readers that you can earn an annual income in less than 60 days doing what you love through right thought, deed, and most importantly - right ACTION!
LifeACT International
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
DAY 14: Dawn Breaks/The Point of No Return
DAY 14: Dawn Breaks/The Point of No Return
February 27, 2011
7:56 am
I’m frightened.
It’s true. Money scares me. My critical gap right now, on top of the limited time I have to complete SO MANY things, is getting through the next week or two. Taxes are coming due, I had to take out a new business insurance policy, and I have a credit card threatening to swallow me whole because I had no other option than to use it. For me the Shadow is become most intense right when the Helping Hands are about to come through and put a stop to the bleeding.
When coming out of the Shadow sometimes you have painful truths to acknowledge. In the acknowledgement of this pain you forced to scream. In that “screaming” you ask for what you need to get through the quest.
I’d like to share a few excerpts from my soon-to-be-released book The Destiny 5 Experience. This occurs in the moments when I’m about to refuse the call to writing this book. I have an “inner dialogue” with my higher intelligence, or the Universe, or God, or whatever label you want to put on the phenomena of being able to tune into a higher wisdom which comes through the center of your being.
GOD/DESS: ...and so we find the deepest layer of what this project means to you, Mike. It's a dilemma that I promise you are not alone in. People will identify with you, with your entire story in this book, and will want to know what happens to you; they will want to know what happens next. That's part of the reason I can promise you all you seek and bring more than even you ever imagined possible.
MIKE: I don't know, God. In the words of Han Solo: "I can imagine quite a bit."
GOD/DESS: So there you have it, Mike. Am I a God interested in humanity and One who provides true understanding about how to master the world and the powerful creative endowments of manifestation? Or am I a non-existent god, a figment of people's minds to cling to in desperation, where you live in a world that is truly meaningless and loveless?
MIKE: (Visibly moved, for the first time taking in what writing this book truly means to him.) Pretty compelling stuff. I can see now that there's truly no turning back knowing this. This is an answer that needs to be found out through experience. It inspires me to great, unspeakable emotions.
GOD/DESS: There's your power speaking to you.
MIKE: The point of no return?
GOD/DESS: The point of no return.
Mike Shoemn
The Life Artist
February 27, 2011
7:56 am
I’m frightened.
It’s true. Money scares me. My critical gap right now, on top of the limited time I have to complete SO MANY things, is getting through the next week or two. Taxes are coming due, I had to take out a new business insurance policy, and I have a credit card threatening to swallow me whole because I had no other option than to use it. For me the Shadow is become most intense right when the Helping Hands are about to come through and put a stop to the bleeding.
When coming out of the Shadow sometimes you have painful truths to acknowledge. In the acknowledgement of this pain you forced to scream. In that “screaming” you ask for what you need to get through the quest.
I’d like to share a few excerpts from my soon-to-be-released book The Destiny 5 Experience. This occurs in the moments when I’m about to refuse the call to writing this book. I have an “inner dialogue” with my higher intelligence, or the Universe, or God, or whatever label you want to put on the phenomena of being able to tune into a higher wisdom which comes through the center of your being.
MIKE: (In disbelief as quest is starting to feel “real“) How do I know this "promise" is not simply just wishful thinking? I've been here before, God - what keeps this from becoming a pipe dream created by my overactive imagination? It may be that I created a "God" in my mind to give me false hope in a time where I'm severely struggling in life. It might get me through the completion of the Destiny 5 project, but what happens if I have a finished manuscript that no one with the power to make money at it will read or even give to it the time of day? (One last shout of desperation.) I'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE TOO!!!! If I finish Destiny 5 and don't receive what you're now promising me, then my theory about what GOD means to me is complete crap and my entire existence is truly misguided! That’s some terribly scary shit! GOD/DESS: ...and so we find the deepest layer of what this project means to you, Mike. It's a dilemma that I promise you are not alone in. People will identify with you, with your entire story in this book, and will want to know what happens to you; they will want to know what happens next. That's part of the reason I can promise you all you seek and bring more than even you ever imagined possible.
MIKE: I don't know, God. In the words of Han Solo: "I can imagine quite a bit."
GOD/DESS: So there you have it, Mike. Am I a God interested in humanity and One who provides true understanding about how to master the world and the powerful creative endowments of manifestation? Or am I a non-existent god, a figment of people's minds to cling to in desperation, where you live in a world that is truly meaningless and loveless?
MIKE: (Visibly moved, for the first time taking in what writing this book truly means to him.) Pretty compelling stuff. I can see now that there's truly no turning back knowing this. This is an answer that needs to be found out through experience. It inspires me to great, unspeakable emotions.
GOD/DESS: There's your power speaking to you.
MIKE: The point of no return?
GOD/DESS: The point of no return.
Mike Shoemn
The Life Artist
Saturday, February 26, 2011
DAY 13: Coming Out of the Dark
DAY 13: Coming Out of the Dark
February 26, 2011
Getting a little late start on my blog today.
It truly feels like the Shadow is lifting. Part of the beauty the Shadow offers is that you clearly see the critical gap between where you are and where you’d like to be. Once this critical gap is identified, you know what to ask for in order to cross it. That’s where the Helping Hands come in and the topic we’ll be covering next week.
If I had to be honest, I’m feeling a little out of sorts in relation where I’d like to be on my 60 Day Quest. Many potential paths through working with partners have emerged this week. It feels like murky ground simply because the doors opening aren’t the ones I’ve expected. I fear my outcome will take longer than 60 days. But if this path offers an simpler, easier, smoother transition - I’m willing to take it. Quite frankly, I think the quest is telling me, “Yes, we’re going to give you your year’s worth of income in less than 60 days - but it’s going to come in ways you’re not presently expecting!”
I’m especially looking forward to tomorrow’s meetup. I’ve been wanting to share so much with everyone and had gotten behind in my correspondences. The weekly meetup is just as valuable for me as it is in the perception I have which it does for the others in the group. There’s a lot to be said for face-to-face communication over connecting by internet or even the phone; I suspect this is also an element of the 21st century hero’s journey.
Oh! I’ve sent my audio journal to my martial arts instructor from my childhood! While making my 60 Day audio program I mentioned how it’s very important to acknowledge the people who put it in to your mind that you CAN have, be or do anything. This counter-balances the Shadow where we identify people, places or events who might have implied that we COULDN’T do, be or have something. I’m hoping my sensai from childhood is pleased with how I revere him and the work I’m doing today.
Most importantly - I’m having fun with this quest. That should be acknowledged.
Mike Shoeman
“The Life Artist”
CLICK HERE for The Destiny 5 Experience Video.
CLICK HERE for my funny outtake blog.
February 26, 2011
Getting a little late start on my blog today.
It truly feels like the Shadow is lifting. Part of the beauty the Shadow offers is that you clearly see the critical gap between where you are and where you’d like to be. Once this critical gap is identified, you know what to ask for in order to cross it. That’s where the Helping Hands come in and the topic we’ll be covering next week.
If I had to be honest, I’m feeling a little out of sorts in relation where I’d like to be on my 60 Day Quest. Many potential paths through working with partners have emerged this week. It feels like murky ground simply because the doors opening aren’t the ones I’ve expected. I fear my outcome will take longer than 60 days. But if this path offers an simpler, easier, smoother transition - I’m willing to take it. Quite frankly, I think the quest is telling me, “Yes, we’re going to give you your year’s worth of income in less than 60 days - but it’s going to come in ways you’re not presently expecting!”
I’m especially looking forward to tomorrow’s meetup. I’ve been wanting to share so much with everyone and had gotten behind in my correspondences. The weekly meetup is just as valuable for me as it is in the perception I have which it does for the others in the group. There’s a lot to be said for face-to-face communication over connecting by internet or even the phone; I suspect this is also an element of the 21st century hero’s journey.
Oh! I’ve sent my audio journal to my martial arts instructor from my childhood! While making my 60 Day audio program I mentioned how it’s very important to acknowledge the people who put it in to your mind that you CAN have, be or do anything. This counter-balances the Shadow where we identify people, places or events who might have implied that we COULDN’T do, be or have something. I’m hoping my sensai from childhood is pleased with how I revere him and the work I’m doing today.
Most importantly - I’m having fun with this quest. That should be acknowledged.
Mike Shoeman
“The Life Artist”
CLICK HERE for The Destiny 5 Experience Video.
CLICK HERE for my funny outtake blog.
Friday, February 25, 2011
DAY 12: My Goofy Shadow
DAY 12: My Goofy Shadow
February 25, 2011
7:48 am
I recently posted a video with some goofy outtakes. You may watch this video by CLICKING HERE to fully understand where I’m coming from.
This 21st Century Hero’s Journey is very important to me because, as you’ve seen, it allows me to cultivate a sense of play. I think I learned this from my 4th and 5th grade teacher Mr. Dave Sochan (yes, I enjoyed this man so much as a teacher I asked my parents to request I be placed in his class a second year.) Oftentimes I credit my martial arts training with the metamorphosis I experienced going from a depressed child to an outgoing teenager. But it was Mr. Sochan’s class that planted the seeds in my mind that work can be fun!
What a great gift to give a student: my teacher would sing goofy versions of oldies songs, actually wear sunglasses while singing “Gotta Wear Shades” and play B-52 songs during class. Mr. Sochan had a firm side to him as well, knew how to discipline, but the man’s creative, inclusive assignments still fascinate me as an adult. For example, when we had to write an English composition he had us draw letters out of a hat. Whatever letter we drew was to be the first letter of the topic we wrote about. (I drew the letter “V” and ended up struggling through writing a paper on Queen Victoria. It seemed I drew the one letter that challenged me because I couldn’t think up another topic to begin with V! Too bad the movie V for Vendetta wasn’t to be released for another 20 years!)
Thank you, Mr. Sochan, for unlocking a humorous, playful side of me and at the same time hand me one of my greatest assets I enjoy as an adult - the ability to think outside the box and apply innovation to my work.
During Week 2 of the quest we focus on the Shadow - that is we identify the people, places and events that might have put it in our minds that we couldn’t do, be or have something. Oftentimes, we forget the people who put it in our minds that we CAN do, be or have anything we truly aspire to. I think the real Shadow we face is shutting those voices out and listening to the “devilish” voices.
As I watch my latest video, it reminds me of a monologue I used to perform from the play Romeo and Juliet: American Style. Originally the dialogue, written by an author named Budd Robinson, was between Romeo and the Devil which took place in modern-day Verona, California. Romeo was sent to Hell after taking his life in the Shakespearean version but returned to 1994 (or whatever year the play is produced - 1994 happened to be the year I first picked up this piece.) Romeo’s task is to woo the reincarnated version of Juliet.
When I directed the play in 1994, with the intentions of acting in it, I was fraught with logistical problems that closed down the production before we even got to dress rehearsals. But the play stuck with me: I made the dialogue into a monologue with the Devil possessing Romeo’s body and kind of created a Steve Martin All of Me kind of piece with the Devil goofily and immaturely sabotaging Romeo’s romantic escapades.
The video I just released is an essay of sorts. The black-and-white obviously are my goofy outtakes and represents the Shadow which I’m now using productively. I express anger, frustration, greed and angst through humor but as you can see it’s a Shadow beginning to become used productively. When the loud techno-music ends and when all the black-and-white effects are over - there is a very clear message: LIVE YOUR QUEST.
Michael Shoeman
“The Life Artist”
“Why so serious?”
February 25, 2011
7:48 am
I recently posted a video with some goofy outtakes. You may watch this video by CLICKING HERE to fully understand where I’m coming from.
This 21st Century Hero’s Journey is very important to me because, as you’ve seen, it allows me to cultivate a sense of play. I think I learned this from my 4th and 5th grade teacher Mr. Dave Sochan (yes, I enjoyed this man so much as a teacher I asked my parents to request I be placed in his class a second year.) Oftentimes I credit my martial arts training with the metamorphosis I experienced going from a depressed child to an outgoing teenager. But it was Mr. Sochan’s class that planted the seeds in my mind that work can be fun!
What a great gift to give a student: my teacher would sing goofy versions of oldies songs, actually wear sunglasses while singing “Gotta Wear Shades” and play B-52 songs during class. Mr. Sochan had a firm side to him as well, knew how to discipline, but the man’s creative, inclusive assignments still fascinate me as an adult. For example, when we had to write an English composition he had us draw letters out of a hat. Whatever letter we drew was to be the first letter of the topic we wrote about. (I drew the letter “V” and ended up struggling through writing a paper on Queen Victoria. It seemed I drew the one letter that challenged me because I couldn’t think up another topic to begin with V! Too bad the movie V for Vendetta wasn’t to be released for another 20 years!)
Thank you, Mr. Sochan, for unlocking a humorous, playful side of me and at the same time hand me one of my greatest assets I enjoy as an adult - the ability to think outside the box and apply innovation to my work.
During Week 2 of the quest we focus on the Shadow - that is we identify the people, places and events that might have put it in our minds that we couldn’t do, be or have something. Oftentimes, we forget the people who put it in our minds that we CAN do, be or have anything we truly aspire to. I think the real Shadow we face is shutting those voices out and listening to the “devilish” voices.
As I watch my latest video, it reminds me of a monologue I used to perform from the play Romeo and Juliet: American Style. Originally the dialogue, written by an author named Budd Robinson, was between Romeo and the Devil which took place in modern-day Verona, California. Romeo was sent to Hell after taking his life in the Shakespearean version but returned to 1994 (or whatever year the play is produced - 1994 happened to be the year I first picked up this piece.) Romeo’s task is to woo the reincarnated version of Juliet.
When I directed the play in 1994, with the intentions of acting in it, I was fraught with logistical problems that closed down the production before we even got to dress rehearsals. But the play stuck with me: I made the dialogue into a monologue with the Devil possessing Romeo’s body and kind of created a Steve Martin All of Me kind of piece with the Devil goofily and immaturely sabotaging Romeo’s romantic escapades.
The video I just released is an essay of sorts. The black-and-white obviously are my goofy outtakes and represents the Shadow which I’m now using productively. I express anger, frustration, greed and angst through humor but as you can see it’s a Shadow beginning to become used productively. When the loud techno-music ends and when all the black-and-white effects are over - there is a very clear message: LIVE YOUR QUEST.
Michael Shoeman
“The Life Artist”
“Why so serious?”
Thursday, February 24, 2011
DAY 11: The Shadow Closes In
DAY 11: The Shadow Closes In
February 24, 2011
9:07 am
I’ve really given a lot to others this week which as I’ve mentioned, the Shadow will require you to meet the needs of others. Sometimes miscommunication can happen here and please, dear reader, DO NOT BE FOOLED! This is a temptation to get upset and abandon your quest. I’m sitting in the parking lot of the offices of a good friend of mine because we mis-communicated the time we were going to meet to do a video shoot. I also just surprisingly found out I’ll be driving over an hour on Saturday to meet one of my intern staff in New Jersey after my girlfriend told me I’m supposed to stick around for a visit from her sister!
Okay. Step back. Breathe.
Be flexible: that’s the lesson. Sitting in this parking lot is allowing me to write this blog. Driving out to New Jersey will prove how dedicated I am to my intern staff and having them succeed.
Time to get re-centered on my quest which now taking on the form of working with partners. So what do I have to do to make today effective in moving forward with my potential partners?
Today I intend to edit another video or two which promotes my partner’s business and our joint venture together. I also intend to study another potential partner’s website, videos and blog. I also have speaking engagements that are happening that I have to follow up on. These tasks will be my focus for today to move my 60 Day Quest forward.
Now another round of What Happens Next?
Me: I’m frustrated today.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: It’s because I don’t have time to waste right now.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I feel angry, stressed, frustrated.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I wrote this blog.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m still overwhelmed but at least focused on what to do today to move my quest forward.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I feel better from re-centering my focus.
What Happens Next?
Me: I’m frustrated today.
My Shadow: (Tails) No, you’re not.
Me: I’m grateful for the opportunity to do a little self-exploration through this blog.
My Shadow: (Heads) What happens next?
Me: I breathed and got re-centered.
My Shadow: (Tails) No. You didn’t.
Me: I let go of all my tension and went with the flow.
My Shadow: (Heads) What happens next?
Me: I’m ready to see my friend with a clear mind and open heart.
My Shadow: (Heads) What happens next?
Me: I finished this blog for today.
Mike Shoeman
The Life Artist
CLICK HERE for 1 of 8 in a series entitled “The Most Memorable Meetup EVER!”
CLICK HERE for the latest installment of the LifeACT Video Ezine.
CLICK HERE for The Destiny 5 Experience Video. with the “Chaos” factor
February 24, 2011
9:07 am
I’ve really given a lot to others this week which as I’ve mentioned, the Shadow will require you to meet the needs of others. Sometimes miscommunication can happen here and please, dear reader, DO NOT BE FOOLED! This is a temptation to get upset and abandon your quest. I’m sitting in the parking lot of the offices of a good friend of mine because we mis-communicated the time we were going to meet to do a video shoot. I also just surprisingly found out I’ll be driving over an hour on Saturday to meet one of my intern staff in New Jersey after my girlfriend told me I’m supposed to stick around for a visit from her sister!
Okay. Step back. Breathe.
Be flexible: that’s the lesson. Sitting in this parking lot is allowing me to write this blog. Driving out to New Jersey will prove how dedicated I am to my intern staff and having them succeed.
Time to get re-centered on my quest which now taking on the form of working with partners. So what do I have to do to make today effective in moving forward with my potential partners?
Today I intend to edit another video or two which promotes my partner’s business and our joint venture together. I also intend to study another potential partner’s website, videos and blog. I also have speaking engagements that are happening that I have to follow up on. These tasks will be my focus for today to move my 60 Day Quest forward.
Now another round of What Happens Next?
Me: I’m frustrated today.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: It’s because I don’t have time to waste right now.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I feel angry, stressed, frustrated.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I wrote this blog.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m still overwhelmed but at least focused on what to do today to move my quest forward.
My Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I feel better from re-centering my focus.
What Happens Next?
Me: I’m frustrated today.
My Shadow: (Tails) No, you’re not.
Me: I’m grateful for the opportunity to do a little self-exploration through this blog.
My Shadow: (Heads) What happens next?
Me: I breathed and got re-centered.
My Shadow: (Tails) No. You didn’t.
Me: I let go of all my tension and went with the flow.
My Shadow: (Heads) What happens next?
Me: I’m ready to see my friend with a clear mind and open heart.
My Shadow: (Heads) What happens next?
Me: I finished this blog for today.
Mike Shoeman
The Life Artist
CLICK HERE for 1 of 8 in a series entitled “The Most Memorable Meetup EVER!”
CLICK HERE for the latest installment of the LifeACT Video Ezine.
CLICK HERE for The Destiny 5 Experience Video. with the “Chaos” factor
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
DAY 10: Friendly Shadows
DAY 10: Friendly Shadows
February 23, 2011
I've allowed myself to be relaxed and enjoyed last night. It occurs to me that I’m a very driven person and have the temptation to get lost in my work. I took time out to have an enjoyable evening with my girlfriend and “put work away” for the evening. One of the deeper reasons for this 60 Day Quest, and raising an annual income within that time, is to have the freedom to be with her more. Sometimes I wonder how many relationships have been destroyed by workaholism or of one’s desperate need to prove oneself to the world.
Again, all remnants of this Shadow quality.
Had a wonderful meeting with Joshua Duncan yesterday. The two of us found a very compelling intersection with our work. It seems each element of the hero’s journey has a very poignant parallel to Aharata (think combination of yoga with an “internal” martial art) and the charging of and harnessing the power of each chakra. Joshua and I are developing a program where I guide the participants through the hero’s journey and Joshua will focus on the element of energetic awareness through this process. During my Origins phase Joshua focuses on the crown chakra; during the Shadow - the third eye; during the Helping Hands - the throat…and so on. It makes me realize that this partnership with Joshua could be an exciting bridge into the worlds of Yoga, Martial Arts and other facilities offering eastern solutions.
It makes me alsoappreciate the week I’m having. Every single day this week I’ve been meeting with potential business partners. Even though my niche is Meetups and Universal Unitarian promotion, my potential partners offer bridges to the worlds of (as mentioned) yoga and martial arts but also the spiritual, entrepreneurial and holistic communities. Other partners this week could open doors to the theater community or the world of mental health or the mentoring of teens. This is the positive part of the “2” energy or the Shadow: it's a call to listen very carefully to the needs of others and blending intentions. I'm beginning to believe that that’s what the Shadow is calling us to do in order to successfully navigate this phase.
Me: But this week I’m starting to see things different…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m meeting every day with some wonderful friends and potential business partners…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: There are bridges being formed - almost as if the Helping Hands phase is starting early…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: My work truly does excite me knowing this…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m realizing that there are wonderful aspects to the Shadow such as being receptive and stepping into the worlds of others.
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: It’s meant to be that I’ve momentarily stepped away from my daily routines of putting out The Destiny 5 Experience to the public…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m ready for action steps to make this 60 Day Quest a reality…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m going to post this blog…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m going to continue my audio recordings…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m going to have two wonderful meetings today with no attachment to outcome...
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I will go to bed tonight with my vision clearer than I did last night…and every night hence.
Mike Shoeman
"The Life Artist"
CLICK HERE for 1 of 8 in a series entitled “The Most Memorable Meetup EVER!” Please follow the 8 eight 3-5 minute clips on how to make your Meetup the Most Memorable!
CLICK HERE for the latest installment of the LifeACT Video Ezine.
CLICK HERE for The Destiny 5 Experience Video.
February 23, 2011
I've allowed myself to be relaxed and enjoyed last night. It occurs to me that I’m a very driven person and have the temptation to get lost in my work. I took time out to have an enjoyable evening with my girlfriend and “put work away” for the evening. One of the deeper reasons for this 60 Day Quest, and raising an annual income within that time, is to have the freedom to be with her more. Sometimes I wonder how many relationships have been destroyed by workaholism or of one’s desperate need to prove oneself to the world.
Again, all remnants of this Shadow quality.
Had a wonderful meeting with Joshua Duncan yesterday. The two of us found a very compelling intersection with our work. It seems each element of the hero’s journey has a very poignant parallel to Aharata (think combination of yoga with an “internal” martial art) and the charging of and harnessing the power of each chakra. Joshua and I are developing a program where I guide the participants through the hero’s journey and Joshua will focus on the element of energetic awareness through this process. During my Origins phase Joshua focuses on the crown chakra; during the Shadow - the third eye; during the Helping Hands - the throat…and so on. It makes me realize that this partnership with Joshua could be an exciting bridge into the worlds of Yoga, Martial Arts and other facilities offering eastern solutions.
It makes me alsoappreciate the week I’m having. Every single day this week I’ve been meeting with potential business partners. Even though my niche is Meetups and Universal Unitarian promotion, my potential partners offer bridges to the worlds of (as mentioned) yoga and martial arts but also the spiritual, entrepreneurial and holistic communities. Other partners this week could open doors to the theater community or the world of mental health or the mentoring of teens. This is the positive part of the “2” energy or the Shadow: it's a call to listen very carefully to the needs of others and blending intentions. I'm beginning to believe that that’s what the Shadow is calling us to do in order to successfully navigate this phase.
Me: But this week I’m starting to see things different…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m meeting every day with some wonderful friends and potential business partners…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: There are bridges being formed - almost as if the Helping Hands phase is starting early…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: My work truly does excite me knowing this…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m realizing that there are wonderful aspects to the Shadow such as being receptive and stepping into the worlds of others.
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: It’s meant to be that I’ve momentarily stepped away from my daily routines of putting out The Destiny 5 Experience to the public…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m ready for action steps to make this 60 Day Quest a reality…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m going to post this blog…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m going to continue my audio recordings…
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I’m going to have two wonderful meetings today with no attachment to outcome...
Shadow: What happens next?
Me: I will go to bed tonight with my vision clearer than I did last night…and every night hence.
Mike Shoeman
"The Life Artist"
CLICK HERE for 1 of 8 in a series entitled “The Most Memorable Meetup EVER!” Please follow the 8 eight 3-5 minute clips on how to make your Meetup the Most Memorable!
CLICK HERE for the latest installment of the LifeACT Video Ezine.
CLICK HERE for The Destiny 5 Experience Video.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 9: "Oh No You Didn't!"
DAY 9: "Oh No You Didn't!"
February 22, 2011
7:53 am
Before you read this blog, please see my latest video by CLICKING HERE.
Still wrestling with my Shadow in spite of some huge momentum yesterday. I deal with this even though one door had opened up which could potentially be the door to fulfilling my quest entirely in one stroke. My 60 Day Quest could be complete through what happened yesterday on DAY 8. Yet, I’m still scared. There’s still immense fear. I mean, I’m aware of it, can work using it, but it’s there!
This quest for me isn’t about money - though the measurement of it is a specific dollar amount. It’s about freedom and shaking off the fear associated with money. It’s about giving others a model to turn passion - whatever that passion is - into income. But almost all the time, it’s not the business model that fails, it’s the FEAR associated with implementing the business model.
Fear is tricky thing: in my case it potentially distracts me from making a wonderful connection which could be the answer. It wasn't the door I was expecting but a potential door nonetheless. But I’m afraid…
I still think I have many great ideas which will be implemented: The LifeACT Video Ezine, the 12 Hour Marathon, the Meetup and UU outreach, my upcoming audio books - all are GREAT ideas. They have the potential to be stupid ideas if my doubt is allowed to grow and I give up on them.
And I have been dealing with doubt. (That’s the Shadow.) One of the biggest things I fear is being seen as unintelligent. I’m still searching my soul on that one; one can say I’m evil, or hideous looking, or even smell bad - but to call me or imply that I’m unintelligent really sets me off! Have you ever felt judged? Have you ever felt people jumped to the wrong conclusions about you without having all the information? Yet the more you try to change that opinion you get in deeper and it consumes you? That’s the fear I’ve been working with this morning. Time to let that go.
I’m going to go back to the game What Happens Next? and use the same scenario from the other day. Here’s what I posted two days ago when wrestling with my critical gap (or what I perceive to stand in the way of my 60 Day Quest.)
My Perceived Critical Gaps:
People’s General Apathy Even When a Good Thing Stares Them in the Face
My Message Getting Lost in a Sea of an Over-Saturated Internet Market
Me: I came up with this brilliant idea about a new video to release in an effort to gain a corporate sponsorship.
My Shadow: (Layer 1) What happened next?
Me: I wrote what I thought was a neat headline, “How I Almost (Legally) Stole $100,000 from…”
My Shadow: (Layer 2) What happened next?
Me: I sent the headline to 700 people in my network…
My Shadow: (Layer 3) What happened next?
Me: No response whatsoever. The effort was stupid.
My Shadow: (Layer 4) What happened next?
Me: I thought once I release the video it will make a difference…
My Shadow: (Layer 5) What happened next?
Me: My friend forgot to help me make my back order of videos so I wasted two hours.
My Shadow: (Layer 6) What happened next?
Me: My efforts felt impotent. Like I’m wasting my time.
My Shadow: (Layer 7) What happened next?
Me: It made me realized that NONE of the leads I contacted this week responded to me (even from the personal emails I’d written)…
My Shadow: (Layer 9) What happened next?
Me: I all of sudden felt a drain of energy. I felt like giving up.
My Shadow: (Layer 10) What happened next?
Me: I realized I was confronting my Shadow on the quest. It made me feel good to know that this was a natural part of the quest.
Now I add the "chaos" factor: I flip a coin - if it lands heads the response is What Happens Next?, if it lands tails the response is “No, you didn’t.” When tails comes up I have to take my idea of this Shadow in another direction.
Me: I came up with this brilliant idea about a new video to release in an effort to gain a corporate sponsorship.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you didn’t…
Me: A divine idea came through me for corporate sponsorship and will play itself out naturally because it is powerful.
My Shadow (Tails): No, it didn’t…
Me: I’m committed to this being a good idea because it leverages my talents…
My Shadow (Heads): What happens next?
Me: My every day decisions makes this a good idea. It becomes a stupid idea if I become afraid and give up…
My Shadow (Tails): No, they don't…
Me: I decided to move on from this and focus on other frustrations…
My Shadow (Heads): What happens next?
Me: I realize I’m not getting the response I’m looking for from my first attempts at communicating my program and intentions to decision makers who can provide an audience…
My Shadow (Heads): What happens next?
Me: After having my Sunday Night Meetup I’m taking the approach of communicating on a deeper level with my contacts.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not…
Me: I’m becoming aware of my own determination…I’m not giving up on these approaches because they ARE good, intelligent ideas. They just need to come from more of an authentic place.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not…
Me: No, I’m acknowledging how the Shadow plays tricks on you and the absurdity of getting frustrated with a little nickel!
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not.
Me: Okay, fine. Maybe I’m being stubborn and need to open up to a new door opening.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not.
Me: I realize I just wrote something powerful, meaningful and intelligent through this exercise. Though I have to be passive now - I’m going to play out my well-crafted ideas and not be attached to outcome.
My reflection on this exercise:
I confronted the idea that perhaps my ideas are less than wonderful. That maybe my strategy and methods aren’t congruent to my values. The reason I’ve been so stubborn in persisting in my idea (instead of merely letting it go at the first “No, you didn’t”) is because I’ve been wishy-washy before. This exercise has proven to me I can hold firm on my intentions but develop flexibility in my approach. That feels good.
I am complete.
Mike Shoeman
“Past the point of no return.”
February 22, 2011
7:53 am
Before you read this blog, please see my latest video by CLICKING HERE.
Still wrestling with my Shadow in spite of some huge momentum yesterday. I deal with this even though one door had opened up which could potentially be the door to fulfilling my quest entirely in one stroke. My 60 Day Quest could be complete through what happened yesterday on DAY 8. Yet, I’m still scared. There’s still immense fear. I mean, I’m aware of it, can work using it, but it’s there!
This quest for me isn’t about money - though the measurement of it is a specific dollar amount. It’s about freedom and shaking off the fear associated with money. It’s about giving others a model to turn passion - whatever that passion is - into income. But almost all the time, it’s not the business model that fails, it’s the FEAR associated with implementing the business model.
Fear is tricky thing: in my case it potentially distracts me from making a wonderful connection which could be the answer. It wasn't the door I was expecting but a potential door nonetheless. But I’m afraid…
I still think I have many great ideas which will be implemented: The LifeACT Video Ezine, the 12 Hour Marathon, the Meetup and UU outreach, my upcoming audio books - all are GREAT ideas. They have the potential to be stupid ideas if my doubt is allowed to grow and I give up on them.
And I have been dealing with doubt. (That’s the Shadow.) One of the biggest things I fear is being seen as unintelligent. I’m still searching my soul on that one; one can say I’m evil, or hideous looking, or even smell bad - but to call me or imply that I’m unintelligent really sets me off! Have you ever felt judged? Have you ever felt people jumped to the wrong conclusions about you without having all the information? Yet the more you try to change that opinion you get in deeper and it consumes you? That’s the fear I’ve been working with this morning. Time to let that go.
I’m going to go back to the game What Happens Next? and use the same scenario from the other day. Here’s what I posted two days ago when wrestling with my critical gap (or what I perceive to stand in the way of my 60 Day Quest.)
My Perceived Critical Gaps:
People’s General Apathy Even When a Good Thing Stares Them in the Face
My Message Getting Lost in a Sea of an Over-Saturated Internet Market
Me: I came up with this brilliant idea about a new video to release in an effort to gain a corporate sponsorship.
My Shadow: (Layer 1) What happened next?
Me: I wrote what I thought was a neat headline, “How I Almost (Legally) Stole $100,000 from…”
My Shadow: (Layer 2) What happened next?
Me: I sent the headline to 700 people in my network…
My Shadow: (Layer 3) What happened next?
Me: No response whatsoever. The effort was stupid.
My Shadow: (Layer 4) What happened next?
Me: I thought once I release the video it will make a difference…
My Shadow: (Layer 5) What happened next?
Me: My friend forgot to help me make my back order of videos so I wasted two hours.
My Shadow: (Layer 6) What happened next?
Me: My efforts felt impotent. Like I’m wasting my time.
My Shadow: (Layer 7) What happened next?
Me: It made me realized that NONE of the leads I contacted this week responded to me (even from the personal emails I’d written)…
My Shadow: (Layer 9) What happened next?
Me: I all of sudden felt a drain of energy. I felt like giving up.
My Shadow: (Layer 10) What happened next?
Me: I realized I was confronting my Shadow on the quest. It made me feel good to know that this was a natural part of the quest.
Now I add the "chaos" factor: I flip a coin - if it lands heads the response is What Happens Next?, if it lands tails the response is “No, you didn’t.” When tails comes up I have to take my idea of this Shadow in another direction.
Me: I came up with this brilliant idea about a new video to release in an effort to gain a corporate sponsorship.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you didn’t…
Me: A divine idea came through me for corporate sponsorship and will play itself out naturally because it is powerful.
My Shadow (Tails): No, it didn’t…
Me: I’m committed to this being a good idea because it leverages my talents…
My Shadow (Heads): What happens next?
Me: My every day decisions makes this a good idea. It becomes a stupid idea if I become afraid and give up…
My Shadow (Tails): No, they don't…
Me: I decided to move on from this and focus on other frustrations…
My Shadow (Heads): What happens next?
Me: I realize I’m not getting the response I’m looking for from my first attempts at communicating my program and intentions to decision makers who can provide an audience…
My Shadow (Heads): What happens next?
Me: After having my Sunday Night Meetup I’m taking the approach of communicating on a deeper level with my contacts.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not…
Me: I’m becoming aware of my own determination…I’m not giving up on these approaches because they ARE good, intelligent ideas. They just need to come from more of an authentic place.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not…
Me: No, I’m acknowledging how the Shadow plays tricks on you and the absurdity of getting frustrated with a little nickel!
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not.
Me: Okay, fine. Maybe I’m being stubborn and need to open up to a new door opening.
My Shadow (Tails): No, you’re not.
Me: I realize I just wrote something powerful, meaningful and intelligent through this exercise. Though I have to be passive now - I’m going to play out my well-crafted ideas and not be attached to outcome.
My reflection on this exercise:
I confronted the idea that perhaps my ideas are less than wonderful. That maybe my strategy and methods aren’t congruent to my values. The reason I’ve been so stubborn in persisting in my idea (instead of merely letting it go at the first “No, you didn’t”) is because I’ve been wishy-washy before. This exercise has proven to me I can hold firm on my intentions but develop flexibility in my approach. That feels good.
I am complete.
Mike Shoeman
“Past the point of no return.”
Monday, February 21, 2011
DAY 8: Just as Michael Penn said in 1990 "It's No Myth!"
DAY 8: Just as Michael Penn said in 1990 - "It's No Myth!"
8:26 am
We had an excellent meetup yesterday where Kellylore’n Metzger discussed “New Year’s Evolutions” then I gave my presentation on Part 2 of the Sixty Day Quest called “Shadows”. I want to thank Mike, Michael, Erika, Joshua, Melody, Lynn, Karen, Zach, Kellylore'n, Laurie and Martiena for coming out. I think that’s everybody - if I left someone out I’m really sorry! You all gave me some very useful feedback about your experiences with the game What Happens Next? It reminds me how everything truly does happen for a reason and every single one of you was meant to be there last night.
In Round 1 of What Happens Next? I loved watching all of you laugh and have a wonderful time! In Round 2 of the game we delved into the past and confronted the person or event who might have planted the seed that you couldn't do, be or have something in your life. In Round 3 we identified our current "critical gap" that stands in the way of fulfilling our quest. This game offers the advice that we always have a choice - even when confronting our darkest shadow,
Oh! For those of you who wanted to learn more about Mike Wanner’s Purple Pad the website is
Yesterday, up until our fabulous meetup, I was in the middle of this Shadow feeling. I listened to one of my interns tell me how friends in her circle believe ALL people are shallow, selfish and have a superficial attention span. Both my intern and I discovered the more you focus on these attitudes, the more you loathe this behavior, you actually become this.
Oh, if you’ve been following my blog you should know that rejected my “perk” citing that it “appeared to be an attempt at a mass email”. That’s fair - in my blind devotion to my cause I can certainly see that to be the case. I emailed the man back from the “Perks Support Department” named Matt Daly, apologized for the submission and said I will submit a new perk if I can get the same promotion. I also asked Matt for who I might contact in submitting a corporate sponsorship proposal to Whether or not Matt writes me back will become part of the story line for the “If I Ruled the World” 12-Hour Marathon publicity idea in which I blogged about the other day.
Okay, more on the Shadow:
During the Shadow you can come face-to-face with your own ignorance. The “Unconscious Incompetence” is starting to become “Conscious Incompetence” and can really sting. When you become consciously aware of your quest and how “the world” discourages true bravery and independence - you can feel like a child being told for the first time that miracles can’t and don’t happen. "The world isn't fair!" You always deal with this on some level - no matter how familiar you are with the path. Even if you’re a successful, powerful person, if the quest truly calls you then your ego’s gonna get rocked!
This time with the Shadow is a time for vigilance, to ask yourself whose needs are not being met. Undoubtedly you will encounter people with crushed dreams, broken hearts and critical opinions. Even indifferent communication, people just plain ignoring you, might affect your mood. I know it has affected mine! You’re going to encounter people with Limited Thinking. You’re going to be treated indifferently by people projecting their own unconscious fear on you especially when you live in the light of this information!
But it helps knowing this is on the map! Sometimes that can be your only saving grace during the Shadow. The only reason the Wicked Witch didn’t destroy Dorothy in Munchkinland was because of the saving grace of Glinda. The only reason Luke Skywalker wasn’t destroyed in the Stormtrooper raid on his farm in Tatooine was because Luke was out with Obi-Wan learning about The Force. Each character would have been destroyed when confronting this shadow if not for the serendipitous timing of their quest. This quest, or the story of the myth, is still alive in our 21st century hero’s journey.
The Myth is the song of the Universe. We’re trying to live a dream in order to understand our own greatness. The 3rd dimensional world of dualistic thinking “don’t take too kindly to that kind of thinking!” You know you’re amazing: like Romeo in black jeans, like Heathcliffe - it’s no myth. But the girl still says “it’s time to go” - she says “we can be friends.” This Michael Penn song from 1990 has dark images about the youth and innocent getting the first taste of bitter shadow.
Once again, I want to thank everyone last night for your wonderful support. It’s inspiring to hear that everyone was making beautiful progress in their quests! I’m here for you.
Mike Shoeman
"He's Beginning to Believe"
8:26 am
We had an excellent meetup yesterday where Kellylore’n Metzger discussed “New Year’s Evolutions” then I gave my presentation on Part 2 of the Sixty Day Quest called “Shadows”. I want to thank Mike, Michael, Erika, Joshua, Melody, Lynn, Karen, Zach, Kellylore'n, Laurie and Martiena for coming out. I think that’s everybody - if I left someone out I’m really sorry! You all gave me some very useful feedback about your experiences with the game What Happens Next? It reminds me how everything truly does happen for a reason and every single one of you was meant to be there last night.
In Round 1 of What Happens Next? I loved watching all of you laugh and have a wonderful time! In Round 2 of the game we delved into the past and confronted the person or event who might have planted the seed that you couldn't do, be or have something in your life. In Round 3 we identified our current "critical gap" that stands in the way of fulfilling our quest. This game offers the advice that we always have a choice - even when confronting our darkest shadow,
Oh! For those of you who wanted to learn more about Mike Wanner’s Purple Pad the website is
Yesterday, up until our fabulous meetup, I was in the middle of this Shadow feeling. I listened to one of my interns tell me how friends in her circle believe ALL people are shallow, selfish and have a superficial attention span. Both my intern and I discovered the more you focus on these attitudes, the more you loathe this behavior, you actually become this.
Oh, if you’ve been following my blog you should know that rejected my “perk” citing that it “appeared to be an attempt at a mass email”. That’s fair - in my blind devotion to my cause I can certainly see that to be the case. I emailed the man back from the “Perks Support Department” named Matt Daly, apologized for the submission and said I will submit a new perk if I can get the same promotion. I also asked Matt for who I might contact in submitting a corporate sponsorship proposal to Whether or not Matt writes me back will become part of the story line for the “If I Ruled the World” 12-Hour Marathon publicity idea in which I blogged about the other day.
Okay, more on the Shadow:
During the Shadow you can come face-to-face with your own ignorance. The “Unconscious Incompetence” is starting to become “Conscious Incompetence” and can really sting. When you become consciously aware of your quest and how “the world” discourages true bravery and independence - you can feel like a child being told for the first time that miracles can’t and don’t happen. "The world isn't fair!" You always deal with this on some level - no matter how familiar you are with the path. Even if you’re a successful, powerful person, if the quest truly calls you then your ego’s gonna get rocked!
This time with the Shadow is a time for vigilance, to ask yourself whose needs are not being met. Undoubtedly you will encounter people with crushed dreams, broken hearts and critical opinions. Even indifferent communication, people just plain ignoring you, might affect your mood. I know it has affected mine! You’re going to encounter people with Limited Thinking. You’re going to be treated indifferently by people projecting their own unconscious fear on you especially when you live in the light of this information!
But it helps knowing this is on the map! Sometimes that can be your only saving grace during the Shadow. The only reason the Wicked Witch didn’t destroy Dorothy in Munchkinland was because of the saving grace of Glinda. The only reason Luke Skywalker wasn’t destroyed in the Stormtrooper raid on his farm in Tatooine was because Luke was out with Obi-Wan learning about The Force. Each character would have been destroyed when confronting this shadow if not for the serendipitous timing of their quest. This quest, or the story of the myth, is still alive in our 21st century hero’s journey.
The Myth is the song of the Universe. We’re trying to live a dream in order to understand our own greatness. The 3rd dimensional world of dualistic thinking “don’t take too kindly to that kind of thinking!” You know you’re amazing: like Romeo in black jeans, like Heathcliffe - it’s no myth. But the girl still says “it’s time to go” - she says “we can be friends.” This Michael Penn song from 1990 has dark images about the youth and innocent getting the first taste of bitter shadow.
Once again, I want to thank everyone last night for your wonderful support. It’s inspiring to hear that everyone was making beautiful progress in their quests! I’m here for you.
Mike Shoeman
"He's Beginning to Believe"
Sunday, February 20, 2011
DAY 7: Confronting the Shadow
DAY 7: Confronting the Shadow
8:50 am
I noticed a slowing down in my energy yesterday and a disenchantment with everything I was doing.
Enter the “Shadow” - the topic of the upcoming week and second phase of the hero’s journey.
I accomplished a lot this week: a new brochure, an idea for a wonderful publicity opportunity, sent emails to UU churches and meetups.
But there’s one problem: NO ONE’S RESPONDING!
This forces me to confront a Shadow that I’ve been wrestling with for a long time - the belief that what I do doesn’t really matter in the world; my efforts won’t bring me what I seek.
So I come back to this journal in order to gain clarity and understanding. This is another reason WHY the 60 Day Journal is SO important! If not for this journal I’d be wrestling with this malcontent feeling without understanding it. If I don’t understand it, one of two things potentially could happen: 1. I would go about my quest in the wrong way, completely becoming ignorant to the needs of others, and come to DAY 60 realizing this was a fruitless quest. 2. I’d become overwhelmed by the quest (or even hide myself from it by distractions) and one day, one week, a month and 60 days go by and I’d be barely cognizant that yes I actually DID give up on my quest whether I wanted to consciously admit to it or not. After all, there’s always the rationalization where you tell yourself I know I can do it - now’s just not time.
During the Shadow phase, we play a game called What Happens Next? in the Destiny 5 Experience. I’m going to use this game and go through “10 Layers” in reliving yesterday where I bumped up against the Shadow. What Happens Next? is played by reliving a day in your life one moment (preferably in a sentence or two) at a time. In the first round, your partner always askes the questions: What Happens Next? The game will change throughout week, but today is about calling it out on the table.
Me: I came up with this brilliant idea about a new video to release in an effort to gain a corporate sponsorship.
My Shadow: (Layer 1) What happened next?
Me: I wrote what I thought was a neat headline, “How I Almost (Legally) Stole $100,000 from…”
My Shadow: (Layer 2) What happened next?
Me: I sent the headline to 700 people in my network…
My Shadow: (Layer 3) What happened next?
Me: No response whatsoever. The effort was stupid.
My Shadow: (Layer 4) What happened next?
Me: I thought once I release the video it will make a difference…
My Shadow: (Layer 5) What happened next?
Me: My friend forgot to meet mp for an appointment to help me make my back order of videos so I wasted two hours.
My Shadow: (Layer 6) What happened next?
Me: My efforts felt impotent - I’m wasting my time.
My Shadow: (Layer 7) What happened next?
Me: It made me realized that NONE of the leads I contacted this week responded to me (even from the personal emails I’d written)…
My Shadow: (Layer 9) What happened next?
Me: I all of sudden felt a drain of energy. I felt like giving up.
My Shadow: (Layer 10) What happened next?
Me: I realized I was confronting my Shadow on the quest. It made me feel good to know that this was a natural part of the quest.
KNOWING this information was all I needed to keep going - it’s on the map!
8:50 am
I noticed a slowing down in my energy yesterday and a disenchantment with everything I was doing.
Enter the “Shadow” - the topic of the upcoming week and second phase of the hero’s journey.
I accomplished a lot this week: a new brochure, an idea for a wonderful publicity opportunity, sent emails to UU churches and meetups.
But there’s one problem: NO ONE’S RESPONDING!
This forces me to confront a Shadow that I’ve been wrestling with for a long time - the belief that what I do doesn’t really matter in the world; my efforts won’t bring me what I seek.
So I come back to this journal in order to gain clarity and understanding. This is another reason WHY the 60 Day Journal is SO important! If not for this journal I’d be wrestling with this malcontent feeling without understanding it. If I don’t understand it, one of two things potentially could happen: 1. I would go about my quest in the wrong way, completely becoming ignorant to the needs of others, and come to DAY 60 realizing this was a fruitless quest. 2. I’d become overwhelmed by the quest (or even hide myself from it by distractions) and one day, one week, a month and 60 days go by and I’d be barely cognizant that yes I actually DID give up on my quest whether I wanted to consciously admit to it or not. After all, there’s always the rationalization where you tell yourself I know I can do it - now’s just not time.
During the Shadow phase, we play a game called What Happens Next? in the Destiny 5 Experience. I’m going to use this game and go through “10 Layers” in reliving yesterday where I bumped up against the Shadow. What Happens Next? is played by reliving a day in your life one moment (preferably in a sentence or two) at a time. In the first round, your partner always askes the questions: What Happens Next? The game will change throughout week, but today is about calling it out on the table.
Me: I came up with this brilliant idea about a new video to release in an effort to gain a corporate sponsorship.
My Shadow: (Layer 1) What happened next?
Me: I wrote what I thought was a neat headline, “How I Almost (Legally) Stole $100,000 from…”
My Shadow: (Layer 2) What happened next?
Me: I sent the headline to 700 people in my network…
My Shadow: (Layer 3) What happened next?
Me: No response whatsoever. The effort was stupid.
My Shadow: (Layer 4) What happened next?
Me: I thought once I release the video it will make a difference…
My Shadow: (Layer 5) What happened next?
Me: My friend forgot to meet mp for an appointment to help me make my back order of videos so I wasted two hours.
My Shadow: (Layer 6) What happened next?
Me: My efforts felt impotent - I’m wasting my time.
My Shadow: (Layer 7) What happened next?
Me: It made me realized that NONE of the leads I contacted this week responded to me (even from the personal emails I’d written)…
My Shadow: (Layer 9) What happened next?
Me: I all of sudden felt a drain of energy. I felt like giving up.
My Shadow: (Layer 10) What happened next?
Me: I realized I was confronting my Shadow on the quest. It made me feel good to know that this was a natural part of the quest.
KNOWING this information was all I needed to keep going - it’s on the map!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
DAY 6: How I Almost (Legally) Stole $100,000 From Yesterday - And What I Plan To Do To Repay The Sin I Almost Committed
DAY 6: How I Almost (Legally) Stole $100,000 From Yesterday - And What I Plan To Do To Repay The Sin I Almost Committed
February 19, 2011
Sometimes inspiration hits you at just the right moment. When you’re involved in the Origins phase of the quest you’re asked to tap into your highest creativity.
At first I was going to take advantage of’s offer to blast the following message to EVERY SINGLE meetup group to the world. You see, if you send a “sponsorship perk” out to prospective meetup partners, the organization charges you $5 per group who agrees to your “perk” by accepting your sponsorship offer. However(!) is currently running a campaign where the first month is FREE up until March 15! Here’s what I posted - and keep in mind this would have theoretically gone out to EVERY meetup group organizer in the world! Literally tens possibly HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of groups specifically dedicated to spirituality, self-improvement, personal transformation and empowerment.
(Before you read, put yourself in the shoes of a potential meetup group leader…)
THE PERK (MY HEADLINE): “I Will Pay Meetup Organizers Up to $1000 or More for Help in Promoting My Book”
THE DESCRIPTION: “My name is Mike Shoeman and I’m not a professional marketer. I’m a meetup group organizer like you with the sincerest passion for transforming people’s lives through SELF-empowerment. I’m asking for meetup group leaders to take a step forward in getting to know me and my national tour campaign. After co-hosting this workshop, people will tell you that YOU’VE changed their lives if you become involved with this experience! “I’m looking for like-minded groups to do joint venture partnerships in bringing my book and experiential workshop to every city in the United States within the next two years and eventually a subsequent global tour. We offer a phenomenal one-day program at a very competitive price and will work with a group of 10 or more people in your city (depending on where the demand is.) Please email me directly at to find out more. You may find my YouTube Channel at and watch a video called “The Destiny 5 Experience” located in our ‘favorites’ bin.
“You can also check out our meetup group at National Mastermind Meetup Miracles is a meetup aspiring to serve other groups on a national level. We do this by producing the LifeACT Video Ezine which identifies and solves meetup group leaders’ challenges and problems. Our aim is to provide programming which will help you deepen the experience of your meetup group’s potential. Our first article “The 7 Keys to Unlocking the Most Memorable Meetup EVER!” can be found on our YouTube Channel and has already created wonderful results for leaders in my home town of Philadelphia. This Video Ezine is only part of a package of FREE services to help your group get to know us, develop a mutual trust, and learn that we truly are for real! The Destiny 5 Experience.
“Meetup Organizers may join our national chapter and enjoy free coaching calls, the LifeACT Video Ezine, an upcoming free audio book and the opportunity to learn how our combined efforts can raise potentially thousands of dollars for your meetup efforts in your becoming a joint venture partner as part of our national tour. Additional materials available upon request include videos, brochures and glowing testimonies from past participants of
“(Please note: if you email me and I can’t respond right away it’s because this unorthodox strategy of sending this sponsorship message worked too well! Either I or a member of my staff will respond to all inquiries as we’re physically able to seeing this will be a national event. I will respond faster to members of our National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group.)”
Can you see how powerful that would have been in the hands of EVERY SINGLE MEETUP LEADER with one single stroke?
After’s free monthly trial I would have cancelled the service, take the worldwide leads generated and create my profitable national tour. When I looked at my prospective monthly tab it would have been $100,000! (But the website STILL said EVEN THIS would have been free for a month!) Now it’s doubtful would have allowed me to take advantage of this but I still think THEY should have an opportunity to cash in on my guilt. (When I filled out the online form the site double checked by asking “Are you sure you can fulfill this perk on a global scale?” To which I replied “yes”.)
Well, truth be told, I “chickened out” because, if something went wrong and if the office would “accidentally” make an error, the prospect of being charged $100,000 after March 15 scared me shitless!
So I took the easy way out and sent my “perk” to all the Law of Attraction meetups within a 100 mile radius of Philadelphia. This will only cost me $50 if something goes wrong. (As of 9am Saturday morning, Meetup dot com has yet to approve THIS proposal!)
So much for my brilliant idea.
Yet I still feel guilty.
But then my mind went racing…
Here’s what I’m proposing to - and I’ll release a tremendously powerful video detailing this proposal shortly: should seriously consider sponsoring my Destiny 5 Experience national book and experiential workshop tour! I’m currently writing up a generous proposal to the company which will ensure the undeniable power my workshop will provide to the company’s aura and their brand.
Yeah, I know what you’re thinking - Dream on, Mike! Even I must admit, after being in the business of trying to attract sponsors for television productions, that getting the ear of these corporations is next to impossible - especially for a little guy like me!
But wait…there’s more!
I’m about to launch a publicity event on the LifeACT Video Ezine.
Here’s my public announcement:
“ I feel very guilty for almost stealing $100,000 in free services that I feel entitled to in light of your ‘one month free’ campaign to attract sponsors. I want to make amends and say I believe the company can benefit greatly from my ‘TOP SECRET’ sponsorship proposal package that I’m willing to make a little wager…
“In retribution for my temptation to take advantage of, I will run a one-day FREE workshop for all of your employees! IF ALL YOUR EMPLOYEES don’t UNANIMOUSLY agree that sponsoring my Destiny 5 Experience national tour in some capacity isn’t THE BEST decision the company ever made - I WILL LOCK MYSELF IN A JAIL CELL AND LIVE-STREAM A 12-HOUR ONE-MAN SHOW entitled ‘If I Ruled the World…’. Which means I will have to perform NON-STOP, except for bathroom and water breaks, a one-man presentation and begin every sentence with 'If I Ruled the World...'”
What does that mean? Even if the company’s key decision maker (or even the CEO!) agrees to sponsor my national tour - merely one entry level employee can give the “thumbs down” and I’ll be forced to pay for my sin! Even if everybody at LOVES the one-day Destiny 5 Experiential Workshop, all it would take is ONE EMPLOYEE to call me on what could potentially be a “bluff”.
Now, mind you, I’m not going into this lightly. TWELVE HOURS is a long, long time with nothing more than bathroom and water breaks. An improv show lasting that duration will have many facets, dimensions and variety that it actually holds me with a very compelling fascination. A sick fascination - yet compelling nonetheless! Some moments would be funny and poignant, others would be intense and thought-provoking and even more segments would be, yes, pathetic! It made me focus on how I would fill those twelve hours. Some of you who’ve known me awhile will remember that I used to do sketch comedy. So I had to reflect on the close to one hundred characters I’ve created and performed with over the years: Sister Mary Goliath - the kung-fu kicking, nun-chucking, no-nonsense nun; Snoop Gnomey-Gnome - the baddest rapping fictional character from the Southside of your kneecap!; Trucker Joe’s CB Radio Show “Advice for the Lovelorn: Ladies Night”; Doris - the transgender telephone “smooth” operator; Bill Clinton teaches American history; and, even - dare I mention it! - What happened the day when the United Nations spiritually possessed One Man’s Body!
Okay - all this means nothing until I produce the video and give a little taste about what "If I Ruled the World" could look, sound and feel like! Time to produce that "teaser" video! I’m lining up a story board, shoot date and a room full of kids and teenagers willing to put a HUGE guilt-trip onto a big company if these younglings don’t get their One-Man Show! Hey, if all else fails it could provide a tremendous publicity for everybody - me,, and all my partners regardless of the outcome. Win-Win-Win’s all around!
More to come! Stay tuned!
Mike Shoeman
The Life Artist
February 19, 2011
Sometimes inspiration hits you at just the right moment. When you’re involved in the Origins phase of the quest you’re asked to tap into your highest creativity.
At first I was going to take advantage of’s offer to blast the following message to EVERY SINGLE meetup group to the world. You see, if you send a “sponsorship perk” out to prospective meetup partners, the organization charges you $5 per group who agrees to your “perk” by accepting your sponsorship offer. However(!) is currently running a campaign where the first month is FREE up until March 15! Here’s what I posted - and keep in mind this would have theoretically gone out to EVERY meetup group organizer in the world! Literally tens possibly HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of groups specifically dedicated to spirituality, self-improvement, personal transformation and empowerment.
(Before you read, put yourself in the shoes of a potential meetup group leader…)
THE PERK (MY HEADLINE): “I Will Pay Meetup Organizers Up to $1000 or More for Help in Promoting My Book”
THE DESCRIPTION: “My name is Mike Shoeman and I’m not a professional marketer. I’m a meetup group organizer like you with the sincerest passion for transforming people’s lives through SELF-empowerment. I’m asking for meetup group leaders to take a step forward in getting to know me and my national tour campaign. After co-hosting this workshop, people will tell you that YOU’VE changed their lives if you become involved with this experience! “I’m looking for like-minded groups to do joint venture partnerships in bringing my book and experiential workshop to every city in the United States within the next two years and eventually a subsequent global tour. We offer a phenomenal one-day program at a very competitive price and will work with a group of 10 or more people in your city (depending on where the demand is.) Please email me directly at to find out more. You may find my YouTube Channel at and watch a video called “The Destiny 5 Experience” located in our ‘favorites’ bin.
“You can also check out our meetup group at National Mastermind Meetup Miracles is a meetup aspiring to serve other groups on a national level. We do this by producing the LifeACT Video Ezine which identifies and solves meetup group leaders’ challenges and problems. Our aim is to provide programming which will help you deepen the experience of your meetup group’s potential. Our first article “The 7 Keys to Unlocking the Most Memorable Meetup EVER!” can be found on our YouTube Channel and has already created wonderful results for leaders in my home town of Philadelphia. This Video Ezine is only part of a package of FREE services to help your group get to know us, develop a mutual trust, and learn that we truly are for real! The Destiny 5 Experience.
“Meetup Organizers may join our national chapter and enjoy free coaching calls, the LifeACT Video Ezine, an upcoming free audio book and the opportunity to learn how our combined efforts can raise potentially thousands of dollars for your meetup efforts in your becoming a joint venture partner as part of our national tour. Additional materials available upon request include videos, brochures and glowing testimonies from past participants of
“(Please note: if you email me and I can’t respond right away it’s because this unorthodox strategy of sending this sponsorship message worked too well! Either I or a member of my staff will respond to all inquiries as we’re physically able to seeing this will be a national event. I will respond faster to members of our National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group.)”
Can you see how powerful that would have been in the hands of EVERY SINGLE MEETUP LEADER with one single stroke?
After’s free monthly trial I would have cancelled the service, take the worldwide leads generated and create my profitable national tour. When I looked at my prospective monthly tab it would have been $100,000! (But the website STILL said EVEN THIS would have been free for a month!) Now it’s doubtful would have allowed me to take advantage of this but I still think THEY should have an opportunity to cash in on my guilt. (When I filled out the online form the site double checked by asking “Are you sure you can fulfill this perk on a global scale?” To which I replied “yes”.)
Well, truth be told, I “chickened out” because, if something went wrong and if the office would “accidentally” make an error, the prospect of being charged $100,000 after March 15 scared me shitless!
So I took the easy way out and sent my “perk” to all the Law of Attraction meetups within a 100 mile radius of Philadelphia. This will only cost me $50 if something goes wrong. (As of 9am Saturday morning, Meetup dot com has yet to approve THIS proposal!)
So much for my brilliant idea.
Yet I still feel guilty.
But then my mind went racing…
Here’s what I’m proposing to - and I’ll release a tremendously powerful video detailing this proposal shortly: should seriously consider sponsoring my Destiny 5 Experience national book and experiential workshop tour! I’m currently writing up a generous proposal to the company which will ensure the undeniable power my workshop will provide to the company’s aura and their brand.
Yeah, I know what you’re thinking - Dream on, Mike! Even I must admit, after being in the business of trying to attract sponsors for television productions, that getting the ear of these corporations is next to impossible - especially for a little guy like me!
But wait…there’s more!
I’m about to launch a publicity event on the LifeACT Video Ezine.
Here’s my public announcement:
“ I feel very guilty for almost stealing $100,000 in free services that I feel entitled to in light of your ‘one month free’ campaign to attract sponsors. I want to make amends and say I believe the company can benefit greatly from my ‘TOP SECRET’ sponsorship proposal package that I’m willing to make a little wager…
“In retribution for my temptation to take advantage of, I will run a one-day FREE workshop for all of your employees! IF ALL YOUR EMPLOYEES don’t UNANIMOUSLY agree that sponsoring my Destiny 5 Experience national tour in some capacity isn’t THE BEST decision the company ever made - I WILL LOCK MYSELF IN A JAIL CELL AND LIVE-STREAM A 12-HOUR ONE-MAN SHOW entitled ‘If I Ruled the World…’. Which means I will have to perform NON-STOP, except for bathroom and water breaks, a one-man presentation and begin every sentence with 'If I Ruled the World...'”
What does that mean? Even if the company’s key decision maker (or even the CEO!) agrees to sponsor my national tour - merely one entry level employee can give the “thumbs down” and I’ll be forced to pay for my sin! Even if everybody at LOVES the one-day Destiny 5 Experiential Workshop, all it would take is ONE EMPLOYEE to call me on what could potentially be a “bluff”.
Now, mind you, I’m not going into this lightly. TWELVE HOURS is a long, long time with nothing more than bathroom and water breaks. An improv show lasting that duration will have many facets, dimensions and variety that it actually holds me with a very compelling fascination. A sick fascination - yet compelling nonetheless! Some moments would be funny and poignant, others would be intense and thought-provoking and even more segments would be, yes, pathetic! It made me focus on how I would fill those twelve hours. Some of you who’ve known me awhile will remember that I used to do sketch comedy. So I had to reflect on the close to one hundred characters I’ve created and performed with over the years: Sister Mary Goliath - the kung-fu kicking, nun-chucking, no-nonsense nun; Snoop Gnomey-Gnome - the baddest rapping fictional character from the Southside of your kneecap!; Trucker Joe’s CB Radio Show “Advice for the Lovelorn: Ladies Night”; Doris - the transgender telephone “smooth” operator; Bill Clinton teaches American history; and, even - dare I mention it! - What happened the day when the United Nations spiritually possessed One Man’s Body!
Okay - all this means nothing until I produce the video and give a little taste about what "If I Ruled the World" could look, sound and feel like! Time to produce that "teaser" video! I’m lining up a story board, shoot date and a room full of kids and teenagers willing to put a HUGE guilt-trip onto a big company if these younglings don’t get their One-Man Show! Hey, if all else fails it could provide a tremendous publicity for everybody - me,, and all my partners regardless of the outcome. Win-Win-Win’s all around!
More to come! Stay tuned!
Mike Shoeman
The Life Artist
Friday, February 18, 2011
DAY 5: "A-C-T-I-O-N" What's That Spell?
February 18, 2011
It’s Friday and it’s time to put the peddle to the metal. A quest happens by actions. I’m not really in the frame of mind to comment on what I’m doing - I simply want to do! I’ll lay out my course of action steps and will be on with my day:
1. Journal in the 60 DAY BLOG.
(In my world this blog truly matters. In my world people find tremendous value in this blog.)
2. Write up correspondences for New York City.
(In my world I immediately connect with another - even in the written word. In my world New York embraces me with open arms.)
3. Fifteen minutes of recording audio programs.
(In my world these audio programs will be finished shortly. In my world these programs are being eagerly anticipated.)
4. Return calls/emails to my colleagues.
(In my world maintaining relationships is a priority. In my world people from my past are making a brighter future.)
5. Do something that scares me!
(In my world taking chances is respected and praised. In my world fear is power ready to be harnessed.)The ORIGINS phase concludes on DAY 7 and I find that I’m actually looking forward to confronting my SHADOW starting on DAY 8!
Michael Shoeman
Click Here to begin watching the 7 KEYS for hosting the Most Memorable Meetup EVER!
February 18, 2011
It’s Friday and it’s time to put the peddle to the metal. A quest happens by actions. I’m not really in the frame of mind to comment on what I’m doing - I simply want to do! I’ll lay out my course of action steps and will be on with my day:
1. Journal in the 60 DAY BLOG.
(In my world this blog truly matters. In my world people find tremendous value in this blog.)
2. Write up correspondences for New York City.
(In my world I immediately connect with another - even in the written word. In my world New York embraces me with open arms.)
3. Fifteen minutes of recording audio programs.
(In my world these audio programs will be finished shortly. In my world these programs are being eagerly anticipated.)
4. Return calls/emails to my colleagues.
(In my world maintaining relationships is a priority. In my world people from my past are making a brighter future.)
5. Do something that scares me!
(In my world taking chances is respected and praised. In my world fear is power ready to be harnessed.)The ORIGINS phase concludes on DAY 7 and I find that I’m actually looking forward to confronting my SHADOW starting on DAY 8!
Michael Shoeman
Click Here to begin watching the 7 KEYS for hosting the Most Memorable Meetup EVER!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Start Dreaming Again by Tara McFalls
(This journal entry was submitted to me by my friend Tara McFalls in response to my call in having others join me in making a 60 DAY Journal. This is a beautiful description of facing one's shadow which will be the theme for next week in the 60 Day Quest. - Mike)
Start Dreaming Again
by Tara McFalls
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I remember the wolf. The story of a wolf’s piercing blue eyes and his unrelenting, paralyzing gaze into my shuttering, faceless presence came to me in cascades of grey when I was thirteen years old. My own imagination left me frozen with fear, apprehensive about the shadow that even my own body cast. I remember furiously writing the story into my journal; then closing my eyes and allowing sleep to protect me from the intensity and the fatigue that overwhelmed my mind and body. Upon awakening, I felt charged with energy and I felt like running, somehow expelling the potential physical and emotional vibrations from my body. This release would be my restless campaign to spite the fear induced by the wolf’s image that now lingered within the tingling turrets of my consciousness. In the subsequent moments, I unconsciously recognized a salient moment of choice paired with action. Would I confront or would I abscond this opportunity? I chose to run deeper into the woods and in so doing immersed myself in an abyss that knew no light, no shadow, only the overbearing heaving inhalations of the wolf’s omnipresent burdens.
“Start Dreaming Again”. These were the three words spoken to me by a dear friend three days ago that are now the catalyst for embarking upon the 60 day quest as initiated by the creative muse and author Mike Shoeman. When you have allowed the nightmare to consume you, your mind, body, and spirit forgets what it feels like to dream. Suddenly, I felt as though I was embracing the raiments of a new era evolving not just in my own life but in the cyclical spirals of the human and natural entanglements of interdependence. I have decided to continue the story I first wrote and thereby confront the wolf and bear witness to the fear it induces.
The goal of my 60 day quest is immersion. At the end of 60 days I want to be immersed in a creative endeavor, in a relationship, or in a new discovery that exposes my “self” to the bold courage and talent that lies within. At the end of the quest I want to feel re-energized by recognizing and accepting a bold new vision I have for myself which broadens and reveals the strengths I have and the creativity I still yearn to share. I have never believed that I have ever had anything of great worth to offer the world. This 60 day quest is to prove to myself that I do. I hope to begin this self-exploration by writing every day- reflecting on the experiences I have and exposing myself at least once a week to a new group of people that may or may not respect what I have to offer. Regardless of the tenor of the outcome, I know I will learn. So by the end of this week, I hope to see a new aspect of myself reflected in the mindful exchange with another.
If I ruled the world, no one would leave me without feeling better.
If I ruled the world, never would a child cry from feeling shame.
If I ruled the world, everyone would understand and respect the notion that taking the time to know someone and the gifts they bring to others is a priceless endeavor meant to be savored, not overlooked.
If I ruled the world, people would take a moment before they speak in order to fully listen.
If I ruled the world, all children would feel valued for their inimitable nature.
If I ruled the world, mindful silence would earn more attention and respect than verbosity drunk on the ego.
If I ruled the world, I would have the strength and courage to direct my passion to meet the world’s need.
If I ruled the world, everyone would see life as art to be created rather than simply admired.
If I ruled the world, people would smile more and judge less.
If I ruled the world, the shadows would be just as beautiful and just as riveting as the light’s escapades.
DAY 4: Counting Blessings
DAY 4: Counting Blessings
February 17, 2011
10:27 am
Had a wonderful lunch yesterday with my friend Geoffrey Berwind and Steve Harrison, who is the figurehead of Bradley Communications, the Quantum Leap Program and the Millionaire Author’s Club. After leaving the lunch yesterday and getting much great feedback I feel very much on target for my stated 60 Day Quest.
I’m also feeling very grateful about the outcomes some of my friends have experienced after attending our February 5 Destiny 5 Beta Test. One of my best friends, Kellylore’n, was proposed to after the workshop and her fiancĂ©, whose name is also Michael, made it his quest to become married to her. Kellylore’n and I were speaking about how many of her dreams were coming true because of this proposed marriage. At the end of the 60 DAY QUEST I usually ask all the participants to make 9 wishes - all of these wishes represent your destiny and will irrevocably come to pass (if you still want them to) at some point in your life. Kel explained to me how 4 or 5 of those really “big” wishes were coming true just from this marriage proposal.
I made some great headway yesterday on my financial quest.
Some keys I can give to anyone who is trying to generate a year’s worth of income in 60 DAYS would be:
1. Know what you do better than anyone else. Know your value and what comes easy to you.
2. Begin to think of yourself as a marketing company. Any book, workshop or service you produce is merely a brochure for your services.
3. Know your audience and be committed to solving your audiences’ problems.
4. Create a range of products and services (I have free programs and those ranging from $30 to $1000+)
5. Learn how to barter services for help and support.
I’m at a place where I’m happy with my brochure. Other action steps I took yesterday was contacting 2 organizations to schedule workshops. Today I’m composing a template email (which will be tailored specifically to everyone I send them to) in order to book my required 8-12 workshops in the next 60 Days. My audio programs are also progressing nicely as I’ve committed myself to recording to at least 15 minutes of material a day. And I must say these programs are really awesome! (If I do say so myself.) I’ll be offering a free audio seminar to all my meetup group members within the next few weeks.
My good friend, Tara McFalls - someone I truly admire for her spiritual and artistic mindfulness, stepped forward to contribute to this blog. I hope to have her contribution up soon.
We’re still in WEEK 1 and ORIGINS, so I’ll say 10 “If I Ruled the Worlds…” and take more action steps today!
In my world everyone would know their true value - which is INFINITE and PRICELESS!
In my world email correspondences would be just as powerful as a phone call.
In my world I would love the phone instead of fearing it!
In my world I could get the text border function to work on my PrintMaster program!
In my world all of my marketing efforts are powerful, positive and inspire action steps.
In my world my Destiny 5 video makes an impact to everyone who watches it.
In my world my brochure communicates that everyone will have a life-changing experience by taking part in the experiential workshop.
In my world my videos The 7 Keys to Having the Most Memorable Meetup EVER! would give every meetup group leader who watches it the most wonderful meetup experience of their lives.
In my world this blog inspires others to act and a make a true commitment to their Quest!
In my world my audio books are one of the most powerful experiences to be had on the market today.
In faith,
Mike Shoeman
Shamelessly plugging The Destiny 5 Experience
Shamelessly plugging the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group
Shamelessly plugging the LifeACT Video Ezine
Ready to shamelessly plug YOU on this
February 17, 2011
10:27 am
Had a wonderful lunch yesterday with my friend Geoffrey Berwind and Steve Harrison, who is the figurehead of Bradley Communications, the Quantum Leap Program and the Millionaire Author’s Club. After leaving the lunch yesterday and getting much great feedback I feel very much on target for my stated 60 Day Quest.
I’m also feeling very grateful about the outcomes some of my friends have experienced after attending our February 5 Destiny 5 Beta Test. One of my best friends, Kellylore’n, was proposed to after the workshop and her fiancĂ©, whose name is also Michael, made it his quest to become married to her. Kellylore’n and I were speaking about how many of her dreams were coming true because of this proposed marriage. At the end of the 60 DAY QUEST I usually ask all the participants to make 9 wishes - all of these wishes represent your destiny and will irrevocably come to pass (if you still want them to) at some point in your life. Kel explained to me how 4 or 5 of those really “big” wishes were coming true just from this marriage proposal.
I made some great headway yesterday on my financial quest.
Some keys I can give to anyone who is trying to generate a year’s worth of income in 60 DAYS would be:
1. Know what you do better than anyone else. Know your value and what comes easy to you.
2. Begin to think of yourself as a marketing company. Any book, workshop or service you produce is merely a brochure for your services.
3. Know your audience and be committed to solving your audiences’ problems.
4. Create a range of products and services (I have free programs and those ranging from $30 to $1000+)
5. Learn how to barter services for help and support.
I’m at a place where I’m happy with my brochure. Other action steps I took yesterday was contacting 2 organizations to schedule workshops. Today I’m composing a template email (which will be tailored specifically to everyone I send them to) in order to book my required 8-12 workshops in the next 60 Days. My audio programs are also progressing nicely as I’ve committed myself to recording to at least 15 minutes of material a day. And I must say these programs are really awesome! (If I do say so myself.) I’ll be offering a free audio seminar to all my meetup group members within the next few weeks.
My good friend, Tara McFalls - someone I truly admire for her spiritual and artistic mindfulness, stepped forward to contribute to this blog. I hope to have her contribution up soon.
We’re still in WEEK 1 and ORIGINS, so I’ll say 10 “If I Ruled the Worlds…” and take more action steps today!
In my world everyone would know their true value - which is INFINITE and PRICELESS!
In my world email correspondences would be just as powerful as a phone call.
In my world I would love the phone instead of fearing it!
In my world I could get the text border function to work on my PrintMaster program!
In my world all of my marketing efforts are powerful, positive and inspire action steps.
In my world my Destiny 5 video makes an impact to everyone who watches it.
In my world my brochure communicates that everyone will have a life-changing experience by taking part in the experiential workshop.
In my world my videos The 7 Keys to Having the Most Memorable Meetup EVER! would give every meetup group leader who watches it the most wonderful meetup experience of their lives.
In my world this blog inspires others to act and a make a true commitment to their Quest!
In my world my audio books are one of the most powerful experiences to be had on the market today.
In faith,
Mike Shoeman
Shamelessly plugging The Destiny 5 Experience
Shamelessly plugging the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group
Shamelessly plugging the LifeACT Video Ezine
Ready to shamelessly plug YOU on this
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
DAY 3: More on the Power of My Own Personal "WHY"
February 16, 2011
There are mixed feelings going into today. I’m excited yet overwhelmed at the moment. It’s really beginning to feel real - this 60 Day Quest I’ve taken on for myself. Publicly announcing (even though not many people are listening) that I intend to raise an entire years worth of committed income in less than the 60 Day time limit is now becoming a part of my reality. Yes, at times it’s daunting as I’ve opened myself up to a lot of feedback (“Make your worksheets like this!” “Change your brochure so it looks more like that! Make sure you have a writeup that says this! Have you considered doing that?) All of the details which threaten to pull me off of my primary intention - to do the work which will deliver me the prize of my 60 Day Quest.
Not that I’m complaining about getting so much support! I think it’s wonderful and I’ve been asking for a long time to have help. It makes me realize my former patterns of shutting down when things go overwhelming. But now I embrace these suggestions with openness and consider them blessings that people truly do care about the quest I’ve chosen. It might be a question of wrestling with my shadow a little early in this quest but I will excuse myself from doing everything perfectly and continue doing the best I can with what I have to work with (which is almost working with no resources and relying almost solely on creativity.)
The first week of the quest is about “Origins”. Finding out WHY you want to do something. I’ve been thinking extensively on what this current 60 Day Quest means to me. To me this Quest symbolizes a tremendous breakthrough. Imagine working really hard 60 days out of the year and having the other 300 days to pursue your true heart’s desires. For me my heart’s desire is building a business out of this so I’ll still be working constantly once the 60 days are over. But for those looking in from the outside it represents a quantum leap of freedom. I do believe, if given the opportunity, many of us would do more for other people than we would ever do for ourselves. So now I can see my quest from the perspective of giving others permission to free themselves of the perceived burdens of life.
Speaking of “Quantum Leaps” I’m meeting with my mentors Geoffrey Berwind and Steve Harrison. I’m also inspired today by Holly, a participant in our Destiny 5 workshop, who has almost completed a huge financial goal a mere couple days into her quest. Finally, I want to stay focused on having fun doing this quest. In previous quests I felt I might have needlessly suffered but this one is going to rock!
Okay, 10 “If I ruled the world’s…” then on with the day!
1. If I ruled the world each person in my life would know that I love him or her even if I can communicate as effectively as I’d like to today.
2. In my world work is fun and one of the highest joys one can experience.
3. In my world one day of working with my Print Master program would be enough to make me a master.
4. In my world I figure out how to make the photos on my brochure less “grainy”.
5. In my world a financial investor would come get me through this next month.
6. In my world I always look for your heart before making a decision about who you are.
7. In my world this game becomes more effective (and real!) every time you play it!
8. In my world I would have more hours in the day to edit videos - which I love doing so much!
9. In my world I will find extra time to touch base with everyone I need to in my life today.
10. In my world life is beautiful.
Mike Shoeman
Author of the book The Destiny 5 ExperienceFounder of the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles
Editor-in-chief of the LifeACT Video EzinePresident, LifeACT International
One Dude With Many Hats and Titles
February 16, 2011
There are mixed feelings going into today. I’m excited yet overwhelmed at the moment. It’s really beginning to feel real - this 60 Day Quest I’ve taken on for myself. Publicly announcing (even though not many people are listening) that I intend to raise an entire years worth of committed income in less than the 60 Day time limit is now becoming a part of my reality. Yes, at times it’s daunting as I’ve opened myself up to a lot of feedback (“Make your worksheets like this!” “Change your brochure so it looks more like that! Make sure you have a writeup that says this! Have you considered doing that?) All of the details which threaten to pull me off of my primary intention - to do the work which will deliver me the prize of my 60 Day Quest.
Not that I’m complaining about getting so much support! I think it’s wonderful and I’ve been asking for a long time to have help. It makes me realize my former patterns of shutting down when things go overwhelming. But now I embrace these suggestions with openness and consider them blessings that people truly do care about the quest I’ve chosen. It might be a question of wrestling with my shadow a little early in this quest but I will excuse myself from doing everything perfectly and continue doing the best I can with what I have to work with (which is almost working with no resources and relying almost solely on creativity.)
The first week of the quest is about “Origins”. Finding out WHY you want to do something. I’ve been thinking extensively on what this current 60 Day Quest means to me. To me this Quest symbolizes a tremendous breakthrough. Imagine working really hard 60 days out of the year and having the other 300 days to pursue your true heart’s desires. For me my heart’s desire is building a business out of this so I’ll still be working constantly once the 60 days are over. But for those looking in from the outside it represents a quantum leap of freedom. I do believe, if given the opportunity, many of us would do more for other people than we would ever do for ourselves. So now I can see my quest from the perspective of giving others permission to free themselves of the perceived burdens of life.
Speaking of “Quantum Leaps” I’m meeting with my mentors Geoffrey Berwind and Steve Harrison. I’m also inspired today by Holly, a participant in our Destiny 5 workshop, who has almost completed a huge financial goal a mere couple days into her quest. Finally, I want to stay focused on having fun doing this quest. In previous quests I felt I might have needlessly suffered but this one is going to rock!
Okay, 10 “If I ruled the world’s…” then on with the day!
1. If I ruled the world each person in my life would know that I love him or her even if I can communicate as effectively as I’d like to today.
2. In my world work is fun and one of the highest joys one can experience.
3. In my world one day of working with my Print Master program would be enough to make me a master.
4. In my world I figure out how to make the photos on my brochure less “grainy”.
5. In my world a financial investor would come get me through this next month.
6. In my world I always look for your heart before making a decision about who you are.
7. In my world this game becomes more effective (and real!) every time you play it!
8. In my world I would have more hours in the day to edit videos - which I love doing so much!
9. In my world I will find extra time to touch base with everyone I need to in my life today.
10. In my world life is beautiful.
Mike Shoeman
Author of the book The Destiny 5 ExperienceFounder of the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles
Editor-in-chief of the LifeACT Video EzinePresident, LifeACT International
One Dude With Many Hats and Titles
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
DAY 2: "If I Ruled the World..."
DAY 2 (February 15, 2011)
7:26 am “If I Ruled the World…”
I admit I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed. It helps to make a “Grocery List” of what I’d like to accomplish today.
1. Make a brochure for The D5 Experience
2. Record another 15+ minutes of an audio program which will be a sellable product
3. Contact 4 leads for running workshops both here in Philly and in Florida
4. Write up worksheets for future meetups
5. Contact some more old colleagues and share the D5X Video
6. Touch base with my intern team
These are all things tumbling through my mind this morning as I begin my 60 Day Quest.
It was enjoyable to write my journal entry yesterday. In my own mind at least, I feel this latest quest has bigger ramifications. Right now this 60 Day Journal is insignificant but when it proves one can earn an entire years worth of income in 60 Days I believe more people will read this long after the 60 Days have concluded.
The other night at our meetup we played “If I Ruled the World…” It never ceases to amaze me just how therapeutic it is to play this game when you’re stressed!
Okay, so 20 things I’d do if I “ruled the world” and it’s on with my day!
1. If I ruled the world people would immediately see the value of the person sitting right in front of them.
2. If I ruled the world time would slow down and work would joyfully become easier and easier.
3. If I ruled the world I would receive a nice text, email or phone call every half an hour.
4. If I ruled the world everyone would play “If I ruled the world” as a morning ritual and have their day centered and focused.
5. If I ruled the world the heads of business organizations would immediately respond to all of my correspondences.
6. If I ruled the world I would design a beautiful brochure today. (DONE!)
7. If I ruled the world I would have a computer that would immediately capture my videos so I wouldn’t have to wait a week or two to edit new videos.
8. If I ruled the world forgiveness would be a daily event.
9. If I ruled the world everyone would understand that the world doesn’t respond to commands but through the act of asking powerful questions.
10. If I ruled the world I would change this game “if I could have any question answered.”
11. If I ruled the world I would find the answer to the question, “How do engage the most powerful, positive momentum in this moment?”
12. If I ruled the world I’d recognize that maybe a part of me does rule the world because I’m feeling less stressed and engaging in tremendous powerful, positive momentum.
13. If I ruled the world creativity would be recognized as the most precious resource on earth.
14. If I ruled the world I’d be happy with every single step of this process because getting there is half the fun.
15. If I ruled the world I’d realize it really is more powerful to begin every sentence with “in my world…”
16. In my world people can bend the rules to make the game work personally for each individual.
17. In my world things happen very quickly now.
18. In my world we realize every little thing we do makes a huge difference!
19. In my world scary stuff goes away once you look at it properly.
20. In my world it’s time to get on with the day and make it the greatest in your life.
21. (BONUS) In my world I relook at this list every other day and realize all of these things ARE alive in my life.
7:26 am “If I Ruled the World…”
I admit I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed. It helps to make a “Grocery List” of what I’d like to accomplish today.
1. Make a brochure for The D5 Experience
2. Record another 15+ minutes of an audio program which will be a sellable product
3. Contact 4 leads for running workshops both here in Philly and in Florida
4. Write up worksheets for future meetups
5. Contact some more old colleagues and share the D5X Video
6. Touch base with my intern team
These are all things tumbling through my mind this morning as I begin my 60 Day Quest.
It was enjoyable to write my journal entry yesterday. In my own mind at least, I feel this latest quest has bigger ramifications. Right now this 60 Day Journal is insignificant but when it proves one can earn an entire years worth of income in 60 Days I believe more people will read this long after the 60 Days have concluded.
The other night at our meetup we played “If I Ruled the World…” It never ceases to amaze me just how therapeutic it is to play this game when you’re stressed!
Okay, so 20 things I’d do if I “ruled the world” and it’s on with my day!
1. If I ruled the world people would immediately see the value of the person sitting right in front of them.
2. If I ruled the world time would slow down and work would joyfully become easier and easier.
3. If I ruled the world I would receive a nice text, email or phone call every half an hour.
4. If I ruled the world everyone would play “If I ruled the world” as a morning ritual and have their day centered and focused.
5. If I ruled the world the heads of business organizations would immediately respond to all of my correspondences.
6. If I ruled the world I would design a beautiful brochure today. (DONE!)
7. If I ruled the world I would have a computer that would immediately capture my videos so I wouldn’t have to wait a week or two to edit new videos.
8. If I ruled the world forgiveness would be a daily event.
9. If I ruled the world everyone would understand that the world doesn’t respond to commands but through the act of asking powerful questions.
10. If I ruled the world I would change this game “if I could have any question answered.”
11. If I ruled the world I would find the answer to the question, “How do engage the most powerful, positive momentum in this moment?”
12. If I ruled the world I’d recognize that maybe a part of me does rule the world because I’m feeling less stressed and engaging in tremendous powerful, positive momentum.
13. If I ruled the world creativity would be recognized as the most precious resource on earth.
14. If I ruled the world I’d be happy with every single step of this process because getting there is half the fun.
15. If I ruled the world I’d realize it really is more powerful to begin every sentence with “in my world…”
16. In my world people can bend the rules to make the game work personally for each individual.
17. In my world things happen very quickly now.
18. In my world we realize every little thing we do makes a huge difference!
19. In my world scary stuff goes away once you look at it properly.
20. In my world it’s time to get on with the day and make it the greatest in your life.
21. (BONUS) In my world I relook at this list every other day and realize all of these things ARE alive in my life.
Monday, February 14, 2011
DAY 1: The 21st Century Hero's Journey
DAY 1 (February 14, 2011)
"Here I go again," but unlike Whitesnake - I'm not on my own!
Today I’m about to embark on a new quest. This quest is to generate business through The Destiny 5 Experience in eight major cities in the Northeast U.S. and Canada. During this quest it is my intention to raise an entire year’s worth of committed income during this “mini-tour” before embarking on my national book and experiential workshop tour at the end of August. I’m open to very fortunate surprises along the way and intend this to become bigger (yet manageable) than even I expected.
What is The Destiny 5 Experience?
If you haven’t seen the video yet please on the following link to watch from our own LifeACT Video Ezine and see what our experiential workshop is all about.
This is DAY 1 of the 21st Century Hero's Journey but it’s a quest I’m taking with new friends and supported by a population of people ready for a cultural shift. To me the 21st Century Hero’s Journey is about finally freeing ourselves from what binds us to limitation, fear or disempowerment. This quest represents to me finding our passion and using our individual passions to make a living doing what we love. That being said, the bigger picture in all of this Destiny 5 stuff is to inspire a “Quest Movement”. You want to see a paradigm shift? Find the right quest that calls you, take the quest then share the quest process. This is the 21st Century Hero’s Journey. This is the path out of a corporate world takeover! We are all responsible for our own personal Quest and together we create the true hero’s journey for the 21st Century.
That being said, I invite you to journal along with me. If you would like to make a few journal entries public for our audience I'd be happy to publish your entries along with mine and include any web links to drive traffic to your site. YOU are needed to make a quest movement happen but that starts with your saying "YES" to the quest that's calling you. You may email me your journal entries at
Please place "60 DAY JOURNAL ENTRY" in the subject line.
So I’m taking stock of what I need to do today to chart my course: I have new meetup group members to greet today (, audio programs to record, and interns to communicate with. I want to thank Mike Wanner for facilitating opportunities to lead a D5X workshop in the Philadelphia area as well as introducing me to a possible congregation to speak in front of. Thank you, Mike, for all of your help, guidance and beautiful support. I’ve also gotten great advice from both my mentors Geoffrey Berwind and Steve Harrison and from my workshop attendees to speak with Spiritualist and Unitarian Churches about The Destiny 5 Experience (D5X). Since receiving this advice I’ve found a national directory of such churches. (I’m even planning on contacting local chapters in Tampa and Sarasota when I visit my girlfriend’s mother there in April!)
My confidence is high (as can typically be the case on DAY 1 and the “Origins” phase of the quest) due to a couple factors: I’m happy with how the D5X Video turned out. I’m happy that Holly, one of our workshop participants from last week, had an amazing push forward and the continuing positive responses I’ve received from participants of this experiential workshop.
I’m going to put a request out now to my readers and the universe: Recently, I had an intern go “MIA” who I had put in charge of my New York marketing operations. I’m looking to replace her and was wondering if anyone knows anybody who might want to take up this post? It’s about 4 to 5 hours of light admin work per week which can be done from the comforts of home. This person would receive free access to everything LifeACT International produces and would receive a 10 percent commission on any business generated in the New York City area. Anyone know someone who would be OUTSTANDING for this position?
Okay, lot’s of work ahead of me today (on top of working with my personal training clients and acting students) so time to get to it!
Michael Shoeman
National Mastermind Meetup Miracles
President, LifeACT International
Author of The Destiny 5 Experience
"Here I go again," but unlike Whitesnake - I'm not on my own!
Today I’m about to embark on a new quest. This quest is to generate business through The Destiny 5 Experience in eight major cities in the Northeast U.S. and Canada. During this quest it is my intention to raise an entire year’s worth of committed income during this “mini-tour” before embarking on my national book and experiential workshop tour at the end of August. I’m open to very fortunate surprises along the way and intend this to become bigger (yet manageable) than even I expected.
What is The Destiny 5 Experience?
If you haven’t seen the video yet please on the following link to watch from our own LifeACT Video Ezine and see what our experiential workshop is all about.
This is DAY 1 of the 21st Century Hero's Journey but it’s a quest I’m taking with new friends and supported by a population of people ready for a cultural shift. To me the 21st Century Hero’s Journey is about finally freeing ourselves from what binds us to limitation, fear or disempowerment. This quest represents to me finding our passion and using our individual passions to make a living doing what we love. That being said, the bigger picture in all of this Destiny 5 stuff is to inspire a “Quest Movement”. You want to see a paradigm shift? Find the right quest that calls you, take the quest then share the quest process. This is the 21st Century Hero’s Journey. This is the path out of a corporate world takeover! We are all responsible for our own personal Quest and together we create the true hero’s journey for the 21st Century.
That being said, I invite you to journal along with me. If you would like to make a few journal entries public for our audience I'd be happy to publish your entries along with mine and include any web links to drive traffic to your site. YOU are needed to make a quest movement happen but that starts with your saying "YES" to the quest that's calling you. You may email me your journal entries at
Please place "60 DAY JOURNAL ENTRY" in the subject line.
So I’m taking stock of what I need to do today to chart my course: I have new meetup group members to greet today (, audio programs to record, and interns to communicate with. I want to thank Mike Wanner for facilitating opportunities to lead a D5X workshop in the Philadelphia area as well as introducing me to a possible congregation to speak in front of. Thank you, Mike, for all of your help, guidance and beautiful support. I’ve also gotten great advice from both my mentors Geoffrey Berwind and Steve Harrison and from my workshop attendees to speak with Spiritualist and Unitarian Churches about The Destiny 5 Experience (D5X). Since receiving this advice I’ve found a national directory of such churches. (I’m even planning on contacting local chapters in Tampa and Sarasota when I visit my girlfriend’s mother there in April!)
My confidence is high (as can typically be the case on DAY 1 and the “Origins” phase of the quest) due to a couple factors: I’m happy with how the D5X Video turned out. I’m happy that Holly, one of our workshop participants from last week, had an amazing push forward and the continuing positive responses I’ve received from participants of this experiential workshop.
I’m going to put a request out now to my readers and the universe: Recently, I had an intern go “MIA” who I had put in charge of my New York marketing operations. I’m looking to replace her and was wondering if anyone knows anybody who might want to take up this post? It’s about 4 to 5 hours of light admin work per week which can be done from the comforts of home. This person would receive free access to everything LifeACT International produces and would receive a 10 percent commission on any business generated in the New York City area. Anyone know someone who would be OUTSTANDING for this position?
Okay, lot’s of work ahead of me today (on top of working with my personal training clients and acting students) so time to get to it!
Michael Shoeman
National Mastermind Meetup Miracles
President, LifeACT International
Author of The Destiny 5 Experience
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