DAY 46: My Life is a Cartoon Today
March 31, 2011
9:20 am
Lots of work to be done today. I’m busy, scattered and have a million things to do! (Just the way I like it!)
I had a dream last night: I dreamed that during my national tour I was able to bring the reality television experience to underprivileged kids to help them achieve anything they wanted in 60 Days or less. I would love to have this dream come true. Maybe the time will come where I can discuss this with non-profit partners in the future.
This week I’ve had to fully embrace my weaknesses. Let me blunt: this is a first draft of a book - and it sucks! I know this. I know full well that I’m all over the place, make up grammatical rules as I go, and write these blog entries at a hurried pace!
But I keep creating! I can always go back and revise this later. It comforts me now to know that I will have help with the editing process. My girlfriend, a very talent artist and art therapist, helped me design my one-sheet for my “big secret event” coming up at the end of this 60 Day Quest! It always has bee a challenge for me to ask and accept the help of others. However, I’m seeing some wonderful results now working with my friends and partners. My ego wanted to do this all by itself. Thank God my ego has been overruled!
Anyway, since I’m in the full swing of making things happen (I.e. designing a website, tweaking the one-sheet and making my new video) I will go right to my fifth question today.
Hmmm, who should be on my Question Council today?
I recruited the services from the characters of Harry Potter, Star Wars and the Wizard of Oz. Let’s do cartoon characters today…
MIKE: My question today is: How do I communicate the power in what I do without having a huge budget to work with?
MICKEY MOUSE: (Letting out a high-pitched chuckle.) Well, Michael. It’s not that you don’t have a “huge” budget - let’s face it, you have NO budget. The answer is that YOU provide the power through your passion, Michael. Others will experience through the power of the story you lead them through. Sell yourself first and let your heart speak for you. Remember, you represent a path that will allow others to speak their passion. If you stand in the middle of the room, saying you’re producing a reality television story, the sheer balls (huh-huh, excuse my language) that takes will inspire the right people.
(First Layer Question.) The relevant question now is: How can YOU believe the power in what you do to continue to build support?
BUGS BUNNY: Nyah…What’s up, D… Ah, you already know the catch phrase. Mike believes it by sticking to what he knows. That is, he knows how to get a performance out of people, he knows how to speak passionately, and he knows how to lead others through a story. That’s all he’s promising. Just because he sees something that no one else can see at the present moment make what he does any less powerful! The point is - SOMEBODY has to start it for it to become reality! Even if it is just Mike with his simple Handycam and editing software. The important thing is Mike knows how to put a story together and now he knows how to complete a story. I think that’s what people need most help with - COMPLETING what they started.
(Second Layer Question.) What is the one-minute pitch Mike is planning on using? How does Mike quickly communicate how to get a listener to immediately commit to their own story?
SPIDERMAN: Your friendly neighborhood Web-Head here to perform a one-man soliloquy! Written by my buddy, Mike Shoeman. (Clears his throat.) “What if you could accomplish anything that would surprise and astonish you in 60 Days or less? What would you want that outcome to be?” (The listener says, “to marry a millionaire.”) “Then I have the power to put you in a reality show TODAY where, if you become one of the cast members, you will marry a millionaire by the season finale.” (The listener asks, “How can you promise this?”) Mike responds, “I’ve spent my adult life helping others emotionally commit to fictional stories and creating characters who never existed. Now I use the same skills of reality television, story telling and acting techniques to help you emotionally commit to a non-fictional story to create a character who WILL exist - you being married to a millionaire!”
(Third Layer Question.) Does Mike believe in the power of this one-minute speech?
SUPERMAN: Most definitely! The power is in the immediacy he can provide to the listener. He can begin with the opening, “I have a very bold question to ask you. Are you brave enough to answer this question honestly?” Now Mike can also use a tag line, “Why should the reality television experience be wasted on the rich and spoiled?” All are very power statements, make bold promises that he can deliver on, and leads the listener to the next question, “How do I find out more?”
(Fourth Layer Question.) What can Mike do today, right now, to solidify his confidence in this message?
OLIVE OYL: Oh! He’s already doing that! By designing his one-sheet around this idea it gets communicated very effectively! It works out very nicely that all of his seven questions dovetails nicely, doesn’t it? So, yes, my answer is add this message into the one-sheet and it’s already in the video! I didn’t need any of Popeye’s help answering this question so I think I’ll ask another female character to answer the next question!
(Fifth Layer Question.) Hey, Wonder Woman! Are there any more questions really necessary on this topic?
WONDER WOMAN: No, Olive Oyl. There are no more questions required for Mike to feel whole and satisfied on the topic matter.
(Sixth Layer Question.) Do you have anything to ask before closing out this Question Council, Mike?
MIKE: My answer to that would be “no”. So I’ll go back to my original question and answer it.
How do I communicate the power in what I do without having a huge budget to work with?
The answer is that I don’t need a budged at this particular time, phase and place. “I” am the goods and I’m a living example in how to become a conscious participant in a real life story. The one minute speech serves me in that there’s a lot of power behind the words. I do have the power to put someone in a story should they accept it. I’m not promising a full budget television experience but I am providing the experience of living a story that is televised. Again, the power of story will compensate for my lack of budget.
All for now. Time to bring my Quest to its successful completion.
Michael Shoeman
Guilty of Consorting with Super Heroes and Cartoon Characters
My Public Journal on How to Raise an Annual Income in 60 Days or Less! This is a Quest spanning from February to April, 2011 proving to my readers that you can earn an annual income in less than 60 days doing what you love through right thought, deed, and most importantly - right ACTION!
LifeACT International
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
DAY 45: This Quest Could Technically Be Over/The Yellow Brick Road
DAY 45: This Quest Could Technically Be Over/The Yellow Brick Road
March 30, 2011
8:25 am
It’s a technicality, but if I really wanted to spin this the right way, my Quest is over and I could conceivably be declared the winner! Yesterday I has given an in-kind service worth almost 20% of my goal. When I look at the unexpected investment which was cashed, the in-kind services and the committed income I know I’ll be making through one of my programs I realized when added all up the amount has exceeded the annual income that I’ve ever made in a fiscal year. It’s a debatable win, but it gives me a psychological edge going into the last 15 days of the Quest. My Quest was to have a “committed” income of a certain amount which represented an annual income (but in reality this figure was significantly more than any annual income I’ve ever made in the past.)
Now that I can allow myself to accept that I’ve won this game, I’d like to make this an indisputable win!
Today I’m working on building my website, designing a one-sheet for a big event which will happen on DAY 60, and feverishly producing the video I intend to release next week.
I shall continue the “Question Council” activity by addressing my fourth question:
MIKE: “What will I do to release my book and audio programs by June 15, 2011?”
Let’s see…let’s make today’s council characters from the Wizard of Oz story.
DOROTHY: You will need to revise your book one final time before releasing it as an eBook through your website. Call your friend and see if you can secure an editor. If you aren’t able to secure an editor, release it anyway with a disclosure statement that the book is still a “work in progress” but at least it can be circulated.
Not bad advice for a little girl from Kansas, huh?
Your audios will be completed on scheduled, simply continue to commit to one recording a day. To release them by June 15, you should commit to editing and launching one volume per week between April 15 and June 15.
(1st Layer Question.) How will you keep your sanity through all of this and continue to be productive with all this work ahead of you?
(Mike continues with Dorothy down the Yellow Brick Road.)
SCARECROW: You’ve already set aside two hours everyday to write this book and make your audio recordings. Now that you’ve trained yourself to do this, take the time you normally use to write this blog for editing the final draft. Take the time you would typically use to make your audios to edit and launch the audios. You’ve developed a lifestyle now based on productive habits, Mike, you’re merely replacing one activity for another.
(2nd Layer Question.) How does this line of questioning work in with all the other lines of questioning from the Wizanagamot and the Jedi Council?
TIN MAN: All of these questions come back to completing the Quest in the most time efficient manner possible. By the time Mike is finished with the books and the audios, we will have a website from which to market them. My heart tells me that all the questions deepen Mike’s commitment to the Quest and gives him the psychological edge this phase of the journey promises. Mike feels that all of this week’s questions are not diverting him, but rather intensifying his focus and increasing his confidence!
(3rd Layer Question.) How does Mike now become psychologically centered in the COMPETION of this book?
LION: It takes courage, to be sure. The ending of things are always scary. Mike now has to realize the ending of his first book is the beginning of this second book which he’s composing right now. It’s time to let it go and realize he wrote the book to get a message out - not for it to become the “perfect work of literature”. If he stays centered on this fact, the criticisms and even his own errors will haunt him less. Those who have ears will hear and appreciate the message in the spirit from which the first book was written.
(4th Layer Question.) What does Mike need to understand to have the courage to call his editor friend?
WIZARD: Acknowledging this question was the greatest start. That’s really all it took. Right before Mike finished writing my words he already called and left a message. Many times unpremeditated action is the best course of action.
(5th Layer Question.) Are there really any more questions necessary since Mike took action and got the ball rolling?
GLINDA: There are not more questions except for the fact that consulting with this council is fun for Mike. So he will continue to the seventh layer as planned but advise others that when they feel compete and would like to stop, that is always their cherished option.
(6th Layer Question.) What is the question burning most in your heart right now, Mike?
MIKE: How do I communicate to people that I’m not looking to be perfect? How do I communicate that I know my writing is inferior and hurried and less than Pulitzer Prize winning but there’s a message burning within me? Part of that message is STOP TRYING TO BE PERFECT and just do the thing!
Hmm. I think I just did that.
Back to my original question: What will I do to release my book and audio programs by June 15, 2011?
The Answer: I’ve already contacted my editor friend. I will continue what I’m doing throughout this 60 Day
Quest and replace editing duties with writing duties upon the Quest’s conclusion.
Michael Shoeman
Ready to Come Back to Kansas
March 30, 2011
8:25 am
It’s a technicality, but if I really wanted to spin this the right way, my Quest is over and I could conceivably be declared the winner! Yesterday I has given an in-kind service worth almost 20% of my goal. When I look at the unexpected investment which was cashed, the in-kind services and the committed income I know I’ll be making through one of my programs I realized when added all up the amount has exceeded the annual income that I’ve ever made in a fiscal year. It’s a debatable win, but it gives me a psychological edge going into the last 15 days of the Quest. My Quest was to have a “committed” income of a certain amount which represented an annual income (but in reality this figure was significantly more than any annual income I’ve ever made in the past.)
Now that I can allow myself to accept that I’ve won this game, I’d like to make this an indisputable win!
Today I’m working on building my website, designing a one-sheet for a big event which will happen on DAY 60, and feverishly producing the video I intend to release next week.
I shall continue the “Question Council” activity by addressing my fourth question:
MIKE: “What will I do to release my book and audio programs by June 15, 2011?”
Let’s see…let’s make today’s council characters from the Wizard of Oz story.
DOROTHY: You will need to revise your book one final time before releasing it as an eBook through your website. Call your friend and see if you can secure an editor. If you aren’t able to secure an editor, release it anyway with a disclosure statement that the book is still a “work in progress” but at least it can be circulated.
Not bad advice for a little girl from Kansas, huh?
Your audios will be completed on scheduled, simply continue to commit to one recording a day. To release them by June 15, you should commit to editing and launching one volume per week between April 15 and June 15.
(1st Layer Question.) How will you keep your sanity through all of this and continue to be productive with all this work ahead of you?
(Mike continues with Dorothy down the Yellow Brick Road.)
SCARECROW: You’ve already set aside two hours everyday to write this book and make your audio recordings. Now that you’ve trained yourself to do this, take the time you normally use to write this blog for editing the final draft. Take the time you would typically use to make your audios to edit and launch the audios. You’ve developed a lifestyle now based on productive habits, Mike, you’re merely replacing one activity for another.
(2nd Layer Question.) How does this line of questioning work in with all the other lines of questioning from the Wizanagamot and the Jedi Council?
TIN MAN: All of these questions come back to completing the Quest in the most time efficient manner possible. By the time Mike is finished with the books and the audios, we will have a website from which to market them. My heart tells me that all the questions deepen Mike’s commitment to the Quest and gives him the psychological edge this phase of the journey promises. Mike feels that all of this week’s questions are not diverting him, but rather intensifying his focus and increasing his confidence!
(3rd Layer Question.) How does Mike now become psychologically centered in the COMPETION of this book?
LION: It takes courage, to be sure. The ending of things are always scary. Mike now has to realize the ending of his first book is the beginning of this second book which he’s composing right now. It’s time to let it go and realize he wrote the book to get a message out - not for it to become the “perfect work of literature”. If he stays centered on this fact, the criticisms and even his own errors will haunt him less. Those who have ears will hear and appreciate the message in the spirit from which the first book was written.
(4th Layer Question.) What does Mike need to understand to have the courage to call his editor friend?
WIZARD: Acknowledging this question was the greatest start. That’s really all it took. Right before Mike finished writing my words he already called and left a message. Many times unpremeditated action is the best course of action.
(5th Layer Question.) Are there really any more questions necessary since Mike took action and got the ball rolling?
GLINDA: There are not more questions except for the fact that consulting with this council is fun for Mike. So he will continue to the seventh layer as planned but advise others that when they feel compete and would like to stop, that is always their cherished option.
(6th Layer Question.) What is the question burning most in your heart right now, Mike?
MIKE: How do I communicate to people that I’m not looking to be perfect? How do I communicate that I know my writing is inferior and hurried and less than Pulitzer Prize winning but there’s a message burning within me? Part of that message is STOP TRYING TO BE PERFECT and just do the thing!
Hmm. I think I just did that.
Back to my original question: What will I do to release my book and audio programs by June 15, 2011?
The Answer: I’ve already contacted my editor friend. I will continue what I’m doing throughout this 60 Day
Quest and replace editing duties with writing duties upon the Quest’s conclusion.
Michael Shoeman
Ready to Come Back to Kansas
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
DAY 44: My Meeting with the Jedi Council
DAY 44: My Meeting with the Jedi Council
March 29, 2011
8:51 am
I’m supposed to relax today. This is so difficult for me to do. Phase 7/Sacrimentors is supposed to be a period of rest, rejuvenation and preparation for the return. Like it or not, all of my efforts are temporarily going to be in vain. It is essential that I find a way to relax and allow guidance to come.
As expected, I’ve been able to recall my dreams once again. I dreamed I was a traveling minister. Now I’ve really been resisting an organized religious path for a long time, though I’m passionately in love with the idea of spirituality. The “spirit” is being asked to become included in my work. So although I’m not a leader of an organized religion, I do represent a path of “faith”. In this time of surrender I’ve asked God/Source/The Universe - “What do YOU want my life to be?” The answer I received was to represent faith and commitment. Even if that commitment is only for 60 days, it represents a commitment which does have a beginning, middle and an end.
I’ve also dreamed about being able to see and do everything I’ve ever wanted. But it comes at a price. The price is that I have to reveal my vulnerability. I know my blog is riddled with errors, inconsistencies and confusing ideas. That’s the price I pay for walking this path; to express myself knowing I’m so very far from perfect. I dreamed that the people I love were ashamed of me for giving up. Although I’ve changed so much over the years, had temporary “Time Outs” and have gotten very frustrated and desponded at times - I feel I’ve never given up on my highest intention. My highest intention is to make a lucrative living incorporating drama, television production and teaching for uplifting mankind. I’ve been and will continue to be dedicated to that purpose for my entire life.
In motion are events set from my previous “Question Council” sessions. I’ve incorporated yesterday’s advice from the “Wizanagamot” into the rough cuts of my new video. I’m building my site as per the advice from two days ago. In keeping with the theme of drawing inspiration from my favorite stories, I will address my third question using Star Wars characters as my “Question Council”.
My Third Question was:
What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (As per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)
OBI-WAN: The formula will be the same as anyone trying to leverage the internet for money. You will be paid for the services, not for your time. You already have the strategy - one-third of your income will come from television production programs. The other two-thirds will come from one-day and weekend workshops, your 10 volume audio programs, book sales and personal coaching clients.
(1st Layer Question.) This answer was already given previously. How do you continue to make these “Question Councils” intensify your efforts rather than scatter your energy?
LUKE: A formidable and relevant question, Master Obi-Wan, as I sense Mike’s essence has been scattered after experiencing his own personal Plot Twist and Dark Night. The correct answers are genuinely the simple ones. Mike, your efforts are intensifying whether you’re aware of them or not. Your Quest is to show others a clear path in how to generate an annual income in 60 Days doing what you love. Everything, even these Question Councils, filter through that stated intention. You intensify your efforts simply by staying with the Quest.
(2nd Layer Question.) How does simply staying with the Quest intensify efforts and focus energy?
YODA: Clever, your question is, my young padawan. The path has two aspects, it does. First, the emotional path of the 60 day Quest caters to one’s emotions and sense of direction. The second path is the logical, more practical one. Multiple streams of income are created by staying on the path of the Quest.
Take these examples:
Journaling everyday creates a new book.
Keeping an audio journal everyday creates 9-10 volumes of an audio program.
Learning about the Destiny 5 Quest gives you a structure to teach anything!
(3rd Layer Question.) How do you communicate these two paths to make sense to someone who wants to make an annual income in 60 days? Ponder this question, you must.
LEIA: The answer is simple really: to generate an annual income in 60 Days you have to see both sides of the path - the emotional and the logical. The 60 Day Quest keeps the emotions engaged and keeps you committed. The logical side gives you the tools to generate the annual income quickly. By combining these two aspects of the path you are able to clearly articulate the benefits of both the emotional and logical.
(4th Layer Question.) Now that I explained that, I’m a little confused. Mom, please help clarify what I just said so that it’s simpler to understand. Would you be able to provide clarity for me, please?
PADME: Of course, my daughter. When you take Quest you naturally create the tools to generate the annual income. Mike’s story, for instance, demonstrates how his commitment to the Quest has created each step of the path in creating an annual income.
(5th Layer Question.) Ani, dear, can you outline every step of Mike’s path and how it will create the annual income for both himself and the readers of this new book?
ANNIKIN: Mike’s Quest will allow others to experience his program at different commitment levels.
1st Commitment: By the time the summer is over, Mike will have released 144 clips of the Destiny 5 Experience Reality Television series. That will increase his visibility, audience and give a clear visual of what this work is all about. (The Origin/Shadow)
2nd Commitment: Mike’s website will outline all of the services he provides at different commitment levels. From FREE/No Commitment to a fully committed path. There will be a free audio and this free book included through this website. (Helping Hands)
3rd Commitment: Mike will offer minimally priced works such as selling audio programs by the volume or his Destiny 5 Experience Book though the website. The abundance of information just in these works will be priceless. (Desert)
4th Commitment: Now members can either be a part of a one-day event, listen to all 10 audio programs or become a part of the reality television experience. All of these are relatively low commitments to a 60 Day Quest. (Plot Twist/Dark Night)
5th Commitment: Finally, “high commitment” products and services will either include a “Vacation Quest” or investing in a 60 Day Quest Coaching Program. This will be a high commitment program. (Sacrimentor/Climax)
6th Commitment: The final “high commitment” portion is having a client learn this Quest process. Here they become an equal partner and also will earn income for him/herself and this program. (Destiny)
I’ll ask my “Dark Side Counterpart”, how does the Quest and making the 6 Commitments tie into each other?
DARTH VADER: If Mike plans on making a program in making a program out of making an annual income in 60 Days he must tie these “6 Commitments” in to each phase of the Quest. He must ask participants of this specific program to make the commitment at each phase.
(Unconsciously Incompetent at Generating an Annual Income…)
After Shadows: Will you make the commitment to watch a 5 minute video clip?
After Helping Hands: Would you make the commitment to listen to a free audio or skim over a free book?
(Consciously Incompetent…)
After Deserts: Would you invest $30 to get into the experience more?
After Dark Night: Would you invest anywhere from $150-$450 to fully immerse yourself in this process?
(Consciously Competent…)
After Climax: Would invest anywhere from $997-$10,000 to master the art of generating an annual income in 60 Days or less?
After Destiny: Would you be willing to teach this process to others?
MIKE: What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (As per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)
The Answer: Anyone who comes to me SPECIFICALLY seeking to generate an annual income in 60 Days or Less will be willing to make a commitment. However, they don’t make this commitment blindly. There is a service for an investment. There is a service in exchange for a commitment. I know now that the Quest provides a clear treasure map toward asking others for an investment and in exchange earning an income doing what you truly love.
The formula is now in the Quest process. They have combined and become one.
Michael Shoeman
Receiving the Answers
(Funny, after finishing this entry I received a telephone call with one of the biggest opportunities of my life! This event will take place on DAY 60. Hmmm, it seems there is something serendipitous truly at work here.)
March 29, 2011
8:51 am
I’m supposed to relax today. This is so difficult for me to do. Phase 7/Sacrimentors is supposed to be a period of rest, rejuvenation and preparation for the return. Like it or not, all of my efforts are temporarily going to be in vain. It is essential that I find a way to relax and allow guidance to come.
As expected, I’ve been able to recall my dreams once again. I dreamed I was a traveling minister. Now I’ve really been resisting an organized religious path for a long time, though I’m passionately in love with the idea of spirituality. The “spirit” is being asked to become included in my work. So although I’m not a leader of an organized religion, I do represent a path of “faith”. In this time of surrender I’ve asked God/Source/The Universe - “What do YOU want my life to be?” The answer I received was to represent faith and commitment. Even if that commitment is only for 60 days, it represents a commitment which does have a beginning, middle and an end.
I’ve also dreamed about being able to see and do everything I’ve ever wanted. But it comes at a price. The price is that I have to reveal my vulnerability. I know my blog is riddled with errors, inconsistencies and confusing ideas. That’s the price I pay for walking this path; to express myself knowing I’m so very far from perfect. I dreamed that the people I love were ashamed of me for giving up. Although I’ve changed so much over the years, had temporary “Time Outs” and have gotten very frustrated and desponded at times - I feel I’ve never given up on my highest intention. My highest intention is to make a lucrative living incorporating drama, television production and teaching for uplifting mankind. I’ve been and will continue to be dedicated to that purpose for my entire life.
In motion are events set from my previous “Question Council” sessions. I’ve incorporated yesterday’s advice from the “Wizanagamot” into the rough cuts of my new video. I’m building my site as per the advice from two days ago. In keeping with the theme of drawing inspiration from my favorite stories, I will address my third question using Star Wars characters as my “Question Council”.
My Third Question was:
What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (As per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)
OBI-WAN: The formula will be the same as anyone trying to leverage the internet for money. You will be paid for the services, not for your time. You already have the strategy - one-third of your income will come from television production programs. The other two-thirds will come from one-day and weekend workshops, your 10 volume audio programs, book sales and personal coaching clients.
(1st Layer Question.) This answer was already given previously. How do you continue to make these “Question Councils” intensify your efforts rather than scatter your energy?
LUKE: A formidable and relevant question, Master Obi-Wan, as I sense Mike’s essence has been scattered after experiencing his own personal Plot Twist and Dark Night. The correct answers are genuinely the simple ones. Mike, your efforts are intensifying whether you’re aware of them or not. Your Quest is to show others a clear path in how to generate an annual income in 60 Days doing what you love. Everything, even these Question Councils, filter through that stated intention. You intensify your efforts simply by staying with the Quest.
(2nd Layer Question.) How does simply staying with the Quest intensify efforts and focus energy?
YODA: Clever, your question is, my young padawan. The path has two aspects, it does. First, the emotional path of the 60 day Quest caters to one’s emotions and sense of direction. The second path is the logical, more practical one. Multiple streams of income are created by staying on the path of the Quest.
Take these examples:
Journaling everyday creates a new book.
Keeping an audio journal everyday creates 9-10 volumes of an audio program.
Learning about the Destiny 5 Quest gives you a structure to teach anything!
(3rd Layer Question.) How do you communicate these two paths to make sense to someone who wants to make an annual income in 60 days? Ponder this question, you must.
LEIA: The answer is simple really: to generate an annual income in 60 Days you have to see both sides of the path - the emotional and the logical. The 60 Day Quest keeps the emotions engaged and keeps you committed. The logical side gives you the tools to generate the annual income quickly. By combining these two aspects of the path you are able to clearly articulate the benefits of both the emotional and logical.
(4th Layer Question.) Now that I explained that, I’m a little confused. Mom, please help clarify what I just said so that it’s simpler to understand. Would you be able to provide clarity for me, please?
PADME: Of course, my daughter. When you take Quest you naturally create the tools to generate the annual income. Mike’s story, for instance, demonstrates how his commitment to the Quest has created each step of the path in creating an annual income.
(5th Layer Question.) Ani, dear, can you outline every step of Mike’s path and how it will create the annual income for both himself and the readers of this new book?
ANNIKIN: Mike’s Quest will allow others to experience his program at different commitment levels.
1st Commitment: By the time the summer is over, Mike will have released 144 clips of the Destiny 5 Experience Reality Television series. That will increase his visibility, audience and give a clear visual of what this work is all about. (The Origin/Shadow)
2nd Commitment: Mike’s website will outline all of the services he provides at different commitment levels. From FREE/No Commitment to a fully committed path. There will be a free audio and this free book included through this website. (Helping Hands)
3rd Commitment: Mike will offer minimally priced works such as selling audio programs by the volume or his Destiny 5 Experience Book though the website. The abundance of information just in these works will be priceless. (Desert)
4th Commitment: Now members can either be a part of a one-day event, listen to all 10 audio programs or become a part of the reality television experience. All of these are relatively low commitments to a 60 Day Quest. (Plot Twist/Dark Night)
5th Commitment: Finally, “high commitment” products and services will either include a “Vacation Quest” or investing in a 60 Day Quest Coaching Program. This will be a high commitment program. (Sacrimentor/Climax)
6th Commitment: The final “high commitment” portion is having a client learn this Quest process. Here they become an equal partner and also will earn income for him/herself and this program. (Destiny)
I’ll ask my “Dark Side Counterpart”, how does the Quest and making the 6 Commitments tie into each other?
DARTH VADER: If Mike plans on making a program in making a program out of making an annual income in 60 Days he must tie these “6 Commitments” in to each phase of the Quest. He must ask participants of this specific program to make the commitment at each phase.
(Unconsciously Incompetent at Generating an Annual Income…)
After Shadows: Will you make the commitment to watch a 5 minute video clip?
After Helping Hands: Would you make the commitment to listen to a free audio or skim over a free book?
(Consciously Incompetent…)
After Deserts: Would you invest $30 to get into the experience more?
After Dark Night: Would you invest anywhere from $150-$450 to fully immerse yourself in this process?
(Consciously Competent…)
After Climax: Would invest anywhere from $997-$10,000 to master the art of generating an annual income in 60 Days or less?
After Destiny: Would you be willing to teach this process to others?
MIKE: What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (As per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)
The Answer: Anyone who comes to me SPECIFICALLY seeking to generate an annual income in 60 Days or Less will be willing to make a commitment. However, they don’t make this commitment blindly. There is a service for an investment. There is a service in exchange for a commitment. I know now that the Quest provides a clear treasure map toward asking others for an investment and in exchange earning an income doing what you truly love.
The formula is now in the Quest process. They have combined and become one.
Michael Shoeman
Receiving the Answers
(Funny, after finishing this entry I received a telephone call with one of the biggest opportunities of my life! This event will take place on DAY 60. Hmmm, it seems there is something serendipitous truly at work here.)
Monday, March 28, 2011
DAY 43: Consulting With the Wizanagamot
DAY 43: Consulting With the Wizanagamot
March 28, 2011
8:48 pm
I’m shaking off the last remnants of Dark Night, shaking off feelings of fear and apathy, and continuing on my Quest.
Time to tackle my second question. I think I’ll go with a Harry Potter theme today…
MIKE: How can assure the turnout and success for the Destiny 5 reality show project in Philadelphia?
HARRY: Create your video as planned this weekend. Make a website as planned. Let each question you ask this week build upon the other. With seven questions, each going seven layers deep, you intensify your power. Most importantly, keep asking yourself what do people want and need?
1st Layer Question: What do people want and need?
HERMINONE: I perceive that people want a useful distraction. Obviously, the public is going to spend billions of dollars on entertainment (movies, books, video games, music) and are in need of a fun diversion that is useful. This is what you’ve experienced, Mike, in the theater. How many times have actors used theater as an escape? What people want is an easy adventure…what people need is a Quest.
2nd Layer Question: How do you communicate these wants and needs in a way that immediately causes someone to join the new meetup site?
RON: In the video you’ll need to provide the information that reaches out to the viewer. The viewer needs to understand that they are going to be a part of the story. This is a reality show where YOU --the viewer-- takes an active role in the characters, plot and outcome of the story. The only problem with your life is that you’re mesmerized by stories instead of actively taking part in YOUR story! You are going to be fully engaged in the process of your own life story and accomplish something in 60 days in your real life that will surprise you!
3rd Layer Question: How do you communicate this message effectively in a video?
DUMBLEDORE: Suffice to say, Michael, you already have compiled the images, the classical citations and story to present in the video you wish to present next week. My advice, or educated guess, would be to open your new video with questions that shoot straight to the heart of the issue: “Do you know there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing? Are you looking for deeper relationships, deeper experiences and a deeper emotional connection to life? Have you ever mused over what people would think if your life were on television? What if there was a reality show that you could take part in tomorrow that addresses the core meaning of your life personally? What if, after taking part in an entire season of this reality television experience, you accomplished something that defined your life?”
4th Layer Question: How can you easily incorporate this into your video making process?
SNAPE: Simply make the recording of these questions and find images that support said questions. This would be the most prudent course of action. I think the relevant question now is how do you build the campaign for this idea?
5th Layer Question: What will you do to spread the word about this endeavor?
DOBBY: Dobby says you should write a press release. Send this press release including all the information you’ve received in this council. Keep it simple. If you wish to have 200 members on your meetup, send the press release 200 times. Be brave - when you send this to your network, include the PR, the video and a humble announcement. “I apologize if sending this is considered intrusive or bold, but I’m following my heart. Please watch this video…” and add whatever comes through your heart.
6th Layer Question: What is coming through your heart at this moment?
MIKE: I believe what I’m dong is more than just following my own desire to make a career out of what I love. I truly believe this represents a movement. It’s not “my” movement but a movement to take authentic action in what every single human being wants and needs to do with their lives. It’s an opportunity to create a media with a common thread - to support each other in attaining our deepest desires. It’s the most powerful opportunity for Lovers, Providers, Artists, Teachers and the Every Day Men and Women can come together and amplify their efforts using the very powerful video medium.
What’s in my heart? I believe deep down we’re scared to declare our truest and highest aspiration of our
SELF. This reality television concept finally gives someone permission to openly declare what they want to be in life and actively pursue that with no excuses. My heart tells me that YES this is a fearful proposition, but not so fearful that others won’t go for it. To me, this represents the 21st century hero’s journey.
7th Layer and Original Question:
How can assure the turnout and success for the Destiny 5 reality show project in Philadelphia?
Step 1: Keep doing what I’m doing.
Step 2: Make a recording for the video asking the specific questions, ““Do you know there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing? Are you looking for deeper relationships, deeper experiences and a deeper emotional connection to life? Have you ever mused over what people would think if your life were on television? What if there was a reality show that you could take part in tomorrow that addresses the core meaning of your life personally? What if, after taking part in an entire season of this reality television experience, you accomplished something that defined your life?”
Step 3: Find images that support these questions.
Step 4: Write a press release to go out 200 times.
Step 5: Open the press release with a message that speaks from the heart.
March 28, 2011
8:48 pm
I’m shaking off the last remnants of Dark Night, shaking off feelings of fear and apathy, and continuing on my Quest.
Time to tackle my second question. I think I’ll go with a Harry Potter theme today…
MIKE: How can assure the turnout and success for the Destiny 5 reality show project in Philadelphia?
HARRY: Create your video as planned this weekend. Make a website as planned. Let each question you ask this week build upon the other. With seven questions, each going seven layers deep, you intensify your power. Most importantly, keep asking yourself what do people want and need?
1st Layer Question: What do people want and need?
HERMINONE: I perceive that people want a useful distraction. Obviously, the public is going to spend billions of dollars on entertainment (movies, books, video games, music) and are in need of a fun diversion that is useful. This is what you’ve experienced, Mike, in the theater. How many times have actors used theater as an escape? What people want is an easy adventure…what people need is a Quest.
2nd Layer Question: How do you communicate these wants and needs in a way that immediately causes someone to join the new meetup site?
RON: In the video you’ll need to provide the information that reaches out to the viewer. The viewer needs to understand that they are going to be a part of the story. This is a reality show where YOU --the viewer-- takes an active role in the characters, plot and outcome of the story. The only problem with your life is that you’re mesmerized by stories instead of actively taking part in YOUR story! You are going to be fully engaged in the process of your own life story and accomplish something in 60 days in your real life that will surprise you!
3rd Layer Question: How do you communicate this message effectively in a video?
DUMBLEDORE: Suffice to say, Michael, you already have compiled the images, the classical citations and story to present in the video you wish to present next week. My advice, or educated guess, would be to open your new video with questions that shoot straight to the heart of the issue: “Do you know there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing? Are you looking for deeper relationships, deeper experiences and a deeper emotional connection to life? Have you ever mused over what people would think if your life were on television? What if there was a reality show that you could take part in tomorrow that addresses the core meaning of your life personally? What if, after taking part in an entire season of this reality television experience, you accomplished something that defined your life?”
4th Layer Question: How can you easily incorporate this into your video making process?
SNAPE: Simply make the recording of these questions and find images that support said questions. This would be the most prudent course of action. I think the relevant question now is how do you build the campaign for this idea?
5th Layer Question: What will you do to spread the word about this endeavor?
DOBBY: Dobby says you should write a press release. Send this press release including all the information you’ve received in this council. Keep it simple. If you wish to have 200 members on your meetup, send the press release 200 times. Be brave - when you send this to your network, include the PR, the video and a humble announcement. “I apologize if sending this is considered intrusive or bold, but I’m following my heart. Please watch this video…” and add whatever comes through your heart.
6th Layer Question: What is coming through your heart at this moment?
MIKE: I believe what I’m dong is more than just following my own desire to make a career out of what I love. I truly believe this represents a movement. It’s not “my” movement but a movement to take authentic action in what every single human being wants and needs to do with their lives. It’s an opportunity to create a media with a common thread - to support each other in attaining our deepest desires. It’s the most powerful opportunity for Lovers, Providers, Artists, Teachers and the Every Day Men and Women can come together and amplify their efforts using the very powerful video medium.
What’s in my heart? I believe deep down we’re scared to declare our truest and highest aspiration of our
SELF. This reality television concept finally gives someone permission to openly declare what they want to be in life and actively pursue that with no excuses. My heart tells me that YES this is a fearful proposition, but not so fearful that others won’t go for it. To me, this represents the 21st century hero’s journey.
7th Layer and Original Question:
How can assure the turnout and success for the Destiny 5 reality show project in Philadelphia?
Step 1: Keep doing what I’m doing.
Step 2: Make a recording for the video asking the specific questions, ““Do you know there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing? Are you looking for deeper relationships, deeper experiences and a deeper emotional connection to life? Have you ever mused over what people would think if your life were on television? What if there was a reality show that you could take part in tomorrow that addresses the core meaning of your life personally? What if, after taking part in an entire season of this reality television experience, you accomplished something that defined your life?”
Step 3: Find images that support these questions.
Step 4: Write a press release to go out 200 times.
Step 5: Open the press release with a message that speaks from the heart.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
DAY 42: ACT III Conscious Competence
DAY 42: ACT III Conscious Competence
March 27, 2011
11:15 am
We are now crossing into the “Final Act” of the 60 Day Quest. The 7th Week covers what I call the “Sacrimentor” phase (a hybrid word between “sacrifice” and “mentor”.) In traditional mythology this is where the hero, after having a tumultuous brush with the Dark Night, has appeared to have died. There is a brief retreat where the hero usually finds some key information, a psychological center, to be able to return and partake in the Climax of the story.
This is also the moment when a teacher or a guide might sacrifice something to push you to your potential. An Obi-Wan, Gandalf, Aslan or Dumbledore will sacrifice his life to impart a deep understanding to you. Remember, it is after Luke sees Obi-Wan sacrifice his life that the latter understands how to use the Force. Obi-Wan’s voice has no become internal, a part of Luke - no longer represented by an exterior “body”. Luke has learned “conscious competence” (at least for that phase of his development) and knows he couldn’t have been given this power without having been through the journey up to that point.
Act III of the 60 Day Quest represents integrating all the powers from the emotional world and bringing them into manifestation into the material world. Interpreting this with Law of Attraction terminology this would be the “receiving” phase. (Act I representing “asking” in the mental world, Act II representing “believing” in the emotional world.) We’ve gone from Unconscious Incompetence in Act 1 to Conscious Incompetence in Act 2 and finally to Conscious Competence here in Act 3.
It is here where dreams can become heightened as well. Last night I dreamed half my “family” was superhero/god and the other half was mortal. It reminds me that the purpose of the Quest is to become master of two worlds - the material and spiritual. I dreamed both sides of my family where there for my birthday where I had half a birthday cake. This is symbolic to me that I’m halfway to becoming the person I’m creating through this Quest.
My conscious competence is starting to become apparent to me when I watch the new video I produced yesterday. Since I’ve been forced to wait a week to make the “real” video explaining the Destiny 5 Experience Reality Television Concept, I’ve been forced to script, storyboard and put together pieces of what I could accomplish over the weekend. The video features 3 segments that show the process of writing a script, making a sketch, putting animation to the sketch and then see the live outcome of the planning. This is the Destiny 5 concept: write your story, rehearse it and the “final take” doesn’t happen in a fictional story in front of a camera, no, the “final take” happens in your real life! My abilities as an amateur film maker are starting to come into full bloom and I can see now why I’ve been force to shelf my “masterpiece” for another week.
Though I’m no professional film maker by any stretch of the imagination, I’m proud of my emerging competence to be able to tell a story through this medium. There is definitely a feeling of conscious competence about this.
During this phase we also partake in an activity called the “Question Circle”. If you’re doing this in a group, you ask a question, the next person in the circle “makes up an answer” and forms a new question based on their answer. It goes all the way around the circle until it comes back to you. You then finish the circle and ask your original question again, this time answering it yourself.
Here’s an example. My first question to explore was: What will I do to bring in the annual income before DAY 60 and have it be immensely enjoyable?
Joe (Participant 2): (answers the question) Keep doing what you’re doing because you’re on the right track. (Joe reforms his statement into a new question.) In what ways is Mike on the right track?
Sally (Participant 3): Mike already has five branches of where his annual income will be coming from: Television Production, One-Day/Weekend Workshops, Coaching Programs, 10 Volumes of Audio and Quest Vacation Retreats. He even has Single Units comprising of two books and these audio programs. All he needs to do now is finish what he started…
(Sally forms a new question based on her answer.) What will Mike do this week to finish what he started?
Luke (Participant 4): Mike has to start a centralized website now that he has some money in which to play with. The video he is also planning on producing will be a big step in the right direction for where he wants to be with his Quest.
(New Question.) Why will a centralized website catapult Mike in the right direction?
Hermione (Participant 5): Mike’s book and audio programs are tremendously valuable only no one has been exposed to them yet. He can give away Volume 1 of his audio program and offer his second book as free and/or cheap incentives to understand the power of this Quest works.
(New Question.) What will Mike do today to assure this gets rolling before the 60 Day expiration date?
Obi-Wan (Participant 6): Mike will reserve his domain name and build his new website. He already has text, photos and videos ready to go so designing the new website will be relatively easy for him. As he moves forward with his audio programs he can start referring listeners to his new domain site.
(New Question.) How does Mike thoroughly enjoy the process of doing this work over the next week so that it’s thoroughly enjoyable?
Dumbledore (Participant 7): Mike has already taken the burden off his shoulders in that he knows regardless of the outcome he’s already won. Knowing that these steps will be easy will also make this enjoyable for Mike. I think what Mike needs to make it enjoyable is to know someone is listening and paying attention. A little support goes a long way.
(New Question.) How will Mike enlist this support?
Mike: Mike will send correspondences out asking his network in what new directions he can take his efforts. He will also share a brief two minute clip of the television project about to be released.
(Original Question.) What will I do to bring in the annual income before DAY 60 and have it be immensely
I know now I need a website up offering my free products to generate relationships. My television show is a step in the right direction in that a whole new explosion of exposure and vivid detail of my work will be ready for review. I’m no longer worried about completing this in 60 Days because with all this momentum I will be generating the income I seek, even if it is down the road for another 3-6 months. But still, I’m having a blast doing this and I know launching a website will bring me closer to the successful conclusion of this 60 Day Quest. I’ll start launching it now.
Wow! Okay, this was a long entry. One final day of calibrations and I will put “the ladder” away from this blog. (Though I plan on continuing to use the tool in private.)
Consciously and Competently Yours,
Mike Shoeman
Clarity: I’m clear about my next step. I’m clear about the power in my thoughts and deeds right now. I’m clear about why the Dark Night was necessary. I’m clear about asking the right questions. I’m clear that I want to get started…
Love: I love to write and make videos. I love to create. I love to give people the space to express themselves. I love communication. I appreciate it when people take risks. I’m grateful for the opportunity to write my thoughts and feelings down. I love feeling grateful and appreciative. I appreciate the connection between words like “love”, “gratitude” and “appreciation”.
Joy: Joy is coming for me again! Joy is having all creativity unblocked. Joy is writing because I love to write, not because I’m looking for anyone’s praise or approval. Joy is embracing my imperfections. Joy is giving oneself permission. Joy is simple, free from complexities.
Peace: Peace is knowing, no matter the outcome, that we can always come back to these emotions. Peace is silence of the mind. Peace is the dream that never was. Peace is where all dreams lead. Peace is the silence between sounds. Peace is absent once you go looking for it.
Enlightenment: Wondering how much can be sustained in a human body.
March 27, 2011
11:15 am
We are now crossing into the “Final Act” of the 60 Day Quest. The 7th Week covers what I call the “Sacrimentor” phase (a hybrid word between “sacrifice” and “mentor”.) In traditional mythology this is where the hero, after having a tumultuous brush with the Dark Night, has appeared to have died. There is a brief retreat where the hero usually finds some key information, a psychological center, to be able to return and partake in the Climax of the story.
This is also the moment when a teacher or a guide might sacrifice something to push you to your potential. An Obi-Wan, Gandalf, Aslan or Dumbledore will sacrifice his life to impart a deep understanding to you. Remember, it is after Luke sees Obi-Wan sacrifice his life that the latter understands how to use the Force. Obi-Wan’s voice has no become internal, a part of Luke - no longer represented by an exterior “body”. Luke has learned “conscious competence” (at least for that phase of his development) and knows he couldn’t have been given this power without having been through the journey up to that point.
Act III of the 60 Day Quest represents integrating all the powers from the emotional world and bringing them into manifestation into the material world. Interpreting this with Law of Attraction terminology this would be the “receiving” phase. (Act I representing “asking” in the mental world, Act II representing “believing” in the emotional world.) We’ve gone from Unconscious Incompetence in Act 1 to Conscious Incompetence in Act 2 and finally to Conscious Competence here in Act 3.
It is here where dreams can become heightened as well. Last night I dreamed half my “family” was superhero/god and the other half was mortal. It reminds me that the purpose of the Quest is to become master of two worlds - the material and spiritual. I dreamed both sides of my family where there for my birthday where I had half a birthday cake. This is symbolic to me that I’m halfway to becoming the person I’m creating through this Quest.
My conscious competence is starting to become apparent to me when I watch the new video I produced yesterday. Since I’ve been forced to wait a week to make the “real” video explaining the Destiny 5 Experience Reality Television Concept, I’ve been forced to script, storyboard and put together pieces of what I could accomplish over the weekend. The video features 3 segments that show the process of writing a script, making a sketch, putting animation to the sketch and then see the live outcome of the planning. This is the Destiny 5 concept: write your story, rehearse it and the “final take” doesn’t happen in a fictional story in front of a camera, no, the “final take” happens in your real life! My abilities as an amateur film maker are starting to come into full bloom and I can see now why I’ve been force to shelf my “masterpiece” for another week.
Though I’m no professional film maker by any stretch of the imagination, I’m proud of my emerging competence to be able to tell a story through this medium. There is definitely a feeling of conscious competence about this.
During this phase we also partake in an activity called the “Question Circle”. If you’re doing this in a group, you ask a question, the next person in the circle “makes up an answer” and forms a new question based on their answer. It goes all the way around the circle until it comes back to you. You then finish the circle and ask your original question again, this time answering it yourself.
Here’s an example. My first question to explore was: What will I do to bring in the annual income before DAY 60 and have it be immensely enjoyable?
ONE LAYER DEEPJoe (Participant 2): (answers the question) Keep doing what you’re doing because you’re on the right track. (Joe reforms his statement into a new question.) In what ways is Mike on the right track?
Sally (Participant 3): Mike already has five branches of where his annual income will be coming from: Television Production, One-Day/Weekend Workshops, Coaching Programs, 10 Volumes of Audio and Quest Vacation Retreats. He even has Single Units comprising of two books and these audio programs. All he needs to do now is finish what he started…
(Sally forms a new question based on her answer.) What will Mike do this week to finish what he started?
Luke (Participant 4): Mike has to start a centralized website now that he has some money in which to play with. The video he is also planning on producing will be a big step in the right direction for where he wants to be with his Quest.
(New Question.) Why will a centralized website catapult Mike in the right direction?
Hermione (Participant 5): Mike’s book and audio programs are tremendously valuable only no one has been exposed to them yet. He can give away Volume 1 of his audio program and offer his second book as free and/or cheap incentives to understand the power of this Quest works.
(New Question.) What will Mike do today to assure this gets rolling before the 60 Day expiration date?
Obi-Wan (Participant 6): Mike will reserve his domain name and build his new website. He already has text, photos and videos ready to go so designing the new website will be relatively easy for him. As he moves forward with his audio programs he can start referring listeners to his new domain site.
(New Question.) How does Mike thoroughly enjoy the process of doing this work over the next week so that it’s thoroughly enjoyable?
Dumbledore (Participant 7): Mike has already taken the burden off his shoulders in that he knows regardless of the outcome he’s already won. Knowing that these steps will be easy will also make this enjoyable for Mike. I think what Mike needs to make it enjoyable is to know someone is listening and paying attention. A little support goes a long way.
(New Question.) How will Mike enlist this support?
Mike: Mike will send correspondences out asking his network in what new directions he can take his efforts. He will also share a brief two minute clip of the television project about to be released.
(Original Question.) What will I do to bring in the annual income before DAY 60 and have it be immensely
I know now I need a website up offering my free products to generate relationships. My television show is a step in the right direction in that a whole new explosion of exposure and vivid detail of my work will be ready for review. I’m no longer worried about completing this in 60 Days because with all this momentum I will be generating the income I seek, even if it is down the road for another 3-6 months. But still, I’m having a blast doing this and I know launching a website will bring me closer to the successful conclusion of this 60 Day Quest. I’ll start launching it now.
So you can see, you can play the “Question Circle” on your own by writing a script. You can even put together a “dream team” on your circle council like Obi-Wan and Hermione. I’ll also hope you’ll notice the quality of this game rests in the QUALITY OF THE QUESTIONS. That is a key skill to be mastered this week - the Art of the Powerful Question. I don’t believe the universe responds to commands but by using your wisdom to form the right questions. Wow! Okay, this was a long entry. One final day of calibrations and I will put “the ladder” away from this blog. (Though I plan on continuing to use the tool in private.)
Consciously and Competently Yours,
Mike Shoeman
Clarity: I’m clear about my next step. I’m clear about the power in my thoughts and deeds right now. I’m clear about why the Dark Night was necessary. I’m clear about asking the right questions. I’m clear that I want to get started…
Love: I love to write and make videos. I love to create. I love to give people the space to express themselves. I love communication. I appreciate it when people take risks. I’m grateful for the opportunity to write my thoughts and feelings down. I love feeling grateful and appreciative. I appreciate the connection between words like “love”, “gratitude” and “appreciation”.
Joy: Joy is coming for me again! Joy is having all creativity unblocked. Joy is writing because I love to write, not because I’m looking for anyone’s praise or approval. Joy is embracing my imperfections. Joy is giving oneself permission. Joy is simple, free from complexities.
Peace: Peace is knowing, no matter the outcome, that we can always come back to these emotions. Peace is silence of the mind. Peace is the dream that never was. Peace is where all dreams lead. Peace is the silence between sounds. Peace is absent once you go looking for it.
Enlightenment: Wondering how much can be sustained in a human body.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
DAY 41: Every Night Has Its Dawn
DAY 41: Every Night Has Its Dawn
March 26, 2011
9:20 am
“When we succeed we tend to party. When we fail we tend to ponder.”
I’m pondering today and wanting to make new distinctions. I realize my Quest at the beginning of this 60 Days was to book workshops in 8 different cities. Then, at some point, the Quest changed definitively into raising an annual income in 60 Days or less. Based on the “old” intention for the Quest, I’ve booked 4 workshops through my joint venture partners. Now to raise a committed annual income in 60 Days will require a new perspective.
When we go into the Sacrimentors phase, it can be most effective to identify seven questions that, if answered, will bring the swift successful conclusion to the Quest. By the end of next week, you will have the answers to these seven questions which you will act on. In Phase 7 (Sacrimentors) you ask and answer the questions and in Phase 8 (Climax) you take action to make these answers happen.
Now I will choose my next 7 questions carefully:
1. What will I do to bring in the annual income before DAY 60 and have it be immensely enjoyable?
2. How can assure the turnout and success for the Destiny 5 reality show project in Philadelphia?
3. What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (as per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)
4. What will I do to release my book and audio programs by June 15, 2011?
5. How do I communicate the power in what I do without having a huge budget to work with?
6. What can I reliably duplicate in each city to assure a successful turnout and outcome for all Destiny 5 reality television show projects in future cities?
7. How do I continue to have fun and experience enjoyment every day from here on out?
I notice I phrase some of my questions beginning with “What will I do…?” It puts a nice presupposition on the fact that I will take action during the Climax week of the Quest. Everything we’ve experienced throughout Origins, Shadows, Helping Hands, Deserts, Twists and Nights have prepared us for asking the appropriate questions to allow us the successful completion of our Quest.
Michael Shoeman
Enjoying My Quest Today
Willingness: I’m willing to end this Quest. I’m willing to find completion. I’m willing to ask the right questions. I’m willing reach out to my network when I’m finished this blog entry. I’m willing to take this week and make sure my next video will be the most powerful one. I’m willing to have faith in two things: one, that there will be new information to bring a swift, conclusive and successful end to my Quest; two, that I will continue to take action to bring about my desired outcome by DAY 60. I’m willing to finish this…
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I’m delving deeper into the truth of what the Quest represents. I forgive myself for wanting to understand the Quest process on the deepest of its layers. I accept that there are always going to be surprises along the way. I forgive the long process to learn these lessons because I suspect the payoff will be even more emotionally enriching. I accept that the answers to come this week are even deeper and more powerful. I forgive the moments where I feel alone on this path.
Clarity: I’m clear about having to be patient. I’m clear that I wish to be immersed deeper in this process with caring people. I’m clear that a commitment is required to stay on the 60 Day path. I’m clear that a deeper understanding is coming. I’m clear that if I keep writing, letting my fingers graze the keypad, answers come through this action. I’m clear that I’m ready to ask the right questions. I’m clear that the Quest process up until this point was necessary to ask the right questions…
Love: Love is the freedom to create without the interference of ego. Love is sharing. Love is encouraging others to share. Love is graciously receiving. Love is appreciation. In this exercise, I imagine love and appreciation to be synonymous. Love is gratitude. I love/appreciate/am grateful for the love of my friends and family. I love that I’m able to feel gratitude and appreciation for specific people in my life. I love that I can recall significant moments of love and gratitude in this moment. I love that my intention is to understand the deeper layers of myself.
Joy: Joy is when love becomes so intense that it expresses itself in a near explosion! Joy is intensifying by the day as I continue to do these calibrations. Joy is very really and not done justice by these words. Joy is letting go of deficits and fully embracing life’s assets. Joy makes it possible to know that even when you lose you win. Joy is the open space continuing to expand.
Peace: Peace is knowing all expansion has contraction and all contractions have expansions. Peace is closing the loop. Peace is knowing it is a loop. Peace is inside and outside the loop. Peace is the realization of Oneness. Peace is the orgasm built up to by Joy. Peace is stillness. Peace is the excitement of stillness. Peace is the moment.
Enlightenment: … Just be …
March 26, 2011
9:20 am
“When we succeed we tend to party. When we fail we tend to ponder.”
I’m pondering today and wanting to make new distinctions. I realize my Quest at the beginning of this 60 Days was to book workshops in 8 different cities. Then, at some point, the Quest changed definitively into raising an annual income in 60 Days or less. Based on the “old” intention for the Quest, I’ve booked 4 workshops through my joint venture partners. Now to raise a committed annual income in 60 Days will require a new perspective.
When we go into the Sacrimentors phase, it can be most effective to identify seven questions that, if answered, will bring the swift successful conclusion to the Quest. By the end of next week, you will have the answers to these seven questions which you will act on. In Phase 7 (Sacrimentors) you ask and answer the questions and in Phase 8 (Climax) you take action to make these answers happen.
Now I will choose my next 7 questions carefully:
1. What will I do to bring in the annual income before DAY 60 and have it be immensely enjoyable?
2. How can assure the turnout and success for the Destiny 5 reality show project in Philadelphia?
3. What will be the “formula” that I can duplicate to demonstrate to others that an annual income within 60 Days is possible? (as per my new identity of being the one who can help you raise an annual income in 60 days.)
4. What will I do to release my book and audio programs by June 15, 2011?
5. How do I communicate the power in what I do without having a huge budget to work with?
6. What can I reliably duplicate in each city to assure a successful turnout and outcome for all Destiny 5 reality television show projects in future cities?
7. How do I continue to have fun and experience enjoyment every day from here on out?
I notice I phrase some of my questions beginning with “What will I do…?” It puts a nice presupposition on the fact that I will take action during the Climax week of the Quest. Everything we’ve experienced throughout Origins, Shadows, Helping Hands, Deserts, Twists and Nights have prepared us for asking the appropriate questions to allow us the successful completion of our Quest.
Michael Shoeman
Enjoying My Quest Today
Willingness: I’m willing to end this Quest. I’m willing to find completion. I’m willing to ask the right questions. I’m willing reach out to my network when I’m finished this blog entry. I’m willing to take this week and make sure my next video will be the most powerful one. I’m willing to have faith in two things: one, that there will be new information to bring a swift, conclusive and successful end to my Quest; two, that I will continue to take action to bring about my desired outcome by DAY 60. I’m willing to finish this…
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I’m delving deeper into the truth of what the Quest represents. I forgive myself for wanting to understand the Quest process on the deepest of its layers. I accept that there are always going to be surprises along the way. I forgive the long process to learn these lessons because I suspect the payoff will be even more emotionally enriching. I accept that the answers to come this week are even deeper and more powerful. I forgive the moments where I feel alone on this path.
Clarity: I’m clear about having to be patient. I’m clear that I wish to be immersed deeper in this process with caring people. I’m clear that a commitment is required to stay on the 60 Day path. I’m clear that a deeper understanding is coming. I’m clear that if I keep writing, letting my fingers graze the keypad, answers come through this action. I’m clear that I’m ready to ask the right questions. I’m clear that the Quest process up until this point was necessary to ask the right questions…
Love: Love is the freedom to create without the interference of ego. Love is sharing. Love is encouraging others to share. Love is graciously receiving. Love is appreciation. In this exercise, I imagine love and appreciation to be synonymous. Love is gratitude. I love/appreciate/am grateful for the love of my friends and family. I love that I’m able to feel gratitude and appreciation for specific people in my life. I love that I can recall significant moments of love and gratitude in this moment. I love that my intention is to understand the deeper layers of myself.
Joy: Joy is when love becomes so intense that it expresses itself in a near explosion! Joy is intensifying by the day as I continue to do these calibrations. Joy is very really and not done justice by these words. Joy is letting go of deficits and fully embracing life’s assets. Joy makes it possible to know that even when you lose you win. Joy is the open space continuing to expand.
Peace: Peace is knowing all expansion has contraction and all contractions have expansions. Peace is closing the loop. Peace is knowing it is a loop. Peace is inside and outside the loop. Peace is the realization of Oneness. Peace is the orgasm built up to by Joy. Peace is stillness. Peace is the excitement of stillness. Peace is the moment.
Enlightenment: … Just be …
Friday, March 25, 2011
DAY 40: The Faith Factor
DAY 40: The Faith Factor
March 25, 2011
8:36 am
Two thirds of the way through the Quest!
I’m embracing the fact that my video will not be finished over the weekend - which was my original plan. Now I’m seeing that this waiting period serves me to really focus on the presentation and the story I will tell through this video. This next video will be the “trailer” for the Destiny 5 Experience reality television concept. My plan is to offer it over the summer of 2011 and then take it to other cities, one season at a time.
I’m about to go into Phase 7 of the Quest on Monday, a phase which I call “Sacrimentors”. It is a period of rest, rejuvenation and gaining psychological clarity before approaching the Climax of the Quest in Phase 8. I find little coincidence that this Phase 7 happens while I’ll be constructing the new video and releasing it during the 8th Phase. Is this entire Quest leading up to that moment?
Even though I see know feasible way that I’ll complete my Quest by DAY 60, I realize that I’m now getting to the core of what taking a Quest means. It’s easily conceivable that I can take the information generated on this Quest and make the annual income during the next Quest, but to me that’s not what I promised myself! It’s not what I promised my readers! I keep wrestling with this notion to “let go”. This is very hard for me to do! My ego wants to fully claim credit for any successes this Quest generates but now I know that there is an element of, dare I say it, Divine guidance. What is this doesn’t show up? What if all my theories about the Quest are bull? What will this mean for my life and career if the Quest fails?
These are all questions asked during the Dark Night phase. Yet the only thing I need do to demonstrate my faith is continue to completion; continue to write my blogs and keep my audio journal. Somehow something amazing always happens in this last “Act” of the Quest. It’s nice to know I can expect this within 20 days. At least it gives me the psychological center of expecting a time frame.
Michael Shoeman
An Expectant Life Artist
Pride: I’m proud that I’m looking for the answers. I’m proud that I’ve found contentment with being temporarily stopped. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished with the tools I have to work with. I’m proud of my persistence. I’m proud of myself no matter the outcome of this Quest.
Trust: I trust this moment is supposed to cause me to search my soul. I trust that there are forces working on my behalf. I trust in where I perceive to find my highest joy. I trust that I’m very close to a major happening. I trust now that my delay in this latest video project will make it better and more powerful. I trust everything is lining up perfectly for the successful conclusion of my quest.
Willingness: I’m willing to meet with my potential partners today. I’m willing to write this blog. I’m willing to understand why the Dark Night is necessary. I’m willing to be patient. I’m willing to understand human nature and the avoidance of commitment. I’m willing to take action that feels right. I’m willing to deepen my communications with others. I’m willing to deepen my focus on videos and emails.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that the Dark Night is necessary. I forgive my own thoughts of limitation and assumption. I accept that my progress is halted for a reason. I forgive my own impulsiveness to want to press on when circumstances are forcing me to stop. I accept my own limitations and will use them as the basis for stories. I forgive the Quest for giving me understandings that I couldn’t even conceive of before.
Clarity: I’m clear that my values are being called into question. I’m clear that I’m getting clearer on how I wish to make money doing this. I’m clear about my limitations and how my abilities are improving. I’m clear about what I want from this Quest and the future Quests it will provide for. I’m clear that the Quest brings with it a deeper understanding. I clear that I’ve never been more persistent in my life!
Love: I love that there’s no way I can fail at this. I love creating these video projects. I love knowing that I spend my days creating my ideal career. I love the quality of relationships developed through this effort. I love perceiving the way the quality of life will be enhanced through the Destiny 5 reality show project. I love that I can tell a story through the art of video making.
Joy: Joy is where this path leads. Joy is the written destiny of this adventure. Joy, experienced everyday like this, makes my life already abundantly successful. Joy is simple when you stop looking. Joy is the sudden acknowledgement of infinite freedom. Joy is expressing itself through my creations. Joy is. Joy is the pervasive energy right now and my body is merely the vehicle of this joy.
Peace: Peace is what goes missing the moment a thought enters your head. Peace is after the climax. Peace is the ending. Peace is outside of the closed loop. Peace is my stopping this calibration exercise…
Enlightenment is unconscious competence…
March 25, 2011
8:36 am
Two thirds of the way through the Quest!
I’m embracing the fact that my video will not be finished over the weekend - which was my original plan. Now I’m seeing that this waiting period serves me to really focus on the presentation and the story I will tell through this video. This next video will be the “trailer” for the Destiny 5 Experience reality television concept. My plan is to offer it over the summer of 2011 and then take it to other cities, one season at a time.
I’m about to go into Phase 7 of the Quest on Monday, a phase which I call “Sacrimentors”. It is a period of rest, rejuvenation and gaining psychological clarity before approaching the Climax of the Quest in Phase 8. I find little coincidence that this Phase 7 happens while I’ll be constructing the new video and releasing it during the 8th Phase. Is this entire Quest leading up to that moment?
Even though I see know feasible way that I’ll complete my Quest by DAY 60, I realize that I’m now getting to the core of what taking a Quest means. It’s easily conceivable that I can take the information generated on this Quest and make the annual income during the next Quest, but to me that’s not what I promised myself! It’s not what I promised my readers! I keep wrestling with this notion to “let go”. This is very hard for me to do! My ego wants to fully claim credit for any successes this Quest generates but now I know that there is an element of, dare I say it, Divine guidance. What is this doesn’t show up? What if all my theories about the Quest are bull? What will this mean for my life and career if the Quest fails?
These are all questions asked during the Dark Night phase. Yet the only thing I need do to demonstrate my faith is continue to completion; continue to write my blogs and keep my audio journal. Somehow something amazing always happens in this last “Act” of the Quest. It’s nice to know I can expect this within 20 days. At least it gives me the psychological center of expecting a time frame.
Michael Shoeman
An Expectant Life Artist
Pride: I’m proud that I’m looking for the answers. I’m proud that I’ve found contentment with being temporarily stopped. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished with the tools I have to work with. I’m proud of my persistence. I’m proud of myself no matter the outcome of this Quest.
Trust: I trust this moment is supposed to cause me to search my soul. I trust that there are forces working on my behalf. I trust in where I perceive to find my highest joy. I trust that I’m very close to a major happening. I trust now that my delay in this latest video project will make it better and more powerful. I trust everything is lining up perfectly for the successful conclusion of my quest.
Willingness: I’m willing to meet with my potential partners today. I’m willing to write this blog. I’m willing to understand why the Dark Night is necessary. I’m willing to be patient. I’m willing to understand human nature and the avoidance of commitment. I’m willing to take action that feels right. I’m willing to deepen my communications with others. I’m willing to deepen my focus on videos and emails.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that the Dark Night is necessary. I forgive my own thoughts of limitation and assumption. I accept that my progress is halted for a reason. I forgive my own impulsiveness to want to press on when circumstances are forcing me to stop. I accept my own limitations and will use them as the basis for stories. I forgive the Quest for giving me understandings that I couldn’t even conceive of before.
Clarity: I’m clear that my values are being called into question. I’m clear that I’m getting clearer on how I wish to make money doing this. I’m clear about my limitations and how my abilities are improving. I’m clear about what I want from this Quest and the future Quests it will provide for. I’m clear that the Quest brings with it a deeper understanding. I clear that I’ve never been more persistent in my life!
Love: I love that there’s no way I can fail at this. I love creating these video projects. I love knowing that I spend my days creating my ideal career. I love the quality of relationships developed through this effort. I love perceiving the way the quality of life will be enhanced through the Destiny 5 reality show project. I love that I can tell a story through the art of video making.
Joy: Joy is where this path leads. Joy is the written destiny of this adventure. Joy, experienced everyday like this, makes my life already abundantly successful. Joy is simple when you stop looking. Joy is the sudden acknowledgement of infinite freedom. Joy is expressing itself through my creations. Joy is. Joy is the pervasive energy right now and my body is merely the vehicle of this joy.
Peace: Peace is what goes missing the moment a thought enters your head. Peace is after the climax. Peace is the ending. Peace is outside of the closed loop. Peace is my stopping this calibration exercise…
Enlightenment is unconscious competence…
Thursday, March 24, 2011
DAY 39: Survival Mode?
DAY 39: Survival Mode?
March 24, 2011
8:10 am
It’s funny. I’m experiencing setbacks today but remain very balanced and centered. My friend’s computer kept crashing on me the other day while I was trying to upload a new video. This wouldn’t be a big of a deal if it weren’t for the fact that this next video will be the one to explain the Destiny 5 reality show concept. It’s also the one which will move my Quest forward once I release the video. Another snafu: I’m noticing the upcoming meetup for this Sunday is the lowest it’s ever been! Any coincidence that this is the Dark Night chapter which will be the least attended? I don’t think so.
Self-doubt creeps in the form of my asking the question, Are people really committed? Should I just entertain people for three or four weeks - since that seems to be the length of one’s attention span - take the money and run? It’s scary to me that a 60 Day commitment can be too much for a lot of people. We want things done yesterday! Life gets in the way and can force you to drop your highest intentions. Where did these people go? Did I forget to mention there’s a commitment to one’s self during this Quest? Why is starting no problem but completion very difficult?
The Dark Night reveals itself clearer to me. It whispers in my ear, “Your hopes are doomed because nobody understands commitment. They’re too hypnotized and stimulated by the outside world.” But I’m not going to quit even when thoughts like this are revealed. Should I relegate myself to the belief that people truly don’t have staying power? Do I really wish to accept a belief that says it’s impossible for modern-day man to hold true to a 60 Day commitment?
I think maybe that’s why people give up…they see others giving up all around them. It is the deepest temptation. Sometimes the definition of winning is just staying on the course.
Okay, this is leading to a dark place for me. Time for calibrations…
Mike Shoeman
Still Exploring the 21st Century Hero’s Journey
Fear: I’m afraid of good things coming to an end. I’m afraid of being disconnected and isolated. Fear is not knowing what people are thinking and feeling. I fear being disliked for my persistence.
Desire: I want constant growth. I want constant communication. I want to life to stop getting in the way! I want to feel better - so I will at the end of this exercise. I want things to be easy. I want this 60 Day Quest to end in success!
Anger: I’m angry at the fallout of attendance for my meetup. I’m angry that just as I’m getting started people are finishing. I’m angry that I directly associate people’s inertia with whether or not I succeed or fail! I’m angry that I’m angry! I’m angry that I’m so attached to my forward progression. I’m angry that people dabble but sometimes never show up. I’m angry that people’s attention span is so short!
Pride: I’m proud that I’m transitioning into a weekly meetup into a weekly televised meetup. I’m proud that I will continue to offer the 60 Day Quest for anyone who wants to explore it. I’m proud of my own commitment! I’m proud that I now represent the completion of something meaningful! I’m proud that when the chips are down I will not give up! I’m proud that, if anything else, I’ve demonstrated to myself that I can complete something.
Trust: I trust I’m writing all of this for a purpose. I trust someone is reading this and is feeling my message. I trust that no effort is ever put to waste. I trust that every time I write, make an audio recording, or hold a meetup that the cumulative effort is leading somewhere that I want to be. I trust that I’m supposed to be feeling this during the Dark Night. I trust that no matter what - win, lose or draw - the conclusion of this Quest will be profound for me.
Willingness: I’m willing to find a way to edit my video today. I’m willing to work on my feelings and be productive nonetheless. I’m willing to recognize people may be taking a breather and will be back. I’m willing to reach out and make contact. I’m willing to acknowledge I play a role based on my actions and reactions. I’m willing to finish this exercise. I’m willing to do this exercise for 3 more days to fulfill the commitment to myself in doing this for 21 straight days.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I offer a solution to others: the 60 Day commitment IS a clear path. I accept that commitment is a clear path. I accept that there is a need for the 60 Day Quest to understand this. I forgive my own temptations to quit. I forgive myself for being angry at others because I myself have grown complacent at times too. I forgive the fact that I’ve made a mistake: people’s understanding of commitment is not a reflection on me. It’s a reflection that the Quest is needed and communicated in terms of how to make a commitment. I accept that when the 60 Days are over then the commitment has been fulfilled. I accept that there is an ending to this Quest. I accept that I continue to make the choice to begin a new quest.
Clarity: Now I’m clear that I’ve been feeling negative because I’ve been wanting to quit as well! I’m clear that people’s appearance of complacency is a reflection of my own. I’m clear that I’ve tried to deny to myself that I’ve make a Quest to attract an annual income in 60 Days because it’s become a difficult task! I’m clear that I’m supposed to be feeling this way during the Quest. I’m clear that I have a responsibility to make sense of these feelings because of the role I play in sharing the Quest with others. I’m clear that I’m ready to move on from this…
Love: Love is continuing to enjoy my discoveries on this Quest. Love is loving myself enough to write without censorship. Love is always allowing myself and others to pick up the Quest again whenever the time is right. Love is commitment. Love is an open space that shows the way out! Love is why I do this! Love is becoming more powerful! Love is getting easier to access because it was never truly lost. Love is loving in spite of hurt feelings. Love is living every day, every moment, to its fullest…
Joy: Joy is knowing that this feeling never goes away! Joy is the abundance of love available to those with the eyes to see it! Joy is abundant creation. Joy is in the love of mistakes and errors. Joy is creating the “future” by realizing all that exists is present joy. Joy is the overwhelming feeling of experiencing creation in the physical body. Joy transcends the physical body.
Peace: Peace is always waiting for you. Peace is the persistent truth that prods us all. Peace is forever universal, when we struggle against it we slip down the ladder. Peace is unification of all. Peace is the ending and the beginning. Peace is the first and last thought out of Enlightenment.
Enlightenment: ( ) but without the parentheses.
March 24, 2011
8:10 am
It’s funny. I’m experiencing setbacks today but remain very balanced and centered. My friend’s computer kept crashing on me the other day while I was trying to upload a new video. This wouldn’t be a big of a deal if it weren’t for the fact that this next video will be the one to explain the Destiny 5 reality show concept. It’s also the one which will move my Quest forward once I release the video. Another snafu: I’m noticing the upcoming meetup for this Sunday is the lowest it’s ever been! Any coincidence that this is the Dark Night chapter which will be the least attended? I don’t think so.
Self-doubt creeps in the form of my asking the question, Are people really committed? Should I just entertain people for three or four weeks - since that seems to be the length of one’s attention span - take the money and run? It’s scary to me that a 60 Day commitment can be too much for a lot of people. We want things done yesterday! Life gets in the way and can force you to drop your highest intentions. Where did these people go? Did I forget to mention there’s a commitment to one’s self during this Quest? Why is starting no problem but completion very difficult?
The Dark Night reveals itself clearer to me. It whispers in my ear, “Your hopes are doomed because nobody understands commitment. They’re too hypnotized and stimulated by the outside world.” But I’m not going to quit even when thoughts like this are revealed. Should I relegate myself to the belief that people truly don’t have staying power? Do I really wish to accept a belief that says it’s impossible for modern-day man to hold true to a 60 Day commitment?
I think maybe that’s why people give up…they see others giving up all around them. It is the deepest temptation. Sometimes the definition of winning is just staying on the course.
Okay, this is leading to a dark place for me. Time for calibrations…
Mike Shoeman
Still Exploring the 21st Century Hero’s Journey
Fear: I’m afraid of good things coming to an end. I’m afraid of being disconnected and isolated. Fear is not knowing what people are thinking and feeling. I fear being disliked for my persistence.
Desire: I want constant growth. I want constant communication. I want to life to stop getting in the way! I want to feel better - so I will at the end of this exercise. I want things to be easy. I want this 60 Day Quest to end in success!
Anger: I’m angry at the fallout of attendance for my meetup. I’m angry that just as I’m getting started people are finishing. I’m angry that I directly associate people’s inertia with whether or not I succeed or fail! I’m angry that I’m angry! I’m angry that I’m so attached to my forward progression. I’m angry that people dabble but sometimes never show up. I’m angry that people’s attention span is so short!
Pride: I’m proud that I’m transitioning into a weekly meetup into a weekly televised meetup. I’m proud that I will continue to offer the 60 Day Quest for anyone who wants to explore it. I’m proud of my own commitment! I’m proud that I now represent the completion of something meaningful! I’m proud that when the chips are down I will not give up! I’m proud that, if anything else, I’ve demonstrated to myself that I can complete something.
Trust: I trust I’m writing all of this for a purpose. I trust someone is reading this and is feeling my message. I trust that no effort is ever put to waste. I trust that every time I write, make an audio recording, or hold a meetup that the cumulative effort is leading somewhere that I want to be. I trust that I’m supposed to be feeling this during the Dark Night. I trust that no matter what - win, lose or draw - the conclusion of this Quest will be profound for me.
Willingness: I’m willing to find a way to edit my video today. I’m willing to work on my feelings and be productive nonetheless. I’m willing to recognize people may be taking a breather and will be back. I’m willing to reach out and make contact. I’m willing to acknowledge I play a role based on my actions and reactions. I’m willing to finish this exercise. I’m willing to do this exercise for 3 more days to fulfill the commitment to myself in doing this for 21 straight days.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I offer a solution to others: the 60 Day commitment IS a clear path. I accept that commitment is a clear path. I accept that there is a need for the 60 Day Quest to understand this. I forgive my own temptations to quit. I forgive myself for being angry at others because I myself have grown complacent at times too. I forgive the fact that I’ve made a mistake: people’s understanding of commitment is not a reflection on me. It’s a reflection that the Quest is needed and communicated in terms of how to make a commitment. I accept that when the 60 Days are over then the commitment has been fulfilled. I accept that there is an ending to this Quest. I accept that I continue to make the choice to begin a new quest.
Clarity: Now I’m clear that I’ve been feeling negative because I’ve been wanting to quit as well! I’m clear that people’s appearance of complacency is a reflection of my own. I’m clear that I’ve tried to deny to myself that I’ve make a Quest to attract an annual income in 60 Days because it’s become a difficult task! I’m clear that I’m supposed to be feeling this way during the Quest. I’m clear that I have a responsibility to make sense of these feelings because of the role I play in sharing the Quest with others. I’m clear that I’m ready to move on from this…
Love: Love is continuing to enjoy my discoveries on this Quest. Love is loving myself enough to write without censorship. Love is always allowing myself and others to pick up the Quest again whenever the time is right. Love is commitment. Love is an open space that shows the way out! Love is why I do this! Love is becoming more powerful! Love is getting easier to access because it was never truly lost. Love is loving in spite of hurt feelings. Love is living every day, every moment, to its fullest…
Joy: Joy is knowing that this feeling never goes away! Joy is the abundance of love available to those with the eyes to see it! Joy is abundant creation. Joy is in the love of mistakes and errors. Joy is creating the “future” by realizing all that exists is present joy. Joy is the overwhelming feeling of experiencing creation in the physical body. Joy transcends the physical body.
Peace: Peace is always waiting for you. Peace is the persistent truth that prods us all. Peace is forever universal, when we struggle against it we slip down the ladder. Peace is unification of all. Peace is the ending and the beginning. Peace is the first and last thought out of Enlightenment.
Enlightenment: ( ) but without the parentheses.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
DAY 38: Seeking the Cave-Dwelling Armies
DAY 38: Seeking the Cave-Dwelling Armies
March 23, 2011
8:09 am
It’s Wednesday already and time keeps on moving quickly to DAY 60. I’ve been tempted to skip the Dark Night focus and go on to Phase 7 which I call Sacrimentors. Later today I will make my audio recordings and will no doubt revisit some of my darkest moments. Sometimes I wish I could skip over this phase of the Quest. But it is necessary.
It is this phase of the Quest where in future workshops I encourage participants to use caution. When navigating these torrential waters, if someone is truly disturbed by deep fears, it would be wise to stop the Quest and see a mental health profession. That’s my disclaimer if anyone wishes to continue the Quest beyond this point.
I continue to ask question: WHY is the Dark Night necessary?
The answer is power - plain and simple. I often use popular fiction, fantasy stories to illustrate points from the Quest. Take the Lord of the Rings. This is the moment where Aragorn and his companions go deep into the Underworld to seek out the Army of the Dead. There is nothing keeping the heroes from being massacred by the Dead Army save for the protective power of Aragorn’s destiny. The only weapon that can effect the dead is Aragorn’s sword, the sword proclaiming he is the King. After facing their deepest fears, Aragorn and his friends are able to recruit the Dead Army and victory is swift because of this effort. It was the definitive decision to travel into the Underworld that victory could be attained.
What does that mean for us here on the 21st Century hero’s journey?
I think that by navigating your fears it grounds your energies and intensifies your focus. Everything you say and do has more, for lack of a better word, weight. The power in this world is wielded by those with the ability to either cause or solve severe problems. Unfortunately that’s the conditions of the world we live in.
This initiates the unconscious powers of either creation or destruction to work for us. To either light up the city or destroy it.
If we continue to compare the Quest process to Law of Attraction. Dark Night is the gateway between Act 2: The Emotional World (Believe in Law of Attraction) to Act 3: The Material World (Receive according to Law of Attraction.) If I truly am creating my reality within these 9 phases of the hero’s journey, then I am attracting a full awareness of how to turn thoughts into emotions into “things”. In this world we equate “power” with the administration of “fear”. At least my perception is that to be considered “powerful” is to inspire “fear”. To merge successfully with this power, especially since we associate so much fear with money, one must first embrace, surrender to and then, finally, merge with the power of fear. That’s the gate! That’s the way to transcend conscious incompetence into conscious competence.
It is through surrender that we pass through the gates out of Dark Night to Sacrimentor, which is a period of rest and the highest attainment of knowledge; the psychological center from which all inspired action can produce tangible results.
Okay, I think I understand now.
Michael Shoeman
Seeking Alignment with the Armies in the Cave
Courage: Courage is facing my deepest fears during my audio program today. Courage is telling people a waiver might be necessary during this phase. Courage is acknowledging that feeling in the pit of my stomach. Courage is living with the knowledge that I’ve been wrong before. Courage is loving myself in spite of past wrong decisions. Courage is admitting to myself what I’ve been wrong about.
Trust: Trust is allowing the process to teach me. Trust is listening to another’s advice and considering it. Trust is knowing there’s no way you can be off the path. Trust is holding the question in your mind and being open to the answers. Trust is a daily habit. Trust can easily be equated with Faith. Trust/Faith truly has merit in our world. Trust/Faith is the door to new possibilities and the other path.
Willingness: I’m willing to face my fears today. I’m willing to surrender. I’m willing to persist in this calibration exercise. I’m willing to focus on this until I’m finished. I’m willing to understand how to develop my will. I’m willing to acknowledge that, after 17 days of doing these exercise, that I’m off to a great start in developing my will. I’m willing to do these exercises for at least another 4 days to complete the 21 days of these emotional training exercises. I’m willing to move up the ladder now…
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that my biggest mistakes have made me compassionate. I forgive the Quest for “messing with my ego”. I accept that every time I think I’m a master I once again become the novice. I forgive my desire to transcend even this Quest process. I accept that I’ve found what works for me. I accept that not everyone will find value in the Quest. I forgive my own expectations. I accept that life will never cease to be surprising.
Clarity: I’m getting clear about the power of the reality television idea. Instead of approaching others with “another modality”, it’s an opportunity to provide a construct where all modalities can be tested through story. Clarity is understanding how the story lends power to all intentions. I’m intensely clear about the power of story. I’m clear about how this story now puts a reliable structure around using Law of Attraction. Clarity is knowing “why”. Clarity is asking “why”. Clarity provides effortless effort.
Love: Love is what we all secretly seek. Love is destruction of ego. Love is a space of surrender. Love is freedom from fear. Love is best understood when felt rather than intellectualized. Love is natural. Love flows out into all intentions. Love inspires all great creations. Love inspires the most sublime art in the way it puts cracks in the ego. Love is elusive when the ego seeks it. Love is abundant when let go.
Joy: Joy is the faucet of love turned up full blast. Joy is overwhelming when the ego is very prominent. Joy is the fullest commitment of one’s life purpose. Joy is felt through orgasms in the chest, head and throat! Joy is the climax before peace. Joy is sprinting without the thought of exhaustion. Joy is right before creation is complete. Joy can slow down time as creation is nearing completion!!!
Peace: Peace is creation. Peace is completion. Peace is walking between the pillars of destiny and free will. Peace is considering creation, choosing nothing, and staying within the realm of possibility. Peace is never fully grokked until creation is mastered. Peace is beyond all thought anyway. Peace is allowing these calibrations to end…
March 23, 2011
8:09 am
It’s Wednesday already and time keeps on moving quickly to DAY 60. I’ve been tempted to skip the Dark Night focus and go on to Phase 7 which I call Sacrimentors. Later today I will make my audio recordings and will no doubt revisit some of my darkest moments. Sometimes I wish I could skip over this phase of the Quest. But it is necessary.
It is this phase of the Quest where in future workshops I encourage participants to use caution. When navigating these torrential waters, if someone is truly disturbed by deep fears, it would be wise to stop the Quest and see a mental health profession. That’s my disclaimer if anyone wishes to continue the Quest beyond this point.
I continue to ask question: WHY is the Dark Night necessary?
The answer is power - plain and simple. I often use popular fiction, fantasy stories to illustrate points from the Quest. Take the Lord of the Rings. This is the moment where Aragorn and his companions go deep into the Underworld to seek out the Army of the Dead. There is nothing keeping the heroes from being massacred by the Dead Army save for the protective power of Aragorn’s destiny. The only weapon that can effect the dead is Aragorn’s sword, the sword proclaiming he is the King. After facing their deepest fears, Aragorn and his friends are able to recruit the Dead Army and victory is swift because of this effort. It was the definitive decision to travel into the Underworld that victory could be attained.
What does that mean for us here on the 21st Century hero’s journey?
I think that by navigating your fears it grounds your energies and intensifies your focus. Everything you say and do has more, for lack of a better word, weight. The power in this world is wielded by those with the ability to either cause or solve severe problems. Unfortunately that’s the conditions of the world we live in.
This initiates the unconscious powers of either creation or destruction to work for us. To either light up the city or destroy it.
If we continue to compare the Quest process to Law of Attraction. Dark Night is the gateway between Act 2: The Emotional World (Believe in Law of Attraction) to Act 3: The Material World (Receive according to Law of Attraction.) If I truly am creating my reality within these 9 phases of the hero’s journey, then I am attracting a full awareness of how to turn thoughts into emotions into “things”. In this world we equate “power” with the administration of “fear”. At least my perception is that to be considered “powerful” is to inspire “fear”. To merge successfully with this power, especially since we associate so much fear with money, one must first embrace, surrender to and then, finally, merge with the power of fear. That’s the gate! That’s the way to transcend conscious incompetence into conscious competence.
It is through surrender that we pass through the gates out of Dark Night to Sacrimentor, which is a period of rest and the highest attainment of knowledge; the psychological center from which all inspired action can produce tangible results.
Okay, I think I understand now.
Michael Shoeman
Seeking Alignment with the Armies in the Cave
Courage: Courage is facing my deepest fears during my audio program today. Courage is telling people a waiver might be necessary during this phase. Courage is acknowledging that feeling in the pit of my stomach. Courage is living with the knowledge that I’ve been wrong before. Courage is loving myself in spite of past wrong decisions. Courage is admitting to myself what I’ve been wrong about.
Trust: Trust is allowing the process to teach me. Trust is listening to another’s advice and considering it. Trust is knowing there’s no way you can be off the path. Trust is holding the question in your mind and being open to the answers. Trust is a daily habit. Trust can easily be equated with Faith. Trust/Faith truly has merit in our world. Trust/Faith is the door to new possibilities and the other path.
Willingness: I’m willing to face my fears today. I’m willing to surrender. I’m willing to persist in this calibration exercise. I’m willing to focus on this until I’m finished. I’m willing to understand how to develop my will. I’m willing to acknowledge that, after 17 days of doing these exercise, that I’m off to a great start in developing my will. I’m willing to do these exercises for at least another 4 days to complete the 21 days of these emotional training exercises. I’m willing to move up the ladder now…
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that my biggest mistakes have made me compassionate. I forgive the Quest for “messing with my ego”. I accept that every time I think I’m a master I once again become the novice. I forgive my desire to transcend even this Quest process. I accept that I’ve found what works for me. I accept that not everyone will find value in the Quest. I forgive my own expectations. I accept that life will never cease to be surprising.
Clarity: I’m getting clear about the power of the reality television idea. Instead of approaching others with “another modality”, it’s an opportunity to provide a construct where all modalities can be tested through story. Clarity is understanding how the story lends power to all intentions. I’m intensely clear about the power of story. I’m clear about how this story now puts a reliable structure around using Law of Attraction. Clarity is knowing “why”. Clarity is asking “why”. Clarity provides effortless effort.
Love: Love is what we all secretly seek. Love is destruction of ego. Love is a space of surrender. Love is freedom from fear. Love is best understood when felt rather than intellectualized. Love is natural. Love flows out into all intentions. Love inspires all great creations. Love inspires the most sublime art in the way it puts cracks in the ego. Love is elusive when the ego seeks it. Love is abundant when let go.
Joy: Joy is the faucet of love turned up full blast. Joy is overwhelming when the ego is very prominent. Joy is the fullest commitment of one’s life purpose. Joy is felt through orgasms in the chest, head and throat! Joy is the climax before peace. Joy is sprinting without the thought of exhaustion. Joy is right before creation is complete. Joy can slow down time as creation is nearing completion!!!
Peace: Peace is creation. Peace is completion. Peace is walking between the pillars of destiny and free will. Peace is considering creation, choosing nothing, and staying within the realm of possibility. Peace is never fully grokked until creation is mastered. Peace is beyond all thought anyway. Peace is allowing these calibrations to end…
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
DAY 37: A Lighthouse During the Dark Night
DAY 37: A Lighthouse During the Dark Night
March 22, 2011
8:09 am
I’m noticing today that there’s absolutely no despair. It seems faith and hard work are becoming a habit.
I think there’s value in embracing defeat, even if its for just a moment. Please don’t get me wrote - I am NOT giving up on my Quest. I did however take an honest stock on where I was and considered for a moment, “What if I did fail on this Quest?”
Honestly, if I failed I would still win. Even if the committed annual income doesn’t show up by DAY 60 I have to take an honest look at what I truly have done! I would have created a dream career for myself regardless of the outcome! It is completely within the scope of reality to travel from city to city and make video journals of the Destiny 5 reality show concept. Even if I fail I can still make my television show, share my knowledge, and travel while doing it. Not a bad way to lose that game if I do say so myself.
Yet, I still believe in the Quest process. I do believe in the undefeated streak. We had another meetup member reach her destination. I think the record now stands at 36-0 and I certainly don’t want to be the first to break that streak!
This blog will be my second book. It’s easy to recreate the intention and title it How To Build Your Dream Career in 60 Days but I’d rather the headline be How To Raise an Annual Income in 60 Days Doing What You Love! Even if the money isn’t physically there by DAY 60 I have to consider that I will now have 2 books, 10 volumes of an audio program, a week video journal workshop program, a one-day program, a weekend program and a comprehensive coaching program. These will all be on a website ready for consumption so there are infinite possibilities being created for myself in these 60 days!
The daily calibrations are truly phenomenal to behold in my life. The consistency of my action is the payoff for the daily raising of my emotional content.
What we’ll cover this Sunday is how to reverse all negative emotions are a call to higher emotion…
Fear: Call to raise awareness.
In my fear I’ve raised my awareness to know that if events continue I’ll succeed whether I “win” or “lose” this Quest. The fear has simply given way today to a relaxing sense that events are already set in motion to assure my successful future. That’s a good feeling.
Greed: Call to assess your focus and values.
I was greedy to want to take this experience to “every single city in the country”. It called my attention to my need for travel. Now I know I can select the cities I wan to visit and spent quality time there, getting to know the people and really appreciating each city’s culture. It might not be 160 cities next year, but it could be 15 cities where I share a quality experience (and make more money!)
Grief/Sorrow: Call to understand your powerful connection to others.
I can’t say “sorrow” or “grief” was a powerful emotion, though I am grieving the loss over having to let go my original plan for making this happen. My sorrow has called my attention to the fact that I want this process to be documented on video. I want to capture the emotion of this journey through the power of a participant’s story. This is my most powerful connection to others which is through the emotional story. This also nurtures my grief surrounding the heartbreak over my lost acting career.
Anger: Call to understand imbalance in your rights or the rights of others.
I’ve been angry these past few days due to the standards others expect from the videos. It calls my attention to the fact that I’m building video content and moving forward. Though others fail to recognize my work, I have to acknowledge, nurture and concede that every effort builds my online presence. I have a powerful tool in video production and I get better at it by the day. It’s because I keep practicing the art that I’m doing a great deal with almost no resources. It’s now time to recognize my right to use this power for myself instead of giving that away to others who can’t fully appreciate or utilize it.
I’ll wrap with calibrations and am on with this day!
Mike Shoeman
Emotional Judo Master in Training
Trust: I trust that I’m consistently strong enough to bring full power to the story of this Quest. I trust that I’m exactly where I need to be. I trust that I’m getting increasingly comfortable with the Quest process. I trust that self-mastery leads to never experiencing boredom again. I trust that I have nothing prove. I trust in action, not perfection. I trust in perfecting my action which requires vulnerability. I trust in my talent.
Willingness: I’m willing to now use my power to serve my highest intentions. I’m willing to find a way. I’m willing to communicate passionately today. I’m willing to clarify the power behind what I’m doing. I’m willing to continue this exercise and let inspiration flow. I’m willing to continue my daily blog and audio journals. I’m willing to let my imagination and passion guide my steps. I’m willing to subscribe to nobody’s standards but my own. I’m willing to explore the next emotion…
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that each project will never be perfect, only one step close to my own perfect purification. I forgive others for not wanting to hear or know my message. I accept that my message is meaningless unless it fits into the belief system of someone reading or listening. I forgive myself for emotionally investing in someone else’s opinion of me. I accept that I’ve never quit or given up on a dream, only reframed it through my newfound knowledge. I forgive myself for believing that I’ve quit in the past.
Clarity: I’m clear that I’ve always been on the path. I’m clear that my focus is intensifying by the day. Clarity creates emotional power. Clarity is in the daily actions moving me forward. Clarity comes through training. I’m clear that my will is strong and demonstrated every day by my keeping this daily journal. I’m clear that I’m failing my way to ultimate success. I’m clear that I’m coming to understand what it means to LOVE my failure. I’m clear that I create happiness, happiness isn’t just happening to me. I’m clear that I’m applying my free will to create a buried destiny.
Love: I love imagining where this course of action will lead me. I love what my life has turned into. I love the caring people in my life. Apparently I love my weaknesses, imperfections and vulnerability because I put them on display all the time! Love is that open space (I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again.) Love is the experience of stepping outside time and space. I love to create. I love that I’m writing the story of my life write here on this screen. I love that I love humanity so much that I want to use my talents to help others write their destinies.
Joy: Joy is writing without caring about spelling, grammar or anyone else’s opinion. Joy is flowing through me
as I type. Joy seems to be increasing by day - even within this Dark Night period. Joys is the expansion of the empty space initiated by Love. Joy is the ability to create with different people, cultures and environments. Joy is knowing there are unlimited choices but making one choice at a time. Joy is right here where I left it. Joy will continue to follow me now. Joy is become persistent. Joy is something I’m glad I’ve worked for every day. Joy is coming naturally.
Peace: Peace is often talked about but rarely experienced. Peace is a creation by Creation. Peace is unlimited creation. Peace is beyond creation. Peace has something to do with transcending creation. Peace has nothing to do and everything to do with my Quest. Peace means the Quest was never necessary just a creation of my inspiration. Peace is letting go. Peace is power without the need for force.
Enlightenment: (an endless beat)
March 22, 2011
8:09 am
I’m noticing today that there’s absolutely no despair. It seems faith and hard work are becoming a habit.
I think there’s value in embracing defeat, even if its for just a moment. Please don’t get me wrote - I am NOT giving up on my Quest. I did however take an honest stock on where I was and considered for a moment, “What if I did fail on this Quest?”
Honestly, if I failed I would still win. Even if the committed annual income doesn’t show up by DAY 60 I have to take an honest look at what I truly have done! I would have created a dream career for myself regardless of the outcome! It is completely within the scope of reality to travel from city to city and make video journals of the Destiny 5 reality show concept. Even if I fail I can still make my television show, share my knowledge, and travel while doing it. Not a bad way to lose that game if I do say so myself.
Yet, I still believe in the Quest process. I do believe in the undefeated streak. We had another meetup member reach her destination. I think the record now stands at 36-0 and I certainly don’t want to be the first to break that streak!
This blog will be my second book. It’s easy to recreate the intention and title it How To Build Your Dream Career in 60 Days but I’d rather the headline be How To Raise an Annual Income in 60 Days Doing What You Love! Even if the money isn’t physically there by DAY 60 I have to consider that I will now have 2 books, 10 volumes of an audio program, a week video journal workshop program, a one-day program, a weekend program and a comprehensive coaching program. These will all be on a website ready for consumption so there are infinite possibilities being created for myself in these 60 days!
The daily calibrations are truly phenomenal to behold in my life. The consistency of my action is the payoff for the daily raising of my emotional content.
What we’ll cover this Sunday is how to reverse all negative emotions are a call to higher emotion…
Fear: Call to raise awareness.
In my fear I’ve raised my awareness to know that if events continue I’ll succeed whether I “win” or “lose” this Quest. The fear has simply given way today to a relaxing sense that events are already set in motion to assure my successful future. That’s a good feeling.
Greed: Call to assess your focus and values.
I was greedy to want to take this experience to “every single city in the country”. It called my attention to my need for travel. Now I know I can select the cities I wan to visit and spent quality time there, getting to know the people and really appreciating each city’s culture. It might not be 160 cities next year, but it could be 15 cities where I share a quality experience (and make more money!)
Grief/Sorrow: Call to understand your powerful connection to others.
I can’t say “sorrow” or “grief” was a powerful emotion, though I am grieving the loss over having to let go my original plan for making this happen. My sorrow has called my attention to the fact that I want this process to be documented on video. I want to capture the emotion of this journey through the power of a participant’s story. This is my most powerful connection to others which is through the emotional story. This also nurtures my grief surrounding the heartbreak over my lost acting career.
Anger: Call to understand imbalance in your rights or the rights of others.
I’ve been angry these past few days due to the standards others expect from the videos. It calls my attention to the fact that I’m building video content and moving forward. Though others fail to recognize my work, I have to acknowledge, nurture and concede that every effort builds my online presence. I have a powerful tool in video production and I get better at it by the day. It’s because I keep practicing the art that I’m doing a great deal with almost no resources. It’s now time to recognize my right to use this power for myself instead of giving that away to others who can’t fully appreciate or utilize it.
I’ll wrap with calibrations and am on with this day!
Mike Shoeman
Emotional Judo Master in Training
Trust: I trust that I’m consistently strong enough to bring full power to the story of this Quest. I trust that I’m exactly where I need to be. I trust that I’m getting increasingly comfortable with the Quest process. I trust that self-mastery leads to never experiencing boredom again. I trust that I have nothing prove. I trust in action, not perfection. I trust in perfecting my action which requires vulnerability. I trust in my talent.
Willingness: I’m willing to now use my power to serve my highest intentions. I’m willing to find a way. I’m willing to communicate passionately today. I’m willing to clarify the power behind what I’m doing. I’m willing to continue this exercise and let inspiration flow. I’m willing to continue my daily blog and audio journals. I’m willing to let my imagination and passion guide my steps. I’m willing to subscribe to nobody’s standards but my own. I’m willing to explore the next emotion…
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that each project will never be perfect, only one step close to my own perfect purification. I forgive others for not wanting to hear or know my message. I accept that my message is meaningless unless it fits into the belief system of someone reading or listening. I forgive myself for emotionally investing in someone else’s opinion of me. I accept that I’ve never quit or given up on a dream, only reframed it through my newfound knowledge. I forgive myself for believing that I’ve quit in the past.
Clarity: I’m clear that I’ve always been on the path. I’m clear that my focus is intensifying by the day. Clarity creates emotional power. Clarity is in the daily actions moving me forward. Clarity comes through training. I’m clear that my will is strong and demonstrated every day by my keeping this daily journal. I’m clear that I’m failing my way to ultimate success. I’m clear that I’m coming to understand what it means to LOVE my failure. I’m clear that I create happiness, happiness isn’t just happening to me. I’m clear that I’m applying my free will to create a buried destiny.
Love: I love imagining where this course of action will lead me. I love what my life has turned into. I love the caring people in my life. Apparently I love my weaknesses, imperfections and vulnerability because I put them on display all the time! Love is that open space (I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again.) Love is the experience of stepping outside time and space. I love to create. I love that I’m writing the story of my life write here on this screen. I love that I love humanity so much that I want to use my talents to help others write their destinies.
Joy: Joy is writing without caring about spelling, grammar or anyone else’s opinion. Joy is flowing through me
as I type. Joy seems to be increasing by day - even within this Dark Night period. Joys is the expansion of the empty space initiated by Love. Joy is the ability to create with different people, cultures and environments. Joy is knowing there are unlimited choices but making one choice at a time. Joy is right here where I left it. Joy will continue to follow me now. Joy is become persistent. Joy is something I’m glad I’ve worked for every day. Joy is coming naturally.
Peace: Peace is often talked about but rarely experienced. Peace is a creation by Creation. Peace is unlimited creation. Peace is beyond creation. Peace has something to do with transcending creation. Peace has nothing to do and everything to do with my Quest. Peace means the Quest was never necessary just a creation of my inspiration. Peace is letting go. Peace is power without the need for force.
Enlightenment: (an endless beat)
Monday, March 21, 2011
DAY 36: Dark Night of the Soul
DAY 36: Dark Night of the Soul
March 21, 2011
10:09 am
I’m not sure where to start. This is the week which I identify as “Dark Night”. It is the moment when it appears all is lost. That’s exactly how I feel right now. Yes, I suppose I’m creating this reality because I accept that the “Dark Night” exists on this 60 Day Quest. I wish I could say it’s just a role I’m playing but it feels so real; the fear, the anger, the grief. Why is this necessary? Is there something wrong with me to feel this? How did everything that was going so great get so scary?
I think it’s because I want to believe that when I generate this income it’s because “I” did it. My ego wants to believe all of my careful planning and prodigious skill created my destiny for me. After all, I am deserving of my “plan”. As I watch my ideas disintegrate around me and new ones form I question if there is any such thing as permanence. The message that comes across loud and clear is “be still”. This is hard for me because
I don’t want everything I’ve worked for turn to dust! And, yet, it seems I have little choice.
It hurts to be criticized for making honest efforts toward my intentions and helping others with their own intentions. It hurts because I have no control over my limited resources. I find myself haunted most by these thoughts - yet I keep moving forward.
Back to the point I was making: I want to believe that “I” caused my success. In reality, there are coincidences or synchronicities that come together to bring about the outcome. This could be perceived as God intervening, the bigger “I” becoming involved, or something that wouldn’t be the wisest marketing decision to include as part of a self-help program syllabus.
Is this why we take a Quest? To come to an understanding that we are dependent upon a greater power? The answer appears to be “yes”. How do I know this? Because I’ve seen people succeed before by unexplainable phenomena entering into their lives at just the right moment!
The only thing I can do is continue my Quest. According to Law of Attraction, you must believe in your Quest. That’s how I KNOW that I believe in what I’m attempting to create. How do you know you truly believe or if you're just kidding yourself? The only way to disbelieve, or to quit, is if I cease to enter these journal entries.
Let me work through this with calibrations (which I’ve pledged to do all throughout ACT 2 comprising of Deserts, Plot Twists and Dark Nights.) Calibrations are below.
Michael Shoeman
In the Cave
Fear: I’m afraid all these efforts will be for nothing. I fear that I’m making a fool of myself. I’m afraid that people have no respect for effort - only perfection. I’m fearful that I’ve been misguided. I’m afraid that what I know to be true will be proven false. I’m fearful of continuing to live in fear of money. I’m afraid of putting effort into paths that are dead. I’m afraid of trying something new because there is no feedback. I’m afraid of not being good enough. I’m afraid that I’m delusional. I’m afraid that faith will lead me to more pain.
Desire: I want to be perfect. I want every effort to be received perfectly by everyone every time! I want this to be easy! I want people to stop taking advantage of my kindness! I want more guidance! I want to know why the Dark Night is necessary on this Quest! I want only the positive and no more negative! I want people to see that my intentions are pure! I want the money now! I want people to be more dedicated to the Quest even when things get emotional! I want this exercise to work and serve me! I want to travel! I want the pain to go away!
Anger: I’m angry that people have unrealistic expectations of me! I’m angry that some people have a difference of opinion and little respect for my service! I’m angry that people think there are “quick fixes” and then wonder why they can’t commit to something! I’m angry that there’s lack of communication. I’m angry that I have to stop and refocus my anger! I’m angry that I’m being selfish right now! I’m angry that others are hurting! I’m angry that commitment seems to be a problem for many people. I’m angry that my efforts have failed. I’m angry at the fact that I have to let go of my plan! I’m angry that I’m not appreciated in the way I want to be appreciated. I’m angry that people compete instead of collaborating! I’m angry that there are communication barriers!
Pride: I’m proud that I have this calibration tool. I’m proud that there is power in this work. I’m proud of the subtlety in this Quest process. I’m proud that even though this isn’t a quick fix - it is an effective one! I’m proud of the honesty in admitting my fears. I’m proud that I’m still here! I’m proud that I truly do believe my Quest will be successful. I’m proud that there is truth in the Quest process. I’m proud that I don’t have to rely on slick marketing tactics. I’m proud that I include others. I’m proud that I encourage others to be their best! I’m proud that I give people the floor even if it seems to damage my image. I’m proud that I’m looking for answers. I’m proud that I’m not a guru - just a man looking for honest answers. I’m proud that I honor everyone’s reality without compromising my own!
Courage: Courage is finishing what I’ve started - win, lose or draw. Courage is reveled during the Dark Night. Courage is moving forward. Courage is taking the trip even if it means losing. Courage is felt not intellectualized. Courage is knowing the consequences of failure yet pressing on. Courage is building me up. Courage is allowing something new. Courage is staying still yet taking action. Courage is where truth is revealed. Courage is honesty. Courage is admitting there’s something more at work here than purely my own ego. Courage is surrender. Courage is my life. Courage is my Quest.
Trust: I trust my own dedication. I trust that even if I fail, my content has immense value. I trust that if Law of Attraction truly exists, I will succeed. I trust that there’s no shame in trying and failing. I trust that, no matter what, I’ve succeeded through my character. I trust that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. I trust that there is life beyond the worldly experience. I trust the Dark Night is meant to reveal my true character. I trust that there are no accidents. I trust in doing this exercise. I put my trust in my Quest, not in the details that present themselves. I trust that my entire life lead me to this point. I trust that something new is always around the corner. I trust that change is inevitable. I trust in my own commitment, even if there are changes in my approach. I trust that I’m continuously clarifying my vision for this Quest.
Willingness: I’m willing to continue. I’m willing to try something new. I willing to raise my emotions. I’m willing to make the most of this day. I’m willing to find joy in my work. I’m willing to pick myself up. I’m willing to stay true to what my Quest represents. I’m willing to accept that the universe rearranges itself through my re-Quests. I’m willing to look at the relationships between the words Quest, Quest-ion, and RE-Quests. I’m willing to continue my audio programs today. I’m willing to post my blog every day for 60 days. I’m willing to accept the consequences of my actions for taking this Quest. I’m willing to see this exercise through to completion. I’m willing to become dedicated for the entire 60 days. I’m willing to make the most of this moment.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I can’t complete this Quest without help. I forgive other people’s standards of perfection. I accept that a greater power works through me. I forgive the misperceptions of myself and others. I forgive anyone’s implication(which I know the specific person(s) which I choose not to reveal on a public blog) that I’m not good enough. I accept that the Dark Night serves in grounding emotional energy. I accept that this step is necessary to develop power. I accept that other people have different realities. I accept that people deny the Dark Night’s existence. I accept that there are dark, beautiful parts of my being. I accept that I love the darkness. I forgive myself for devaluing my darkness. I forgive myself for entertaining someone else’s idea of evil. I accept my own power.
Clarity: I’m clear that there is more information coming. I’m clear that the Quest is its own reward. I’m clear that every moment prepares me for the Quest’s climax. I’m clear that I’ve grown immensely in the last 20 minutes. I’m clear that this is training, not a quick fix. I’m clear that in spite of the dark moments I still love immensely. Clarity is in grounding this power through the Dark Night phase. Clarity is knowing the key piece of information is coming. Clarity is in my mastery of the Quest process. Clarity is experience. Clarity is in the story. Clarity is in allowing. Clarity is self-knowledge.
Love: I love the changes that have occurred through writing out these calibrations. I love that there is emotional content to my story. I love that I know love is letting go. Love is unlimited space to create. Love is holding on to nothing and appreciating everything. Love is in the details. Love is in the big picture. Love is the big picture. Love is the details in the big picture. Love is unity. Love is specifics. Love is embracing the darkness. Love is in the moment. Love is ultimately where the Quest leads. Love is felt never understood. Love is here now.
Joy: Joy is love intensified. Joy is an explosion which can be overwhelming. Joy is what we train for. Joy is all around. Joy was just acknowledged by the man sitting in the next booth. Joy is allowing the explosion to build. Joy is imperfections. Joy is the perfection in imperfection. Joy is amazing considering when I first wrote this passage I was feeling fear. Joy is what I can give people. Joy is my gift. Joy is the gift given through me. Joy is allowing an appreciative emotion to expand to its fullest capacity. Joy is knowing that someone will read this and experience joy. Joy is simple. Joy is letting joy be, knowing that to explain or complicate the feeling sends you back down the ladder.
Peace: Peace is mastery. Peace is in every moment if you know how to look for it. Peace is more powerful in the Dark Night. Peace has more meaning to me now. Peace is an out of body experience in this moment. Peace is beyond yet is the boon of my Quest. Peace is now. Peace is not thinking yet not dreaming. Peace is beyond the words on this page…
Enlightenment…yeah, it’s like that.
March 21, 2011
10:09 am
I’m not sure where to start. This is the week which I identify as “Dark Night”. It is the moment when it appears all is lost. That’s exactly how I feel right now. Yes, I suppose I’m creating this reality because I accept that the “Dark Night” exists on this 60 Day Quest. I wish I could say it’s just a role I’m playing but it feels so real; the fear, the anger, the grief. Why is this necessary? Is there something wrong with me to feel this? How did everything that was going so great get so scary?
I think it’s because I want to believe that when I generate this income it’s because “I” did it. My ego wants to believe all of my careful planning and prodigious skill created my destiny for me. After all, I am deserving of my “plan”. As I watch my ideas disintegrate around me and new ones form I question if there is any such thing as permanence. The message that comes across loud and clear is “be still”. This is hard for me because
I don’t want everything I’ve worked for turn to dust! And, yet, it seems I have little choice.
It hurts to be criticized for making honest efforts toward my intentions and helping others with their own intentions. It hurts because I have no control over my limited resources. I find myself haunted most by these thoughts - yet I keep moving forward.
Back to the point I was making: I want to believe that “I” caused my success. In reality, there are coincidences or synchronicities that come together to bring about the outcome. This could be perceived as God intervening, the bigger “I” becoming involved, or something that wouldn’t be the wisest marketing decision to include as part of a self-help program syllabus.
Is this why we take a Quest? To come to an understanding that we are dependent upon a greater power? The answer appears to be “yes”. How do I know this? Because I’ve seen people succeed before by unexplainable phenomena entering into their lives at just the right moment!
The only thing I can do is continue my Quest. According to Law of Attraction, you must believe in your Quest. That’s how I KNOW that I believe in what I’m attempting to create. How do you know you truly believe or if you're just kidding yourself? The only way to disbelieve, or to quit, is if I cease to enter these journal entries.
Let me work through this with calibrations (which I’ve pledged to do all throughout ACT 2 comprising of Deserts, Plot Twists and Dark Nights.) Calibrations are below.
Michael Shoeman
In the Cave
Fear: I’m afraid all these efforts will be for nothing. I fear that I’m making a fool of myself. I’m afraid that people have no respect for effort - only perfection. I’m fearful that I’ve been misguided. I’m afraid that what I know to be true will be proven false. I’m fearful of continuing to live in fear of money. I’m afraid of putting effort into paths that are dead. I’m afraid of trying something new because there is no feedback. I’m afraid of not being good enough. I’m afraid that I’m delusional. I’m afraid that faith will lead me to more pain.
Desire: I want to be perfect. I want every effort to be received perfectly by everyone every time! I want this to be easy! I want people to stop taking advantage of my kindness! I want more guidance! I want to know why the Dark Night is necessary on this Quest! I want only the positive and no more negative! I want people to see that my intentions are pure! I want the money now! I want people to be more dedicated to the Quest even when things get emotional! I want this exercise to work and serve me! I want to travel! I want the pain to go away!
Anger: I’m angry that people have unrealistic expectations of me! I’m angry that some people have a difference of opinion and little respect for my service! I’m angry that people think there are “quick fixes” and then wonder why they can’t commit to something! I’m angry that there’s lack of communication. I’m angry that I have to stop and refocus my anger! I’m angry that I’m being selfish right now! I’m angry that others are hurting! I’m angry that commitment seems to be a problem for many people. I’m angry that my efforts have failed. I’m angry at the fact that I have to let go of my plan! I’m angry that I’m not appreciated in the way I want to be appreciated. I’m angry that people compete instead of collaborating! I’m angry that there are communication barriers!
Pride: I’m proud that I have this calibration tool. I’m proud that there is power in this work. I’m proud of the subtlety in this Quest process. I’m proud that even though this isn’t a quick fix - it is an effective one! I’m proud of the honesty in admitting my fears. I’m proud that I’m still here! I’m proud that I truly do believe my Quest will be successful. I’m proud that there is truth in the Quest process. I’m proud that I don’t have to rely on slick marketing tactics. I’m proud that I include others. I’m proud that I encourage others to be their best! I’m proud that I give people the floor even if it seems to damage my image. I’m proud that I’m looking for answers. I’m proud that I’m not a guru - just a man looking for honest answers. I’m proud that I honor everyone’s reality without compromising my own!
Courage: Courage is finishing what I’ve started - win, lose or draw. Courage is reveled during the Dark Night. Courage is moving forward. Courage is taking the trip even if it means losing. Courage is felt not intellectualized. Courage is knowing the consequences of failure yet pressing on. Courage is building me up. Courage is allowing something new. Courage is staying still yet taking action. Courage is where truth is revealed. Courage is honesty. Courage is admitting there’s something more at work here than purely my own ego. Courage is surrender. Courage is my life. Courage is my Quest.
Trust: I trust my own dedication. I trust that even if I fail, my content has immense value. I trust that if Law of Attraction truly exists, I will succeed. I trust that there’s no shame in trying and failing. I trust that, no matter what, I’ve succeeded through my character. I trust that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. I trust that there is life beyond the worldly experience. I trust the Dark Night is meant to reveal my true character. I trust that there are no accidents. I trust in doing this exercise. I put my trust in my Quest, not in the details that present themselves. I trust that my entire life lead me to this point. I trust that something new is always around the corner. I trust that change is inevitable. I trust in my own commitment, even if there are changes in my approach. I trust that I’m continuously clarifying my vision for this Quest.
Willingness: I’m willing to continue. I’m willing to try something new. I willing to raise my emotions. I’m willing to make the most of this day. I’m willing to find joy in my work. I’m willing to pick myself up. I’m willing to stay true to what my Quest represents. I’m willing to accept that the universe rearranges itself through my re-Quests. I’m willing to look at the relationships between the words Quest, Quest-ion, and RE-Quests. I’m willing to continue my audio programs today. I’m willing to post my blog every day for 60 days. I’m willing to accept the consequences of my actions for taking this Quest. I’m willing to see this exercise through to completion. I’m willing to become dedicated for the entire 60 days. I’m willing to make the most of this moment.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I can’t complete this Quest without help. I forgive other people’s standards of perfection. I accept that a greater power works through me. I forgive the misperceptions of myself and others. I forgive anyone’s implication(which I know the specific person(s) which I choose not to reveal on a public blog) that I’m not good enough. I accept that the Dark Night serves in grounding emotional energy. I accept that this step is necessary to develop power. I accept that other people have different realities. I accept that people deny the Dark Night’s existence. I accept that there are dark, beautiful parts of my being. I accept that I love the darkness. I forgive myself for devaluing my darkness. I forgive myself for entertaining someone else’s idea of evil. I accept my own power.
Clarity: I’m clear that there is more information coming. I’m clear that the Quest is its own reward. I’m clear that every moment prepares me for the Quest’s climax. I’m clear that I’ve grown immensely in the last 20 minutes. I’m clear that this is training, not a quick fix. I’m clear that in spite of the dark moments I still love immensely. Clarity is in grounding this power through the Dark Night phase. Clarity is knowing the key piece of information is coming. Clarity is in my mastery of the Quest process. Clarity is experience. Clarity is in the story. Clarity is in allowing. Clarity is self-knowledge.
Love: I love the changes that have occurred through writing out these calibrations. I love that there is emotional content to my story. I love that I know love is letting go. Love is unlimited space to create. Love is holding on to nothing and appreciating everything. Love is in the details. Love is in the big picture. Love is the big picture. Love is the details in the big picture. Love is unity. Love is specifics. Love is embracing the darkness. Love is in the moment. Love is ultimately where the Quest leads. Love is felt never understood. Love is here now.
Joy: Joy is love intensified. Joy is an explosion which can be overwhelming. Joy is what we train for. Joy is all around. Joy was just acknowledged by the man sitting in the next booth. Joy is allowing the explosion to build. Joy is imperfections. Joy is the perfection in imperfection. Joy is amazing considering when I first wrote this passage I was feeling fear. Joy is what I can give people. Joy is my gift. Joy is the gift given through me. Joy is allowing an appreciative emotion to expand to its fullest capacity. Joy is knowing that someone will read this and experience joy. Joy is simple. Joy is letting joy be, knowing that to explain or complicate the feeling sends you back down the ladder.
Peace: Peace is mastery. Peace is in every moment if you know how to look for it. Peace is more powerful in the Dark Night. Peace has more meaning to me now. Peace is an out of body experience in this moment. Peace is beyond yet is the boon of my Quest. Peace is now. Peace is not thinking yet not dreaming. Peace is beyond the words on this page…
Enlightenment…yeah, it’s like that.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
DAY 35: Addicted to Maps
DAY 35: Addicted to Maps
March 20, 2011
12:36 pm
It’s an obsession! I’m addicted to looking at maps!
I’m doing something fun for myself today that is work related. Some of the potential partners in my world have encouraged me to “think bigger” about how to bring my Quest program to specific clients. I’m going to “play” today and create Quest programs for places where I really want to travel. (Since traveling is a priority in my business and I enjoy traveling immensely.)
My program address the power of myth and storytelling into our lives. And, as been documented in the past few days especially, I’m incorporate elements of movie making in my process. What better way to explore the monomyth in our own lives than traveling to either distant lands or places immersed in the movie-making/story-telling process?
Often people will make videos of their vacation but all the videos are the same. After a while, seeing the same places and events over and over on a video leaves you rather stale. BUT - if you are fully engaged in your story, possibly taking a 5 day vision quest, and the video DOCUMENTS your growth - now it ceases to be a video and it turns into a movie! It’s the story that makes a video into a movie.
Today I’m going to bookstore and researching places I love and/or want to visit for the first time. Today I’m a detective searching for ways to incorporate my 9 phases of the Hero’s Journey and tying them into these destinations. Destinations like Disney World, Los Angeles, Europe and Canada. Eventually I’d like to look into Africa, Asia and Australia but my burning desires are the latter destinations mentioned.
Tying this into a lesson, I think it is a powerful demonstration of holding true to your highest desires and values. Mine of course, as I’ve said, is traveling. Maybe deep down I can satisfy an urge to be a travel agent/tour guide by incorporating my Quest process to the places I’m naturally attracted to.
Michael Shoeman
The Global Life Artist?
March 20, 2011
12:36 pm
It’s an obsession! I’m addicted to looking at maps!
I’m doing something fun for myself today that is work related. Some of the potential partners in my world have encouraged me to “think bigger” about how to bring my Quest program to specific clients. I’m going to “play” today and create Quest programs for places where I really want to travel. (Since traveling is a priority in my business and I enjoy traveling immensely.)
My program address the power of myth and storytelling into our lives. And, as been documented in the past few days especially, I’m incorporate elements of movie making in my process. What better way to explore the monomyth in our own lives than traveling to either distant lands or places immersed in the movie-making/story-telling process?
Often people will make videos of their vacation but all the videos are the same. After a while, seeing the same places and events over and over on a video leaves you rather stale. BUT - if you are fully engaged in your story, possibly taking a 5 day vision quest, and the video DOCUMENTS your growth - now it ceases to be a video and it turns into a movie! It’s the story that makes a video into a movie.
Today I’m going to bookstore and researching places I love and/or want to visit for the first time. Today I’m a detective searching for ways to incorporate my 9 phases of the Hero’s Journey and tying them into these destinations. Destinations like Disney World, Los Angeles, Europe and Canada. Eventually I’d like to look into Africa, Asia and Australia but my burning desires are the latter destinations mentioned.
Tying this into a lesson, I think it is a powerful demonstration of holding true to your highest desires and values. Mine of course, as I’ve said, is traveling. Maybe deep down I can satisfy an urge to be a travel agent/tour guide by incorporating my Quest process to the places I’m naturally attracted to.
Michael Shoeman
The Global Life Artist?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
DAY 34: The Unexpected Plot Twist Today is Things Are Easier Than I Expected (So Far)
DAY 34: The Unexpected Plot Twist Today is Things Are Easier Than I Expected (So Far)
March 19, 2011
Slowly but surely getting things in order today. Very exciting to see experiential workshops getting scheduled through my JV partners. I’ve also been asked by other partners to “think bigger” as far as who could possibly be my true ideal client. The challenge posed to me by these potential partners was to design a $2,300 plan and a $10,000 plan which more than likely would include travel as part of the 60 Day Quest (like hosting a 5 Day reality television shoot in Los Angeles) and also leveraging the power of story on video to sell these programs.
Been mostly editing and posting videos today. Once I fulfill my end of the relationship in producing videos for my partners, I will be working on a video project that tells the story of my meetup reality show. I see and feel so much potential with this concept and can’t wait to begin editing the footage I took the other day. My skills as a filmmaker and storyteller are improving and what a wonderful feeling it is to put these newfound skills to work on my business which brings me tremendous joy.
Been falling behind on my audio journal and will make up those recordings later tonight and into tomorrow. My partnership with Melody-Rose Parker has been the catalyst to start up my product and service pay account. My audios and ebooks will be offered shortly through this site.
After completing today’s video series, my “production company” will be focused on my video and audio products to get the word out on monetizing my Destiny 5 program.
So…Plot Twists...
Tomorrow is my last official day on this phase before going to into the Dark Night. As I round the corner of the Emotional Act 2 phase and into the Act 3 phase where things happen, I’m noticing that events have been set in motion and I’ll continue to go with the flow. My current focus is getting the word out on the Reality Television/Video Journal meetup. I know this is a phenomenal concept and it’s both constructive and entertaining to figure out how to generate mass appeal for it. We’ll see how this goes.
Michael Shoeman
On the Edge…
Trust: I trust there will be very pleasing surprises in the next 4 weeks. I trust my partnerships are very solid and strong. I trust the power in sticking to this every single day for 60 days. I trust I’m improving all the time. I trust I’m moving from conscious incompetence to conscious competence. I trust action is always the right course of action.
Willingness: I’m willing to enjoy my work. I’m willing to work until I sleep tonight. I’m willing to relax. I’m willing to continue my calibrations. I’m willing to allow the next step to come to me. I’m willing to passionate. I’m willing to acknowledge that things are truthfully moving forward.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that this Quest has benefited me no matter the outcome. I accept that I’ve felt consistent joy since entering the Act 2 phase. I forgive my past and my former ignorance. I forgive my wanting for something other than where and who I am. I accept that there’s a calm presence in my writing this. I forgive my lack of understanding up until this moment.
Clarity: I’m clear that I don’t have to do anything at this moment. I’m clear that this Quest is beginning to take on a life of it’s own. Clarity is knowing I’m finally using all the skills and aptitudes that I was both born with and have been developing throughout my life. I’m clear that there are blessings all around me. I’m clear that change suits me.
Love: Love is living your highest potential. Love is having the freedom to be. Love is relaxing. Love is flowing. Love is allowed, never forced. Love is passionate peace. Love is the spark of deep creation. Love is in every video I make, every word I write and every sound I record. Love is the enjoyable space between all perceivable “things”.
Joy: Joy is the emotional explosion that Love catalyses. Joy is felt physically and sometimes in extreme doses. Joy is the choice to have fun while I work. Joy is in my work. Joy is having partners who make things easy AND productive. Joy is working with others and really liking who I’m working with. Joy is right here, right now. Joy is effortless productivity.
Peace: Peace is probably going to sound very “new agey” if I say what I’m truly thinking and feeling.
Enlightenment… .
March 19, 2011
Slowly but surely getting things in order today. Very exciting to see experiential workshops getting scheduled through my JV partners. I’ve also been asked by other partners to “think bigger” as far as who could possibly be my true ideal client. The challenge posed to me by these potential partners was to design a $2,300 plan and a $10,000 plan which more than likely would include travel as part of the 60 Day Quest (like hosting a 5 Day reality television shoot in Los Angeles) and also leveraging the power of story on video to sell these programs.
Been mostly editing and posting videos today. Once I fulfill my end of the relationship in producing videos for my partners, I will be working on a video project that tells the story of my meetup reality show. I see and feel so much potential with this concept and can’t wait to begin editing the footage I took the other day. My skills as a filmmaker and storyteller are improving and what a wonderful feeling it is to put these newfound skills to work on my business which brings me tremendous joy.
Been falling behind on my audio journal and will make up those recordings later tonight and into tomorrow. My partnership with Melody-Rose Parker has been the catalyst to start up my product and service pay account. My audios and ebooks will be offered shortly through this site.
After completing today’s video series, my “production company” will be focused on my video and audio products to get the word out on monetizing my Destiny 5 program.
So…Plot Twists...
Tomorrow is my last official day on this phase before going to into the Dark Night. As I round the corner of the Emotional Act 2 phase and into the Act 3 phase where things happen, I’m noticing that events have been set in motion and I’ll continue to go with the flow. My current focus is getting the word out on the Reality Television/Video Journal meetup. I know this is a phenomenal concept and it’s both constructive and entertaining to figure out how to generate mass appeal for it. We’ll see how this goes.
Michael Shoeman
On the Edge…
Trust: I trust there will be very pleasing surprises in the next 4 weeks. I trust my partnerships are very solid and strong. I trust the power in sticking to this every single day for 60 days. I trust I’m improving all the time. I trust I’m moving from conscious incompetence to conscious competence. I trust action is always the right course of action.
Willingness: I’m willing to enjoy my work. I’m willing to work until I sleep tonight. I’m willing to relax. I’m willing to continue my calibrations. I’m willing to allow the next step to come to me. I’m willing to passionate. I’m willing to acknowledge that things are truthfully moving forward.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that this Quest has benefited me no matter the outcome. I accept that I’ve felt consistent joy since entering the Act 2 phase. I forgive my past and my former ignorance. I forgive my wanting for something other than where and who I am. I accept that there’s a calm presence in my writing this. I forgive my lack of understanding up until this moment.
Clarity: I’m clear that I don’t have to do anything at this moment. I’m clear that this Quest is beginning to take on a life of it’s own. Clarity is knowing I’m finally using all the skills and aptitudes that I was both born with and have been developing throughout my life. I’m clear that there are blessings all around me. I’m clear that change suits me.
Love: Love is living your highest potential. Love is having the freedom to be. Love is relaxing. Love is flowing. Love is allowed, never forced. Love is passionate peace. Love is the spark of deep creation. Love is in every video I make, every word I write and every sound I record. Love is the enjoyable space between all perceivable “things”.
Joy: Joy is the emotional explosion that Love catalyses. Joy is felt physically and sometimes in extreme doses. Joy is the choice to have fun while I work. Joy is in my work. Joy is having partners who make things easy AND productive. Joy is working with others and really liking who I’m working with. Joy is right here, right now. Joy is effortless productivity.
Peace: Peace is probably going to sound very “new agey” if I say what I’m truly thinking and feeling.
Enlightenment… .
Friday, March 18, 2011
DAY 33: 3 Points for the Plot Twist
DAY 33: 3 Points for the Plot Twist
March 18, 2011
8:39 pm
The Plot Twist has represented several things to me this time around in the Quest. While practicing the exercise “Cue Cards”, the activity to be presented this Sunday, I unleashed many emotions that I’m experiencing, have experienced and will experience. Emotions like boldness, scattered, fear, insecurity and certainty. During this induced cathartic practice, I realized how I keep forgetting that I actually know what to expect during the Quest process.
At some point in the Quest, the KEY PIECE of information will show up in the Seventh Phase; this is a plot twist to me. Even though my efforts are not yielding the results I’d hoped, I’m seeing new paths open up. My passion is calling me to really focus on the new Destiny 5 meetup site and Video Journal project. This is a Plot Twist in that I don’t see how that’s going to yield the income I hope for but the project has an irresistable call. The other Plot Twist is embracing the new identity with the very clear and specific path of leading someone to an annual income in 60 Days.
So, clearly stated, these are the factors making up my personal Plot Twist on this Quest:
1. Embracing the new identity of raising the annual income and marketing myself as that person.
2. The Destiny 5 Video Journaling meetup. This is holding for me the most emotionally energetic potential.
3. Staying focused on finding the key piece of information (probably within 2 to 3 weeks) that will bring the successful conclusion to my Quest in one stroke.
Mike Shoeman
Stirring the Pot and Twisting the Plot
March 18, 2011
8:39 pm
The Plot Twist has represented several things to me this time around in the Quest. While practicing the exercise “Cue Cards”, the activity to be presented this Sunday, I unleashed many emotions that I’m experiencing, have experienced and will experience. Emotions like boldness, scattered, fear, insecurity and certainty. During this induced cathartic practice, I realized how I keep forgetting that I actually know what to expect during the Quest process.
At some point in the Quest, the KEY PIECE of information will show up in the Seventh Phase; this is a plot twist to me. Even though my efforts are not yielding the results I’d hoped, I’m seeing new paths open up. My passion is calling me to really focus on the new Destiny 5 meetup site and Video Journal project. This is a Plot Twist in that I don’t see how that’s going to yield the income I hope for but the project has an irresistable call. The other Plot Twist is embracing the new identity with the very clear and specific path of leading someone to an annual income in 60 Days.
So, clearly stated, these are the factors making up my personal Plot Twist on this Quest:
1. Embracing the new identity of raising the annual income and marketing myself as that person.
2. The Destiny 5 Video Journaling meetup. This is holding for me the most emotionally energetic potential.
3. Staying focused on finding the key piece of information (probably within 2 to 3 weeks) that will bring the successful conclusion to my Quest in one stroke.
Mike Shoeman
Stirring the Pot and Twisting the Plot
Thursday, March 17, 2011
DAY 32: Identity Crisis
DAY 32: Identity Crisis
March 17, 2011
8:13 am
My emotions have been all over the place within the last 12-15 hours. The Plot Twist will induce somewhat of an identity crisis. Once again I find myself exerting effort with little feedback or response. My “old way” of doing things is dying. The people who I was very close to at the beginning of this Quest are fading out of my life. This is because they are following their own paths which has nothing personally to do with me. Still, I can’t shake the feeling of temporary loneliness during this transitional phase of the Quest.
Where we gain solidity and stability in the Desert we’re asked to deal with chaos and disorientation in the Plot Twist. There is an abundance of decisions and it can be overwhelming. This feeling is even difficult to articulate because it’s so overwhelming. Even in my writing this journal there’s evidence of chaos. Who am I really? Am I really going to succeed at this? Or am I merely playing a role immersed in “make believe”? This is why I say this Second Act (consisting of Deserts, Plot Twists, and Dark Nights) will test your belief system.
I am experiencing catharsis. This is the emotional explosion promised after building up the pressure throughout the Desert. The real purpose behind any Quest is to effectively master your emotions. After the explosion, the aftermath is fragments of your old self in the appearance of emotions like fear, grief, anger (as to be expressed in the upcoming Dark Night phase.) These feelings will be resurrected by Phase 7 but for now this feels like the beginning of a descent.
Within the past 24 hours I’ve let several others tell me how superior their methods are to mine. I’ve let others tell me and implying that, “I could do what you do, probably better, but I choose not to.” These people were well meaning but these comments don’t serve me. I don’t believe any method is superior but I do believe there is power in applying your will toward a specific outcome. The Quest is merely a structure supported by history. Like everything else, it is to be transcended when it no longer serves.
Yet, knowledge of the Quest does serve me. I’ll try a new-age or holistic modality that people swear by only to find these are merely “quick fixes” and even sometimes serve as a distraction. I personally find more power in committing to something for 60 Days and staying true to that vision. How someone else experiences a Desert or a Dark Night or a Shadow is more of a personal response, not a fixed experience that is universal. What has endured is the person's detailed Life Story - that’s what the Quest is based on.
Okay, now that I’m clear about who I am, it’s time to stay true to my original intention for this Quest.
Michael Shoeman
Walking the Path
Fear: I’m afraid my efforts are going ignored. I’m afraid that people are laughing at these efforts. I fear losing momentum. I fear that the world is too cold. I fear that perhaps I’ve been misguided. I fear that my expectations are unrealistic. I fear that people are too apathetic. I’m afraid of taking more vulnerable risks and being treated as a non-factor.
Desire: I want attention. I want my efforts to be productive. I want momentum. I want to embraced and appreciated for what I do. I want enthusiasm. I want my risks to pay off in huge dividends. I want respect. I want to live now! I want to be doing these workshops every week and work into every day! I want 2500 people signed up for Destiny 5 right now! I want my 60 Day Quest to be fulfilled in an instant! I want a check handed over to me in the full amount today!
Anger: I’m angry at the people who started out with me and have gone AWOL. I’m angry that people don’t communicate. I’m angry that my program is not appreciated in the way I’d like it to be. I’m angry that she didn’t even want to understand me! I’m angry that my Quest isn’t completed yet! I’m angry that I’m feeling low! I’m angry at the Twinkies in my life! I’m angry that I’m stuck!
Pride: I’m proud of my resilience. I’m proud that I stick to my Quest. I’m proud that I can acknowledge that there is where I’m meant to be. I’m proud that I have come as far as I have. I’m proud that I look for the truth in my situation. I’m proud that I do speak from my heart. I’m proud of my healing myself. I’m proud that I am for real! I’m proud that my program is kick ass! I’m proud that I’m coming out of this slump right now!
Trust: I trust that I do have guides and angels. I trust that my value is just as powerful as anyone I can work with. I trust my feelings. I trust that this is the Dark Night and also shall pass. I trust that something is lining up. I trust this Quest process. I trust that my 60 Day Quest will be successful. I trust that the right people are looking for me. I trust that this is easier than I’m making it.
Willingness: I’m willing to do this exercise. I’m willing to do some soul searching. I’m willing to try again. I’m willing to make new distinctions. I’m willing to change. I’m willing to ask deeper questions. I’m willing to focus on my beliefs. I’m willing to let go, back up and feel this. I’m willing to love. I’m willing to give. I’m willing to let the Quest guide me.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that this works. I forgive the other for implying that my Quest was not as valuable as her “quick fixes”. I accept that I accept others for their own belief systems. I forgive my own desire and separation. I accept that the power in what I do gives others the permission to have meaningful conversations. I forgive the circumstances that created my dire perceptions. I accept that I’m now in full career of an adventure.
Clarity: I’m clear that I’m healing myself. I’m clear that I’m open to experiencing what others have to offer. I’m clear about not lying to myself. Clarity is sharing. I’m clear about my intentions. I’m clear about the joy I experience during these workshops. I’m clear about how fascinated I am with this Video Journal project. I’m clear about HOW to generate the annual income in 60 Days.
Love: I love helping others. I genuinely love the story process. I love giving. I love being appreciated for my expertise. I love that I’m being paid handsomely for my expertise. I love the power in communication. I love that I facilitate the catalyst for people having the most meaningful conversations of their lives. I love that I have experience to draw from.
Joy: Joy is detachment from outcome. Joy is reaching out for the sheer pleasure of connecting. Joy is connecting. Joy is limitless limitation. Joy is always the eventual outcome. Joy is an explosion. Joy is nonjudgmental feeling. Joy is beholding beauty without having to possess it. Joy is the realization that I took a journey in the last 20 minutes to get here.
Peace: Peace is starting my blog today. Peace is letting go. Peace is after the explosion. Peace is a recovery. Peace is silence. Peace is the true power in this Quest. Peace is knowing with thinking, seeing without looking, accomplishing without doing.
Enlightenment is enough for this moment - overwhelming in any other moment.
March 17, 2011
8:13 am
My emotions have been all over the place within the last 12-15 hours. The Plot Twist will induce somewhat of an identity crisis. Once again I find myself exerting effort with little feedback or response. My “old way” of doing things is dying. The people who I was very close to at the beginning of this Quest are fading out of my life. This is because they are following their own paths which has nothing personally to do with me. Still, I can’t shake the feeling of temporary loneliness during this transitional phase of the Quest.
Where we gain solidity and stability in the Desert we’re asked to deal with chaos and disorientation in the Plot Twist. There is an abundance of decisions and it can be overwhelming. This feeling is even difficult to articulate because it’s so overwhelming. Even in my writing this journal there’s evidence of chaos. Who am I really? Am I really going to succeed at this? Or am I merely playing a role immersed in “make believe”? This is why I say this Second Act (consisting of Deserts, Plot Twists, and Dark Nights) will test your belief system.
I am experiencing catharsis. This is the emotional explosion promised after building up the pressure throughout the Desert. The real purpose behind any Quest is to effectively master your emotions. After the explosion, the aftermath is fragments of your old self in the appearance of emotions like fear, grief, anger (as to be expressed in the upcoming Dark Night phase.) These feelings will be resurrected by Phase 7 but for now this feels like the beginning of a descent.
Within the past 24 hours I’ve let several others tell me how superior their methods are to mine. I’ve let others tell me and implying that, “I could do what you do, probably better, but I choose not to.” These people were well meaning but these comments don’t serve me. I don’t believe any method is superior but I do believe there is power in applying your will toward a specific outcome. The Quest is merely a structure supported by history. Like everything else, it is to be transcended when it no longer serves.
Yet, knowledge of the Quest does serve me. I’ll try a new-age or holistic modality that people swear by only to find these are merely “quick fixes” and even sometimes serve as a distraction. I personally find more power in committing to something for 60 Days and staying true to that vision. How someone else experiences a Desert or a Dark Night or a Shadow is more of a personal response, not a fixed experience that is universal. What has endured is the person's detailed Life Story - that’s what the Quest is based on.
Okay, now that I’m clear about who I am, it’s time to stay true to my original intention for this Quest.
Michael Shoeman
Walking the Path
Fear: I’m afraid my efforts are going ignored. I’m afraid that people are laughing at these efforts. I fear losing momentum. I fear that the world is too cold. I fear that perhaps I’ve been misguided. I fear that my expectations are unrealistic. I fear that people are too apathetic. I’m afraid of taking more vulnerable risks and being treated as a non-factor.
Desire: I want attention. I want my efforts to be productive. I want momentum. I want to embraced and appreciated for what I do. I want enthusiasm. I want my risks to pay off in huge dividends. I want respect. I want to live now! I want to be doing these workshops every week and work into every day! I want 2500 people signed up for Destiny 5 right now! I want my 60 Day Quest to be fulfilled in an instant! I want a check handed over to me in the full amount today!
Anger: I’m angry at the people who started out with me and have gone AWOL. I’m angry that people don’t communicate. I’m angry that my program is not appreciated in the way I’d like it to be. I’m angry that she didn’t even want to understand me! I’m angry that my Quest isn’t completed yet! I’m angry that I’m feeling low! I’m angry at the Twinkies in my life! I’m angry that I’m stuck!
Pride: I’m proud of my resilience. I’m proud that I stick to my Quest. I’m proud that I can acknowledge that there is where I’m meant to be. I’m proud that I have come as far as I have. I’m proud that I look for the truth in my situation. I’m proud that I do speak from my heart. I’m proud of my healing myself. I’m proud that I am for real! I’m proud that my program is kick ass! I’m proud that I’m coming out of this slump right now!
Trust: I trust that I do have guides and angels. I trust that my value is just as powerful as anyone I can work with. I trust my feelings. I trust that this is the Dark Night and also shall pass. I trust that something is lining up. I trust this Quest process. I trust that my 60 Day Quest will be successful. I trust that the right people are looking for me. I trust that this is easier than I’m making it.
Willingness: I’m willing to do this exercise. I’m willing to do some soul searching. I’m willing to try again. I’m willing to make new distinctions. I’m willing to change. I’m willing to ask deeper questions. I’m willing to focus on my beliefs. I’m willing to let go, back up and feel this. I’m willing to love. I’m willing to give. I’m willing to let the Quest guide me.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that this works. I forgive the other for implying that my Quest was not as valuable as her “quick fixes”. I accept that I accept others for their own belief systems. I forgive my own desire and separation. I accept that the power in what I do gives others the permission to have meaningful conversations. I forgive the circumstances that created my dire perceptions. I accept that I’m now in full career of an adventure.
Clarity: I’m clear that I’m healing myself. I’m clear that I’m open to experiencing what others have to offer. I’m clear about not lying to myself. Clarity is sharing. I’m clear about my intentions. I’m clear about the joy I experience during these workshops. I’m clear about how fascinated I am with this Video Journal project. I’m clear about HOW to generate the annual income in 60 Days.
Love: I love helping others. I genuinely love the story process. I love giving. I love being appreciated for my expertise. I love that I’m being paid handsomely for my expertise. I love the power in communication. I love that I facilitate the catalyst for people having the most meaningful conversations of their lives. I love that I have experience to draw from.
Joy: Joy is detachment from outcome. Joy is reaching out for the sheer pleasure of connecting. Joy is connecting. Joy is limitless limitation. Joy is always the eventual outcome. Joy is an explosion. Joy is nonjudgmental feeling. Joy is beholding beauty without having to possess it. Joy is the realization that I took a journey in the last 20 minutes to get here.
Peace: Peace is starting my blog today. Peace is letting go. Peace is after the explosion. Peace is a recovery. Peace is silence. Peace is the true power in this Quest. Peace is knowing with thinking, seeing without looking, accomplishing without doing.
Enlightenment is enough for this moment - overwhelming in any other moment.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
DAY 31: Expected Chaos
DAY 31: Expected Chaos
March 16, 2011
It never ceases to amaze me how accurate this Quest path seems to be. I recognize that our focus truly does determine our reality, that much of what we experience on the Quest is merely a suggestion, but internally I’m truthfully feeling the uprooted sensation promised in the Plot Twist. I believe that by following my heart on the Video Journal project will deliver me safely and joyfully to my stated Quest’s outcome. At the same time I can’t help but feel this can also be a distraction. This is also a quality of the Plot Twist - being prone to distraction.
Emotionally I’m all over the place! Things are moving fast but not fast enough! At other times, sometimes within a few moments, I feel like I need to slow down! What’s up is down and what was down is up! Yet I’m still taking daily action.
Yesterday I continued to reach out to about 10 meetups per day. This time I’ve been connecting directly with organizers and telling them about the Destiny 5 Video Journal project. As far as my national tour is concerned, I’m wondering whether or not I couldn’t spend 9 weeks in a city, shoot a video journal series, and continue to do one to two day workshops in whichever region I’m working in. This could provide a little more stability in my travels and continue to pile on the viewable content of what the Destiny 5 Quest is all about.
We play the game “Cue Cards” during this phase. We’ll play this at our upcoming meetup on the 20th. To get you prepared for this I ask you to identify PEOPLE, PLACES, FEELINGS and IDENITIES that happen before and after your Plot Twist moments.
So what were these elements at the beginning of my Quest?
The original Destiny 5 consisting of Serena, Melanie, Debra Leigh and Jessica
Theater Colleagues
Personal Training Clients
The Theater
The Gym
Living in my Car
What do I want these elements to be at the end of my Quest?
New Clients
New Destiny 5 Members in the Video Journaling process (represented by the members of my new meetup -
New Partners - represented by members of my M3 meetup
Different Cities (Atlanta, Seattle, Toronto, NYC, Orlando)
Large Workspace to Shoot D5 Video Journals
Hotels/Renting Rooms in different cities
“The 60 Day Career Alchemist”
The Quest Authority
Traveling Mentor
Would-be Father
Okay, time to do my calibrations and on with the day.
Michael Shoeman
The Shapeshifting Life Artist
Fear: I’m afraid that I’m losing my Quest. I fear this being the wrong course of action. I’m afraid that this path, good as it feels, is leading me back to Nowheres Ville. I fear not finishing the editing of the book. I fear all of these partnerships bottoming out on me. I fear not reaching my expectations. I fear being stuck in my mental world. I’m afraid of repeating past patterns. I fear being so exhausted that I won’t be able to produce anything when all is said and done.
Desire: I want everything to work right now! I want 1000 people on my new meetup instantly! I want growth and expansion at every moment. I want encouragement all the time. I want money in the bank now! I want to complete my Quest before the 60 Days expire. I want quadruple the amount I originally intended. I want tangible results right now. I want to leave this old life behind. I want to immerse myself in my joy all the time. I want this process to move faster, easier and in more abundance than I even thought possible.
Anger: I’m angry that there’s something to understand here. I’m angry that there’s really nothing tangible to hold onto yet! I’m angry that there’s no one here to help me push my book forward. I’m angry that no one is following up in regard to the book! I’m angry that I can’t seem to make a few simple phone calls. I’m angry that I’m afraid my own book is inferior. I’m angry that no one takes initiative. I’m angry that my plans are being held up! I’m angry, frustrated and overwhelmed that I can’t write the perfect book!
Pride: I’m proud that I’m on this Quest. I’m proud that I do many things very well. I’m proud that I work at this every day. I’m proud of the new habits I’m developing. I’m proud of the power I’m amassing in this Quest. I’m proud that my laptop was spared from having tea spilled on it! I’m proud of the progress my meetup is experiencing. I’m proud of my Video Journaling concept. I’m proud that people are excited about it! I’m proud of my determination and tenacity demonstrated by this journal everyday! I’m proud that even if I lose I win.
Trust: I trust that this is leading somewhere. I trust that my feelings in this stage of The Plot Twist is natural. I trust that these feelings serve me. I trust in doing this exercise. I trust people want to work with me. I trust that all my exchanges are mutual. I trust that I have value beyond that which I even know about. I trust in my value. I trust what happens the moment I start. I trust myself in the hidden genius that even I sometimes fail to acknowledge.
Willingness: I’m willing to ride these emotional waves. I’m willing to continue this journal and my audio program. I’m willing to recognize someone’s desires. I’m willing to build this foundation. I’m willing to embrace my new role. I’m willing to develop this powerful emotional skill. I’m willing to see how these emotions create powerful results. I’m willing to acknowledge the results. I willing to see this Quest through to completion. I’m willing to reexamine what’s working.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I’m supposed to be feeling disoriented right now in this phase of the Quest. I fully forgive the disappointments of my past. I accept that everything happens for a reason and that reason is to be fully present for these Quest proceedings. I forgive and release my expectations. I accept that even more than my expectations can easily be brought before me. I forgive the powerful in this moment. I accept that I might forgive the powerful more often.
Clarity: I’m clear about how powerful the video medium is. I’m clear that my productivity is increasing. I’m clear that I’m supported. Clarity is allowing myself to be lost right now. Clarity is knowing what this Quest represents. I’m clear that this exercise serves me. There’s clarity in breathing. Clarity is being still in this feeling. Clarity is accepting this feeling. I’m clear that I have more energy to direct to my purpose.
Love: I love the space I have to explore my thoughts. I love communicating. I love the people that have been brought into my life. I love that I have a home space to create my life art. I love life art. I love that I have the opportunity to approach others in love. I’m grateful for the abundance of activity I have to live my highest purpose. I love that my emotions are rising.
Joy: Joy is having people enthusiastically WANTING to be a part of my endeavors. Joy is creation. Joy is ease and effortlessness in creating abundance. Joy is committing to abundance. Joy is now seeing that I choose Joy. Joy is revisiting joy like a good friend. Joy truly is letting go. Joy is choosing to do what I love to do. Joy is the commitment of doing what I love to do.
Peace: Peace is completion. Peace is an embrace. Peace is the silence between sounds. Peace is the reaction of all action. Peace is merging with the Divine. Peace is a feeling I have right now. Peace is acceptance. Peace is allowing. Peace is inherent. Peace is.
Enlightenment flows. The moment you identify it in this existence it alludes you. So I’ll stop here.
March 16, 2011
It never ceases to amaze me how accurate this Quest path seems to be. I recognize that our focus truly does determine our reality, that much of what we experience on the Quest is merely a suggestion, but internally I’m truthfully feeling the uprooted sensation promised in the Plot Twist. I believe that by following my heart on the Video Journal project will deliver me safely and joyfully to my stated Quest’s outcome. At the same time I can’t help but feel this can also be a distraction. This is also a quality of the Plot Twist - being prone to distraction.
Emotionally I’m all over the place! Things are moving fast but not fast enough! At other times, sometimes within a few moments, I feel like I need to slow down! What’s up is down and what was down is up! Yet I’m still taking daily action.
Yesterday I continued to reach out to about 10 meetups per day. This time I’ve been connecting directly with organizers and telling them about the Destiny 5 Video Journal project. As far as my national tour is concerned, I’m wondering whether or not I couldn’t spend 9 weeks in a city, shoot a video journal series, and continue to do one to two day workshops in whichever region I’m working in. This could provide a little more stability in my travels and continue to pile on the viewable content of what the Destiny 5 Quest is all about.
We play the game “Cue Cards” during this phase. We’ll play this at our upcoming meetup on the 20th. To get you prepared for this I ask you to identify PEOPLE, PLACES, FEELINGS and IDENITIES that happen before and after your Plot Twist moments.
So what were these elements at the beginning of my Quest?
The original Destiny 5 consisting of Serena, Melanie, Debra Leigh and Jessica
Theater Colleagues
Personal Training Clients
The Theater
The Gym
Living in my Car
What do I want these elements to be at the end of my Quest?
New Clients
New Destiny 5 Members in the Video Journaling process (represented by the members of my new meetup -
New Partners - represented by members of my M3 meetup
Different Cities (Atlanta, Seattle, Toronto, NYC, Orlando)
Large Workspace to Shoot D5 Video Journals
Hotels/Renting Rooms in different cities
“The 60 Day Career Alchemist”
The Quest Authority
Traveling Mentor
Would-be Father
Okay, time to do my calibrations and on with the day.
Michael Shoeman
The Shapeshifting Life Artist
Fear: I’m afraid that I’m losing my Quest. I fear this being the wrong course of action. I’m afraid that this path, good as it feels, is leading me back to Nowheres Ville. I fear not finishing the editing of the book. I fear all of these partnerships bottoming out on me. I fear not reaching my expectations. I fear being stuck in my mental world. I’m afraid of repeating past patterns. I fear being so exhausted that I won’t be able to produce anything when all is said and done.
Desire: I want everything to work right now! I want 1000 people on my new meetup instantly! I want growth and expansion at every moment. I want encouragement all the time. I want money in the bank now! I want to complete my Quest before the 60 Days expire. I want quadruple the amount I originally intended. I want tangible results right now. I want to leave this old life behind. I want to immerse myself in my joy all the time. I want this process to move faster, easier and in more abundance than I even thought possible.
Anger: I’m angry that there’s something to understand here. I’m angry that there’s really nothing tangible to hold onto yet! I’m angry that there’s no one here to help me push my book forward. I’m angry that no one is following up in regard to the book! I’m angry that I can’t seem to make a few simple phone calls. I’m angry that I’m afraid my own book is inferior. I’m angry that no one takes initiative. I’m angry that my plans are being held up! I’m angry, frustrated and overwhelmed that I can’t write the perfect book!
Pride: I’m proud that I’m on this Quest. I’m proud that I do many things very well. I’m proud that I work at this every day. I’m proud of the new habits I’m developing. I’m proud of the power I’m amassing in this Quest. I’m proud that my laptop was spared from having tea spilled on it! I’m proud of the progress my meetup is experiencing. I’m proud of my Video Journaling concept. I’m proud that people are excited about it! I’m proud of my determination and tenacity demonstrated by this journal everyday! I’m proud that even if I lose I win.
Trust: I trust that this is leading somewhere. I trust that my feelings in this stage of The Plot Twist is natural. I trust that these feelings serve me. I trust in doing this exercise. I trust people want to work with me. I trust that all my exchanges are mutual. I trust that I have value beyond that which I even know about. I trust in my value. I trust what happens the moment I start. I trust myself in the hidden genius that even I sometimes fail to acknowledge.
Willingness: I’m willing to ride these emotional waves. I’m willing to continue this journal and my audio program. I’m willing to recognize someone’s desires. I’m willing to build this foundation. I’m willing to embrace my new role. I’m willing to develop this powerful emotional skill. I’m willing to see how these emotions create powerful results. I’m willing to acknowledge the results. I willing to see this Quest through to completion. I’m willing to reexamine what’s working.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that I’m supposed to be feeling disoriented right now in this phase of the Quest. I fully forgive the disappointments of my past. I accept that everything happens for a reason and that reason is to be fully present for these Quest proceedings. I forgive and release my expectations. I accept that even more than my expectations can easily be brought before me. I forgive the powerful in this moment. I accept that I might forgive the powerful more often.
Clarity: I’m clear about how powerful the video medium is. I’m clear that my productivity is increasing. I’m clear that I’m supported. Clarity is allowing myself to be lost right now. Clarity is knowing what this Quest represents. I’m clear that this exercise serves me. There’s clarity in breathing. Clarity is being still in this feeling. Clarity is accepting this feeling. I’m clear that I have more energy to direct to my purpose.
Love: I love the space I have to explore my thoughts. I love communicating. I love the people that have been brought into my life. I love that I have a home space to create my life art. I love life art. I love that I have the opportunity to approach others in love. I’m grateful for the abundance of activity I have to live my highest purpose. I love that my emotions are rising.
Joy: Joy is having people enthusiastically WANTING to be a part of my endeavors. Joy is creation. Joy is ease and effortlessness in creating abundance. Joy is committing to abundance. Joy is now seeing that I choose Joy. Joy is revisiting joy like a good friend. Joy truly is letting go. Joy is choosing to do what I love to do. Joy is the commitment of doing what I love to do.
Peace: Peace is completion. Peace is an embrace. Peace is the silence between sounds. Peace is the reaction of all action. Peace is merging with the Divine. Peace is a feeling I have right now. Peace is acceptance. Peace is allowing. Peace is inherent. Peace is.
Enlightenment flows. The moment you identify it in this existence it alludes you. So I’ll stop here.
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