DAY 30: Midpoint
March 15, 2011
8:08 pm
The Quest is precisely at it’s midpoint today…Day 30.
It causes me to pause a moment and once again take stock of what’s transpired and where I’m at in regard to this Quest of raising an annual income in 60 days. At this point I know where half the income will be coming from and that's through workshop efforts with joint venture partners. This week I’ll be pinning down commitments for 25% of my stated goal. If I continue to be honest with myself, my intended monetary figure is actually more than I’ve ever made in a year. In fact my annual income in the past has been rather meager so this 25% actually represents HALF of any annual income I’ve truthfully made in the past. Funny how I’m realizing this at the midpoint.
I know where the rest of my Quest’s income will come from and how to potentially quadruple my intended goal. Whether or not I follow through with all I’m planning within the 60 Day time frame remains to be seen, but the point is I have a clear path ahead of me. Regardless of whether I win, lose or draw the Quest will definitely have been worth taken.
I’ve started reaching out to other meetups here in Philly. After creating the Destiny 5 meetup I’ve seen 9 members join and we seemed to have stopped there for the time being. I’m committed to seeing this meetup reach higher numbers before our first meetup on May 15. My outreach has included a Craig’s List posting, joining other like-minded meetups and later today I will ask current members to invite others.
Which gets me to the theme of this week which is Plot Twists. It is very possible to experience chaos this week and I’m definitely sensing this chaotic whirlwind.
First of all, I’m letting go of my UU and Unity church outreach for the time being. Until I do my presentation for one of these congregations here in Philly, I feel I need more feedback before going down this route. The video journaling meetup is starting to consume my mind and time as I feel it will leverage my talents best. I’m still planning on making a video for the Destiny 5 video journal meetup as well as the video for the purposes of campaigning for a corporate sponsorship. I might not have the resources for the latter video until June. So the sponsorship campaign will have to be a part of my Summer Quest.
The huge Plot Twist for me, which I’ve already documented, is embracing my new identity as The 60 Days to Financial Freedom Man. NOW THAT’S SCARY and out of my comfort zone! For me to fully claim that role will require the successful completion of this Quest. It excites me, scares me, invigorates me, motivates me and forces a catharsis. All part of the Plot Twist.
Okay, I’m going to do my Emotional Calibration exercise and get on with the day.
Michael Shoeman
Undefined Today
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