LifeACT International

LifeACT International
"What's your quest?" (Click on the LifeACT logo to be redirected to the National Mastermind Meetup Miracles group!)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

DAY 60: The End

DAY 60: The End

April 24, 2011
10:28 am

It’s over.

When I finished the audio program I’ve been recording for the past 60 Days I actually broke down and cried. Even though no one has ever heard these recordings, completing the process was very emotional for me. Maybe someday people will be listening to these recordings and appreciate the feeling which went into them. Today I go from receiver, as it were, to transmitter. After logging all the thoughts and ideas down, it’s now time to produce and broadcast them.

Over this weekend it became clearer to me what I wanted my life to be about. Everything I’m dedicated to - the television, audio and writing, even the workshops - boil down to one thing: overcoming depression. It’s becoming clear that I’ve been dealing with both depression and fantasy all my life. If I can say anything with conviction about this Quest, it’s that no matter how dark things get, these tools help bring others and myself out of the funk.

They say suffering is the result of unfulfilled desires. It’s dangerous to dream big; forget about what others will think about you, consider how painful it is when life doesn’t reach your own expectations!

I think about all of this - over and over. Recently I’ve been seriously considering making all these efforts part of a not-for-profit organization called Destiny Over Depression. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the biggest epidemic in our world is depression. I’ve learned through experience that depression can be treated by unblocking creativity and communication. My efforts have been to unblock someone’s creative and communicative potential. This is done through acting technique, assigning others to a mastermind group, and the video documentation is story that gives the growth process a structure.

Is this what I’ve come to the end of this Quest to discover? Is this why I really set a goal to make an annual income in 60 days? As I’ve documented earlier, I consider myself successful in this Quest but it wasn’t a definitive win.

But now, realizing the deeper motivations in my Quest, I sincerely have gotten more than I’ve bargained for. (Which of course is always promised when you take a Quest.)

So, thank you, for following me on this 60 Day Quest. I’m going to take a break from writing for a while. I have my first book to finish editing, audio programs to produce, and of course, the commencement of the video project. Even though it’s under construction, is up in addition to If anything you’ve read in these blogs have been useful to you, please contact me at

Once again I’m grateful for you.

Michael Shoeman

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