July 10 2011
12:56 pm
(6 Days Before DAY 1)
The new quest for me is filming the DESTINY 5 Online Television Show. I seek to create my dream career armed with nothing more than a small video camera, a voice recording device, a laptop with a pretty good editing system and 8 woman who choose to write their destinies along with me.
The quests which will be explored in first episodes are as follows…
CHARLOTTE (Team 1) - Meditate every single day and return with 60 journal entries about her findings while taking time for herself.
ILYSE (Team 2) - Develop and teach a lesson to 15-20 women about finding yourself. Ilyse can use any modality necessary but the climax of her quest will be her teaching this lesson through her discoveries over the next 60 days.
KENDRA (Team 2) - Lead a youth outreach effort, teaching or sharing whatever activity she chooses. She must reach out and connect with 20 girls in her beginning efforts to launch a community youth center serving teenage girls.
MELODY (Team 1) - Raise $100,000 in her “hot little hand” through her Transcendent Journey program and/or any other programs she develops within the 60 days.
MORGANA (Team 1) - See her Facebook and Twitter accounts jump by 1,000 followers in her effort reach more people with her teaching efforts.
SHELLI (Team 1) - Finish her play which will be produced post-quest. A finished script must be submitted by 60 days end.
REBEKAH (Team 1) - Amount to be determined, but sell her art work over the internet or other means.
RUTH (Team 2) - Write herself a check for $100,000 as a result of her event to take place at the end of the quest.
MIKE (Teams 1 and 2) -
So, action steps for me! My quest is to make a career of making this online tv show and to do that I’ll need sponsors. To raise sponsorships I’ll need footage.
My intention is to begin editing EPISODE ONE this week. I will use this blog to communicate with myself and to my cast members. It will also serve as my journal for the 60 day quest.
I've written an outline for the first episode.
At the 2 Minute mark…
2:00 Introduction. I have 2 minutes or less to grab my audience’s attention. The question must be asked, “Why would people watch DESTINY 5? How does this story need to be told to grab the viewer’s attention from the very beginning?”
MY ANSWER: I’m very intrigued by the “magical” idea that what we write about we can create. Therefore, the opening two minutes should be filled with images, sound bites, quick clips and footage detailing 8 women taking on the modern day hero’s journey. This should be filled with excitement, passion but also moments of tension. The message is - THIS ONLINE SHOW WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO DEFINITIVELY AND IRREVOCABLY WRITE YOUR DESTINY! (ORIGINS)
What is the conflict?
10:00 (Ten minute mark.) The audience should be very clear about what this television show is about and the conflict. My conflict is getting people motivated in an over-stimulated/under-appreciative world. The first 10 minutes will focus on my passion for creating DESTINY 5 and the roadblocks of even getting this project off the ground. Introduce my dilemma with the kittens while there is little to no interest from the theater community in participating in DESTINY 5. (SHADOWS)
Who are the helping hands? What aid has been given to progress the story?
10:00-20:00 (Twenty minute mark.) We begin to introduce the players, or the first team members, to initiate the process. Audition footage of Melody, Morgana, Ruth and Ilyse - Mike introduces the back story on how these players came to the project. (HELPING HANDS)
What action steps are being taken? What skills are being developed?
20:00-30:00 (Halfway mark.) What action steps have been taken to begin launching this program? What skills are being developed? Footage will be of audition clips of Shelli, Kendra, Charlotte and Rebekah. These will be intercut with Mike’s efforts to create footage for a Philadelphia theme. (DESERTS)
What is the plot twist? What is the unexpected, new information we give the audience?
30-33:00 (The Midpoint) Something unexpected happens to create a catharsis, or to reexamine what the quest is about. There will be footage of decisions being made to make this an all female cast due to lack of response from the males who auditioned. (PLOT TWIST)
How deep does the emotional commitment run? Have we engaged a full emotional commitment from the audience?
33-40:00 (Forty minutes in.) The project almost falls apart. Mike drives three hours for a taping that never takes place. Footage of two feral kittens named “Destiny” and “Free Will” symbolize the dark, crazy feelings being experienced. (DARK NIGHT)
What is the key piece of information which has finally been mastered?
45:00 (Forty-five minutes in.) A cast is finally formed with four women on each team and Mike serving as “The Every Man” for both teams. We show audition footage of all 8 women describing their quests as Mike determines which team to place each cast member. (SACRIMENTOR)
What is the final payoff for this hour commitment? Has the protagonist succeeded in his or her quest?
50-55:00 (Fifty-five minutes in.) The two teams arrive to shoot footage on July 9, 2011 (almost a month and a half behind the original schedule.) There will be emotional highlights featured of both teams from this shoot date. (CLIMAX)
What is the outcome?
60:00 (End of the episode.) There will be a preview of Team 1 featuring Morgana, Shelli, Charlotte and (pickup footage of) Melody. Focus will be on the emotional depth this team had expressed during their taping and further enhance the audience‘s commitment to watch EPISODE TWO. (DESTINY)
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