DAY 55: 5 Days Left
April 17, 2011
10:40 am
5 days left.
Okay. So I stopped journaling for a few days. Between Florida, New York, recording my audio journal and making new contacts, I had to pause for a moment on these blogs.
My time in New York was a success! I have strong leads now to build a media platform for Destiny 5 in both New York and Philadelphia as well as establishing a relationship with four of the biggest day time shows in the country. In addition to that, some very powerful agents are interested in my book and television concept. I’d certainly call that a win!
Now I look at my intended outcome: To raise an annual income in 60 days. Was I successful now that the 60 days are coming to a close? My answer to this is “yes”. It’s not a win by knockout but rather by split decision. My intended outcome was to have a year’s worth of “committed” income by the Quest’s finale.
I’ve accepted that I didn’t receive the precise amount of money handed to me. But I did accomplish the following:
1. Established a program that will bring me a modest annual income every 60 Day cycle.
2. Created a 10 volume audio program that supplements the aforementioned program.
3. Wrote a second book documenting this journey.
4. Deepened my own experiential awareness about the effectiveness of this 60 Day Quest program.
5. Made media contacts all over the country.
6. Established my own online television network.
7. Created the tool for multiple steams of income to come in through the following outlets: Touring Programs, Joint Venture Programs, One Day-Weekend Workshops, Audio Programs, Book Sales and One-on-one Consultations.
When one takes a Quest, one usually returns with their boon but also more than they bargained for. I think that was certainly the case with me. During my three days in New York I had to change quite a bit. I’ll post more about that later.
The final phase of the Quest is what I call “Destiny”. It is the 9th phase and the number 9 is the combination of all the numbers. During this phase I encourage participants to make 9 wishes. These nine wishes will irrevocably come true in the participants’ lives and represent the foundation of new Quests. These wishes also serve as rewards for the participant having taken the Quest. Recently, past participants have been informing me how their 9 “Destiny” wishes have come true. For example, getting married, having another child. For me personally it was starting a business enterprise around the Destiny 5 Experience, traveling the country and starting my television show. (All of which are beginning to come true for me.) These 9 wishes represent once again playing “If I Ruled the World…” except it’s for real.
For my benefit, I’m going to take a “mini” Quest with each of wishes throughout the week.
1st Wish: Starting Up a Multi-Million Dollar Business Enterprise
Phase 1: If I Ruled the World…
I want to have the annual income “in hand” at the end of the next 60 Day cycle.
If I ruled the world every day in the next 60 Days will be enjoyable.
If I ruled the world new resources will come to me.
If I ruled the world things would get easier as they go.
If I ruled the world this Quest would become a new daily habit.
Phase 2: What Happens Next?
ME: What stands in my way now is following up and not being overwhelmed by all I have to do…
MY SHADOW: No, it’s not…
ME: What stands in my way is simply doing a little bit every day…
MY SHADOW: No, it’s not…
ME: Nothing stands in my way. I have a wonderful program and as I move forward it will “sell itself”…
MY SHADOW: What happens next?
ME: I finished this Quest allowing myself to succeed. I see that I’m always a successful work in progress…
MY SHADOW: No, you didn’t…
ME: I closed the critical gap by recognizing three talismans from the last Quest…
MY SHADOW: What happens next?
Phase 3: The Human Bridge
TALISMAN 1: The documentary video now serves as a calling card for new locations and new horizons.
TALISMAN 2: This new book now opens the door for new “Providers” who wish to take the Quest.
TALISMAN 3: A “flag” which represents the Publicity Summit with I just came from. I now have media contacts all over the country.
Phase 4: Emotional Calibrations
Willingness: I’m willing to allow this Quest to end in order to form a new Quest. I’m willing to use my 3 new talismans this week.
Acceptance/Forgiveness: I accept that we are always in a state of “becoming”, not necessary of “that which has become.” I forgive my own judgments of imperfections and embrace the journey.
Clarity: I’m clear about the core of my new business: the hero’s journey experience itself.
Love: I love my fellow man so much to share these gifts.
Joy: I’m immersed in joy every time I commit to sharing the Quest.
Peace: Peace is being in the center of Destiny.
Phase 5: Cue Cards
My new Quest will be having the cash “in hand” by summer’s end as I embark on a journey around the country…
(Cue Card 1 - “Orlando”) My first stop will be Orlando as I enjoy the easy benefit of showing the natives the footage from Philadelphia. I visit Disney World every week as I enjoy sponsorships from hotels, airlines and car rental facilities… (Card goes down.)
My Quest continues to be fueled by passive income from book and audio sales as well as one to two day workshops. I’m thoroughly enjoying my travels… (Cue Card 2 - “Anticipation”) There is great anticipation as sometimes I get frozen with all the many options I have on any given day. I have to anticipate something expected because the journey never quite turns out the way I expect. I am excited with anticipation because it fuels my passion… (Card goes down.) My Quest continues to satisfy me in that I understand the Quest journey on continuously deepening levels. It makes money because it gives the participants 3 things they’re longing for Emotional Commitment (through the acting exercises), Companionship (working with a mastermind group) and Structure (through 9 step hero’s journey process.) (Cue Card 3 - “New Media”) I realize my new connections with the national media is a relationship process. It isn’t a “quick fix” but rather a new path in deepening meaningful relationships with those who want to touch the world. The possibilities are endless and I know now to take one step at a time.
Phase 6: Sense Memory/Projection
I see myself in the same place next year…I hear my loved ones saying “you gave up”, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”…I feel anger in my chest and an explosion in my belly!
I use the same senses to see myself setting up the camera in warm locations like Orlando and Los Angeles. I see myself setting up the camera for scenes shot at the beach. I hear people saying how this continues to be the most powerful experience of their lives. I feel tingles in my hands and swelling feeling in my throat.
Phase 7: The Question Council
Question1: How is Mike going to deal with all of this explosive energy, infinite options, without having him stay stuck with the overwhelming feeling?
Answer1: Mike will stay focused one thing - having the money in hand by 60 Days end.
Question2: How will Mike stay focused on this?
Answer2: By perceiving the value of the 60 Day Quest program. He will allow others to “play” with it to get a full understanding of the experience.
Question3: What is the most powerful experience one can gain in a one-hour “brush” with Destiny 5?
Answer3: The experience of truly connecting with another persona and a team. Just keeping doing what I’ve been doing.
Phase 8: Michael Shoeman’s “Moment Speech”
“I solve the problem of the biggest epidemic in this world: Depression. Whether it manifests as a need to escape, a need for self loathing, or a need to destroy. The answer to dealing with depression is unblocking creativity and communication. I do this by giving people the highest prized profession that most teenager’s aspire to - Reality Television Star. I unblock creativity and communication by providing acting techniques to inspire emotional commitment; I further enhance communication by putting you in a powerful mastermind team; finally, I give you a structure to play out your Quest through the 9 phase hero’s journey.”
Phase 9: The Mini-Quest
By participating in this exercise I inspire myself to continue taking action. I’m still in that consciously competent phase but starting to understand how to become unconsciously competent - which is what I hope to aspire to. This ultimately is where the Quest, once taken over and over again, will eventually lead.
Today I’m inspired to do what I can to catch up. I’ve been away for over a week now and have much to follow up on. But in this moment I have to allow this Quest to “die”. There are so many things going through my head and I feel overwhelmed, yet I feel peaceful. It’s the same feeling I would imagine one has upon just passing away and seeing their entire life pass before their eyes.
Anyway, I’m rambling and still have an entire week to expand upon this “Destiny” phase.
Thanks for listening/reading,
Michael Shoeman
Standing in the Middle of All 9 Archetypes
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