DAY 23: An Unexpected, Emotionally Intelligent Reality Television Concept
March 8, 2011
8:26 am
Even though this week represents The Desert I’ve been experiencing happenings more reminiscent to The Plot Twist in my story.
Before I begin today’s entry, I want to thank Ruth Anne Wood and her Live Your Peace program for covering my activities with The Destiny 5 Experience. CLICK HERE to be linked to my audio interview with Ruth…
Exciting news today! As I take stock of the connections made this past 23 days, I realize I could potentially be halfway to my stated goal: To raise an annual income (in workshop commitments) in 60 Days or less. Should my current path continue as planned then I’m already for than 50 percent there as my partners and I are planning to book workshops in 8 cities. Last night I also inadvertently pulled a trigger on a project that will also bring in another 10 percent of my stated goal! I’ll get into that in a minute but these projections are merely through workshop revenue! This does not even account for revenue which will be generated by audio products, membership websites and coaching programs! As they say, “We’ll either find a way or we’ll make one!”
The Desert
I’ve had to part ways with one of my interns today. What to me this represents is that when delving the depths of emotions, you might have to let go of things along the way. This intern to me represented tremendous intelligence and a lot of skill, but as far as emotional communication was concerned, we couldn’t connect. And this is the heart of The Destiny 5 Experience; it lies in “the emotional bridge”. What do I mean by that? Developing the will to finish something requires you to take an honest look at your barely conscious emotional habits…and that can be really scary! Most people unconsciously stray from a Quest stating internally that I know I could do this - just NOW is not the time. What I interpret people are really saying is I haven’t developed the WILL yet to finish what I’ve started.
Something strange and wonderful happened to me yesterday. I was “playing around” on and experimented with creating new sites directed toward the cities I wish to take my national tour. Within my play time I all of sudden got a message, “Your meetup will be sent to 8,000 people in three days!”
YIKES! So I had to make a commitment on something I was contemplating but will now follow through on! If this works, it will generate 10% of my goal!
You see, The Destiny 5 Experience was originally based on a reality television concept. Some of my fellow meetup members have suggested I lead classes that should be videotaped. It will give a chance for actors to master their emotions and non-actors to enhance confidence, creativity and communication skills. Playing around with a website forced me into creating what I will call a “Video Journal Experiment”.
Here’s the link to my new Destiny 5 Reality Show meetup: CLICK HERE
We’ll see how this hand plays out! My national tour has unofficially begun in my hometown!
All for today!
Michael Shoeman
“Unexpectedly Back in Media Production” represents the crossing of a threshold - from the mental world into the emotional world.
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