LifeACT International

LifeACT International
"What's your quest?" (Click on the LifeACT logo to be redirected to the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group!)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DAY 44: My Meeting with the Jedi Council

DAY 44: My Meeting with the Jedi Council

March 29, 2011
8:51 am

I’m supposed to relax today. This is so difficult for me to do. Phase 7/Sacrimentors is supposed to be a period of rest, rejuvenation and preparation for the return. Like it or not, all of my efforts are temporarily going to be in vain. It is essential that I find a way to relax and allow guidance to come.

As expected, I’ve been able to recall my dreams once again. I dreamed I was a traveling minister. Now I’ve really been resisting an organized religious path for a long time, though I’m passionately in love with the idea of spirituality. The “spirit” is being asked to become included in my work. So although I’m not a leader of an organized religion, I do represent a path of “faith”. In this time of surrender I’ve asked God/Source/The Universe - “What do YOU want my life to be?” The answer I received was to represent faith and commitment. Even if that commitment is only for 60 days, it represents a commitment which does have a beginning, middle and an end.

I’ve also dreamed about being able to see and do everything I’ve ever wanted. But it comes at a price. The price is that I have to reveal my vulnerability. I know my blog is riddled with errors, inconsistencies and confusing ideas. That’s the price I pay for walking this path; to express myself knowing I’m so very far from perfect. I dreamed that the people I love were ashamed of me for giving up. Although I’ve changed so much over the years, had temporary “Time Outs” and have gotten very frustrated and desponded at times - I feel I’ve never given up on my highest intention. My highest intention is to make a lucrative living incorporating drama, television production and teaching for uplifting mankind. I’ve been and will continue to be dedicated to that purpose for my entire life.

In motion are events set from my previous “Question Council” sessions. I’ve incorporated yesterday’s advice from the “Wizanagamot” into the rough cuts of my new video. I’m building my site as per the advice from two days ago. In keeping with the theme of drawing inspiration from my favorite stories, I will address my third question using Star Wars characters as my “Question Council”.

My Third Question was:

What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (As per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)


OBI-WAN: The formula will be the same as anyone trying to leverage the internet for money. You will be paid for the services, not for your time. You already have the strategy - one-third of your income will come from television production programs. The other two-thirds will come from one-day and weekend workshops, your 10 volume audio programs, book sales and personal coaching clients.
(1st Layer Question.) This answer was already given previously. How do you continue to make these “Question Councils” intensify your efforts rather than scatter your energy?


LUKE: A formidable and relevant question, Master Obi-Wan, as I sense Mike’s essence has been scattered after experiencing his own personal Plot Twist and Dark Night. The correct answers are genuinely the simple ones. Mike, your efforts are intensifying whether you’re aware of them or not. Your Quest is to show others a clear path in how to generate an annual income in 60 Days doing what you love. Everything, even these Question Councils, filter through that stated intention. You intensify your efforts simply by staying with the Quest.

(2nd Layer Question.) How does simply staying with the Quest intensify efforts and focus energy?


YODA: Clever, your question is, my young padawan. The path has two aspects, it does. First, the emotional path of the 60 day Quest caters to one’s emotions and sense of direction. The second path is the logical, more practical one. Multiple streams of income are created by staying on the path of the Quest.

Take these examples:
Journaling everyday creates a new book.
Keeping an audio journal everyday creates 9-10 volumes of an audio program.
Learning about the Destiny 5 Quest gives you a structure to teach anything!

(3rd Layer Question.) How do you communicate these two paths to make sense to someone who wants to make an annual income in 60 days? Ponder this question, you must.


LEIA: The answer is simple really: to generate an annual income in 60 Days you have to see both sides of the path - the emotional and the logical. The 60 Day Quest keeps the emotions engaged and keeps you committed. The logical side gives you the tools to generate the annual income quickly. By combining these two aspects of the path you are able to clearly articulate the benefits of both the emotional and logical.
(4th Layer Question.) Now that I explained that, I’m a little confused. Mom, please help clarify what I just said so that it’s simpler to understand. Would you be able to provide clarity for me, please?


PADME: Of course, my daughter. When you take Quest you naturally create the tools to generate the annual income. Mike’s story, for instance, demonstrates how his commitment to the Quest has created each step of the path in creating an annual income.
(5th Layer Question.) Ani, dear, can you outline every step of Mike’s path and how it will create the annual income for both himself and the readers of this new book?


ANNIKIN: Mike’s Quest will allow others to experience his program at different commitment levels.

1st Commitment: By the time the summer is over, Mike will have released 144 clips of the Destiny 5 Experience Reality Television series. That will increase his visibility, audience and give a clear visual of what this work is all about. (The Origin/Shadow)

2nd Commitment: Mike’s website will outline all of the services he provides at different commitment levels. From FREE/No Commitment to a fully committed path. There will be a free audio and this free book included through this website. (Helping Hands)

3rd Commitment: Mike will offer minimally priced works such as selling audio programs by the volume or his Destiny 5 Experience Book though the website. The abundance of information just in these works will be priceless. (Desert)

4th Commitment: Now members can either be a part of a one-day event, listen to all 10 audio programs or become a part of the reality television experience. All of these are relatively low commitments to a 60 Day Quest. (Plot Twist/Dark Night)

5th Commitment: Finally, “high commitment” products and services will either include a “Vacation Quest” or investing in a 60 Day Quest Coaching Program. This will be a high commitment program. (Sacrimentor/Climax)

6th Commitment: The final “high commitment” portion is having a client learn this Quest process. Here they become an equal partner and also will earn income for him/herself and this program. (Destiny)
I’ll ask my “Dark Side Counterpart”, how does the Quest and making the 6 Commitments tie into each other?


DARTH VADER: If Mike plans on making a program in making a program out of making an annual income in 60 Days he must tie these “6 Commitments” in to each phase of the Quest. He must ask participants of this specific program to make the commitment at each phase.

(Unconsciously Incompetent at Generating an Annual Income…)

After Shadows: Will you make the commitment to watch a 5 minute video clip?
After Helping Hands: Would you make the commitment to listen to a free audio or skim over a free book?

(Consciously Incompetent…)

After Deserts: Would you invest $30 to get into the experience more?
After Dark Night: Would you invest anywhere from $150-$450 to fully immerse yourself in this process?

(Consciously Competent…)

After Climax: Would invest anywhere from $997-$10,000 to master the art of generating an annual income in 60 Days or less?
After Destiny: Would you be willing to teach this process to others?


MIKE: What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (As per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)

The Answer: Anyone who comes to me SPECIFICALLY seeking to generate an annual income in 60 Days or Less will be willing to make a commitment. However, they don’t make this commitment blindly. There is a service for an investment. There is a service in exchange for a commitment. I know now that the Quest provides a clear treasure map toward asking others for an investment and in exchange earning an income doing what you truly love.

The formula is now in the Quest process. They have combined and become one.

Michael Shoeman
Receiving the Answers

(Funny, after finishing this entry I received a telephone call with one of the biggest opportunities of my life! This event will take place on DAY 60. Hmmm, it seems there is something serendipitous truly at work here.)

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