LifeACT International

LifeACT International
"What's your quest?" (Click on the LifeACT logo to be redirected to the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group!)

Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 26: The Reality of My Situation

DAY 26: The Reality of My Situation

March 11, 2011
9:54 am

We’re almost halfway through this Quest and I’ve been making a lot of distinctions. If we were to compare The 60 Day Quest to Law of Attraction theory, Act 2 represents developing the BELIEF in ourselves on this Quest. In Act 1 the subconscious affirmation was “I think I know how I’m going to do this…” (Again, this is the intellect and what Law of Attraction would deem the “asking” phase.) Here in Act 2 I’m seeing evidence now that there are many different ways this Quest COULD succeed as the subconscious affirmation now is “I believe I’m going to complete my Quest and here is the evidence!” (The emotions are starting to get behind this belief which is why Law of Attraction’s second step in the manifestation process is “Believe”.)

The potential reality of the situation is that it’s possible I might even DOUBLE the amount of expected income. (Wouldn’t that be nice?) When I began this Quest I laid out a plan where potentially 33% of income would come from workshops (I’m now potentially looking at 49% coming from this source with the efforts just starting to heat up. Eventually workshops could bring me 200% of the income I projected at the beginning.) The next 33% was to come from coaching programs as a result of those workshops. All I needed was about 16 clients along the way and that would give me the second third of what I sought. Finally, the final 33% was to come from 16 hours of audio programs I’ve been recording along side of keeping this blog.

If I were able to move 60 of these, that would provide the third part. In reality, I’m halfway creating my second book through this blog on top of making these audios!

Oh! And I think and I came to an understanding. Here’s the new link to a meetup I’m really excited to be launching:

As I said a few days ago, this effort has the potential to bring 10% in for the completion of my Quest!
All of these efforts require work and persistence but I truly LOVE what I’m doing. And that was the intention of the Quest: To bring in annual income commitments in 60 Days doing something I absolutely LOVE!

During the Desert phase, we play a game called “Voices”. I first learned this game when I ran drama programs for suicide survivors. The exercise was intended to help you experience what it might be like to have schizophrenia. You sit in a chair and try to hold an important conversation with someone - say you’re at a job interview. In one ear a voice might be whispering all negative things. For instance, my “negative” voices might say:

“You’re stupid. Nobody wants what you have to offer. You’re debt is threatening to swallow you whole because you’re ignorant. You only get paid $4 a session as a personal trainer because you suck! The theater company you work for has no appreciation for your skills because you don’t have an advanced degree! You have no power! Completing this Quest will mean nothing once it’s all said and done! Your partners will find a way to back out on you! No one is truly committed to anything anymore! You’re asking people to take themselves seriously - no one wants to do that anymore! People’s attention spans are too short to listen to anything you have to say!”

Now, simultaneously, someone else is whispering in your other ear whispering positive thoughts in your ear:

“You have a wonderful program, Mike. You are so committed and continue to be committed - THAT’s the most valuable thing you can represent to people. You really could DOUBLE the amount you had originally set out to attain! Not only that, everybody who has ever received what you have to offer has benefited immensely! Have you noticed that you’re not chasing after anyone now? Your partners are now asking YOU for a commitment! You’re outgrowing, becoming way bigger, than your roles at the gym and the theater company! You’re now halfway through a second book! Every time you do the ECL exercise you feel Love, Joy and Peace! You have mastered your emotions, Mike, and can explain the Quest process beautifully! You have an important mission, Mike, and people are now starting to realize what you’re capable of!”

Both of those messages are happening simultaneously, and during the feeling of having smoke coming out of your ears, you attempt to maintain an important conversation that has something to do with your Quest.

In the second round, you try to do the ELC exercise with all of this chaos happening around you. I will close today’s entry with another ELC and hope you will imagine a little “Angel” and a little “Devil” sitting on my shoulder as I speak the next words…

Courage: Courage is not only taking the Quest, but seeing the Quest through to completion. Courage is knowing and accepting you’re going to change. Courage is embracing change. Courage is admitting you’re wrong. Courage is admitting you can always improve. Courage is walking the path, not knowing the path.

Trust: I trust doors are opening. I trust staying true to the Quest, everyday for 60 Days, accesses the full power promised by Law of Attraction. I trust setbacks are opportunities in disguise. I trust that writing this means something. I trust that every time I engage in this exercise it raises my emotional attraction power.

Willingness: I’m willing to tweak my new site today. I’m willing to continue recording my audio journal. I’m willing advertise my new meetup site today. I’m willing to communicate with full lucidity. I’m willing to send worksheets out in preparation for this Sunday’s meetup. I’m willing to finish this ECL exercise.

Acceptance/Forgiveness: I forgive my ego, or “negative voices”, because they provide me with a story to tell. I accept that all emotions are power - it’s only a matter of looking at the emotions honestly. I forgive the past because it’s not an accurate reflection of who I am right now. I accept that I’m growing beyond the two “jobs” in which I exchange time for money. I forgive the American economy for revealing the opportunity for all of us to grow in prosperity together.

Clarity: I find clarity in the emotional strength in today. Clarity is an open space waiting to be filled. Clarity is discovering deeper intentions. Clarity is discovering hidden intentions. Clarity IS intentional intentionality. LOL. Clarity is the work of the Artist. True clarity elicits an emotional response and immediate action - as if through and deed become one.

Love: Now I love what making a true commitment means. I love sharing this information. I love it when others connect with and tell me how these words are embracing them. I love that a few people DID tell me that yesterday. I love that this exchange is a two-way street. I love that my efforts come effortlessly when I get to the “Love Rung” on the ladder.

Joy: Joy is appreciating all the choices I have. Joy is pure creation. Joy is truly all around me. Joy is coming so fast that my typing can’t keep up with the rush of emotions. Joy is being able to anchor these feelings even in the Desert. Joy is sharing my abundance. Joy is the rush I feel up and down my spine right now.

Peace: Peace is appreciating the creation in all destruction and the destruction in all creation. Peace is where Yin and Yang meet once again. Peace is the gate to Oneness. Peace is effortless. Peace is knowing nothing is ever lost. Peace is accepting that it doesn’t matter if someone thinks I’m “blissing out” right now. Peace is going back to the “real world” once I’m through with this exercise. Peace is knowing that just by doing this exercise I carry Peace with me in every aspect of my day.

Enlightenment: (silence)

Michael John Shoeman
The Life Artist Painting from a Palette of 17 Emotional Colors

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